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1、七年级英语上册导学案课题 Module 9 People and places Unit 3 Language in use 课型 Revision and expansion【学习目标】(1)通过复习现在进行时态,能熟练地说出现在分词的构成规则。 (2)通过大量的练习,熟练地掌握现在进行时态的意义、构成及句式转化。【学习重点和难点】(1)理解现在进行时,并能够在特定语境中正确使用。 (2)围绕日常活动和文化话题恰当理解与运用相关的语言表达形式。【学习方法】小组合作、交流讨论【Learning process】Preview 1 Im brilliant, and I can write th

2、e words according to phonetic symbols.(Believing in yourself, you can do it.)phonogram word Chinesern stdi2 Preview the text and find the following phrases from the text.(Its difficult, so remember to communicate!)(1) 玩得开心 (2) 开车 (3) 起床 (4) 躺在阳光下 (5) 拍照 (6) 享受阳光 (7) 写明信片 (8) 跑着去赶车 Cooperative learni

3、ng【Pre-revision】 Look at the picture. Say what they are doing. (Activity 1)【While-revision】 1 Complete the conversation with the correct form of the words in brackets. (Activity2) 2 Write about the pictures. (Activity3)【Post-revision】Work in pairs.Mime an action for your partner to guess. Use the ex

4、pressions to help you. (Activity4)【Classroom consolidation】1 Write out the present participle of the following verbs. sit swim run put get see jump read clean eat listen write have take play 2. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets.(1) Its five oclock and people _ (离开

5、) work.(2) Its nine oclock and people _ up. (起床)(3) The child _ on the clothes. (穿上)(4) They _ friends. (探望)(5) She _ the sweater. (洗)3. Change the sentences. (1) She is eating an ice cream. (改为否定句) She _ _ an ice cream. (2) They are playing football. (改为否定句) They _ _ football. (3) Lily is doing her

6、 homework. (改为否定句) Lily _ _her homework.【Homework】AComplete the sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets.1. Tony is _ (take) photos.2. They are _ (call) their teacher.3. Lucy is _ (wait) for No. 8 bus.4. We are _ (shop) with mother.5. Daming is _ (lie) in the bed.6. Lily and Tom _ (h

7、ave) a good time.7. Jim _ (enjoy) playing football.8. He_ (leave) work now.BComplete the sentences according to the Chinese meaning.1. 他们正在吃午饭。 They are _ lunch now. 2. 三班的学生正在做作业。 The students of Class Three _ _ their homework.3. 孩子们正在起床。 Children _ _ _now.4. 现在是8:20,他们在踢足球。 Its 8:20 now. They _ _f

8、ootball. 5. 他们正在公园里拍照。 They are _ _ in the park.C用现在进行时态完成句子。.1. What_ you _ (do)?2. I_ (sing) an English song. 3.-What_ he _ (mend)? - He_ (mend) a car.4. - _ you _ (fly) a kite? - Yes, _ _. 5. _ she _ (sit) in the boat?6. We _ (play) games now. 参考答案1. sitting; swimming; running; putting; getting;

9、seeing; jumping; reading; cleaning; eating; listening; writing; having; taking; playing2. are leaving; are getting; is putting; are visiting; is washing3. isnt eating; arent playing; isnt doingHomework:A: taking; calling; waiting; shopping, lying; are having; is enjoying; is leavingB: having; are doing; are getting up; are playing; taking photosC: are,doing; am singing; is, mending, is mending; Are, flying, I am (we are); Is, sitting; are playing


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