九年级英语(人教版 学案)Unit 8 第5课时 Section B (2a~2e).doc

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1、第五课时Section B (2a2e)【学习目标】1掌握本课时出现的生词及用法。2进行听力训练,提高综合听说能力。3阅读短文,获得相关信息,提高学生们的综合阅读能力。【学习重点】重点单词及短语:express,not onlybut also,circle,Britain,receive,leader,midsummer,medical,purpose,prevent,energy,position,honor,victory,enemy,period,hardworking【学习难点】能掌握以下句子:(1)For many years,historians believed Stonehe

2、nge was a temple where ancient leaders tried to communicate with the gods.(2)The large stones were put together in a certain way.(3)As you walk there,you can feel the energy from your feet move up your body.学习提示情景导入的一段文字调动学生的学习积极性,学生带着目的去读文章,效果一定很佳。Task 1学习提示结合书本内容,课前自学自研,要求学生快速默读2b短文,画出本课生词、重要短语和句型

3、。【学法指导】preventprevent作及物动词,意为“防止,预防;阻止,阻挠”。prevent sth.意为“预防某物,阻止某事的发生”。prevent sb.from doing sth.意为“阻止某人做某事”。from可省略。receivereceive用作动词,意为“接受;收到”。【辨析】accept与receive两个词都有“接受”别人的东西的意思,但用法不尽相同。情景导入生成问题T:Have you seen any strange building full of mysteries? Tell us how mystic it is.But I have seen a my

4、stic building called Stonehenge.Do you want to know about it? If you want,read the passage on P62.自学互研生成能力Task 1Lets read new words and the phrases.1I can read.(我会读)预习新单词,争取自己能正确拼读。拼读成功后再在课文中把单词标记出来。2I can write.(我会写)快速浏览短文,找到并写出下列短语或句式的英文表达。(1)与交流 communicate_with(2)指出 point_out(3)按某种方式 in_a_certai

5、n_way(4)防止疾病 prevent_illness(5)祭奠祖先 honor_ancestors(6)庆祝胜利 celebrate_a_victoryTask 2Lets read 2b and get the main idea of the passage.1Fast reading.(快速阅读)(1)快速浏览短文并尝试回答以下问题。Where is the Stonehenge located? The_Stonehenge_is_located_in_England(Britain)Was the Stonehenge built after the leaders had ar

6、rived in England? No.The_Stonehenge_had_been_built_much_before_the_leaders_arrived_in_England.How old is the Stonehenge? Most_historians_believe_the_Stonehenge_must_be_almost_5,000_years_old.(2)请尝试翻译以下课文中的句子(特别注意斜体部分的单词)。 historians believed Stonehenge was a temple where ancient leaders tried to com

7、municate with the gods. 历史学家们认为巨石阵是古代统治者用来尝试与众神进行交流的一个寺庙。accept有主动或赞许的意味,表示不但收下,而且内心里同意接受,是主观上愿意接受。receive指客观上已经发生的情况,不管接受者愿意接受与否,而事实上收到了某物。Task 2学习提示1快速阅读(1)要求学生快速默读短文,熟知大意,并完成课本2b的任务。(2)要求学生尝试翻译文中较难的句子。2精读要求学生精读短文,读后完成2c,2d中的,在文中找到相应的答案并标记。3复述要求学生梳理出课文的要点,并根据这些要点尝试用英语复述一下课文。【备注】来源:gkstk.ComNo one

8、is sure what Stonehenge was used for,but most agree that the position of the stones must be for a special purpose. 没人能够确定巨石阵的用途,但是大多数人认为巨石阵摆放的位置一定代表着某种特别的意图。2Intensive reading.(精读)(1)细读文章,判断下面句子的正(T)误(F)。(T)People like to visit Stonehenge especially in June every year.(T)Stonehenge cant be a temple

9、because it was built much earlier.(2)完成2c,2d的任务,并标明答案的出处。3I can retell.(我会复述)你能写下文章的要点,并根据它们进行复述吗?大胆挑战下自我吧!请在黑板上板书这些要点。_交流展示生成新知Show in groups.(Time:six minutes)First the students read the words and phrases in groups,then read together,sum up the usage of the words in groups and mark the difficult w

10、ords in pronunciation and understanding(they can ask the teacher for help)At last write them on the blackboard.来源:gkstk.ComFirst the students discuss the main idea of the article,find out the key sentence of each paragraph,and mark them in the passage.Mark the sentences they dont understand in it.Ne

11、xt find out the answers in 2c and 2d and mark them.At last write the show contents on the blackboard.Class show.(Time:sixteen minutes)1I can read.Read together,pay attention to the pronunciation of “prevent” and “honor”;Consolidate the word learning by word game.2I can write.Students translate the p

12、hrases into English by answering quickly;Read together,emphasize the usage of the key phrases;Spot test:Consolidate the usage of phrases by making sentences.1Fast reading.Students read the article quickly and finish the tasks in 2b;Find and mark difficult sentences,then translate them into Chinese.2

13、Intensive reading.Students check the answers by answering them quickly,then find and mark them in the passage.来源:学优高考网gkstk3I can retell.Students try to retell the text in English according to the key points in the text.当堂演练达成目标(B)1.The stones might _ communicating with gods for the ancient leader.A

14、beBhave been used forCbe used for Dwas used for(B)2.He always wants to _ his true meaning.来源:gkstk.ComAexpression BexpressCsay Dknow(C)3.The stone can prevent us from _来源:学优高考网Abe ill Bbe illnessCbeing ill Dsickness(C)4.I cant point _ your mistakes because I didnt find your mistakes.Aat BtoCout Dwith课后反思查漏补缺收获:_



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