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1、,五月份英语培训,电话预定,C=Caller 打电话询问的客人 W=Waiter 服务生,C: Hello. Is this Chinese Restaurant? 你好,是中餐厅吗? W: Yes. May I help you? 是的,需要我效劳吗? C: Yes, Id like to reserve a table for tonight, please. 我想预定今晚的座位。,W: Certainly, sir. For how many people, Please? 好的,请问共有几位? C: Six. W: At what time (can we expect you)? 请

2、问您几点到店? C: Oh, at 7:00 tonight. 今晚七点。,W: Would you like a table in the main restaurant or in a private room, sir? 先生,请问你想在大厅还是包间呢? C: The main restaurant will be fine. 大厅的席位就可以了。,W: Certainly, sir. A table for six at 7 tonight. May I have your name and telephone number, please? 好的,今晚七点钟,六个人的餐桌。 可以告诉

3、我您的姓名和电话吗?,C: Sure. Its John Smith and my number is 5959 790 当然可以。我叫约翰.史密斯,电话号码是5959 7900. W: Thank you very much, Mr. Smith. My name is Wang Bin and we look forward to seeing you. 史密斯先生,非常感谢您。 我叫王斌,非常期待您的光临。 C: See you tonight. Goodbye. W: Goodbye. 再见。,A: Waiter, a table for two, please. 服务生,请给我一张两

4、人的桌子。 B: Yes, this way please. 好的,请跟我来。 A: Can we see the menu, please? 能让我们看一看菜单吗? B: Here you are. 给您。,A: Whats good today ? 今天有什么好吃的? B: I recommend crispy and fried duck. 我推荐香酥鸭。 A: We dont want that. Well, perhaps well begin with mushroom soup, and follow by some seafood and chips. 我们不想吃香酥鸭。或许我

5、们可以先吃蘑 菇汤,然后再要点海鲜和土豆片。,B: Do you want any dessert ? 要甜品吗? C: No dessert, thanks. Just coffee. 不,谢谢。 咖啡就行了。 (After a few minutes.) 过了一会儿。 A: I can have the check, please. 结帐。 C: George. Lets split this. 乔治,我们各自付帐吧。,A: No, its my treat tonight. 不,今天我请客。 B: Cash or charge, sir ? 现金还是记帐? A: Charge, plea

6、se. Put it on my American Express. 记帐。请记入我的“美国运通信用卡”帐号。,六月份英语培训,A: Good morning. Can I help you? 早上好。有什么能效劳的吗? B: I want an American breakfast with fried eggs, sunny side up. 我想要一份美式早餐,要单面煎的鸡蛋。 A: What kind of juice do you prefer, sir? 您想要哪种果汁呢? B: Grapefruit juice and please make my coffee very str

7、ong. 西柚汁,还有,我要杯很浓的咖啡。,A: Yes, sir. American breakfast with fried eggs, sunny side up, grape fruitjuice and a black coffee. Am I correct, sir? 好的,一份美式早餐,要单面煎的鸡蛋、 西柚汁及一杯清咖啡,对吗? B: Yes, thats right. 是的。 A: Is there any thing else, sir? 还有什么吗,先生? B: No, thats all. 没有了,谢谢。,A: Good morning, sir. Ive broug

8、ht the breakfast you ordered. 早上好,先生。您要的早餐送上来了。 B: Just put it on the table, please. 请放在桌上。 A: Do you need anything else, sir? 先生,还有其他需要吗? B: No thanks. A: Would you please sign this bill first? Thank you, sir. 好的,我立刻去取。麻烦您先签了这张帐单, 谢谢!,七月份英语培训,服务流程:service procedure,Greet the guests 问候客人 Order the d

9、rinks 上茶水 Take orders点菜 Serve the dishes 上菜 Settle the bill 结账 Say farewell和客人道别,中餐上菜:Chinese dishes,Cold dishes 凉菜 Wine 酒水 Drinks 饮料 Hot dishes 热菜 Soup 汤 Dessert 甜点 Rice or noodles etc. 米饭、面条等主食 Fruit 水果,Word: 橙 汁 orange juice 草莓汁 strawberry juice 黑加仑汁 black currant juice 苹果汁 apple juice 西 瓜 waterm

10、elon 葡 萄 grape 豆浆:soybean milk,What kind of food do you prefer? 你喜欢哪一种菜? Do you like Chinese food? 你喜欢中国菜吗? What kind of food do you like? Chinese or American? 你喜欢吃什么菜,中式的还是美式的?,What would you like to eat for dinner?你要吃什么? What would you like to order? 你要点些什么菜? Have you ordered yet? 你点过菜了吗? No,not y

11、et,I am waiting for a friend. I will order later. 还没有,我在等一位朋友,稍后再点。,八月份英语培训,Information of the table reservation 预 订 信 息,The number of the persons 就餐人数 A table in the lobby or a private room 大厅餐桌或包间 The demand for the table or the private room 客人对餐台或包间的要求,The time of arrival 到达的时间 Under whose name 预

12、订姓名 The contact telephone number 联系电话,三、服务用语 Restaurant Service 1. Can you use chopsticks? 你会用筷子吗? 2. Would you need a fork and knife? 您需要刀叉吗? 3. Would you need a napkin paper? 您需要餐巾纸吗,4. May I take away the plate? 我可以拿走这个碟吗? 5. Excuse me , let me change your ashtray. 打扰一下,让我帮您更换烟灰缸。,餐厅服务英语,一、迎客、问候

13、1、Good morning/afternoon/evening, sir/madam, welcome to our coffee house/shop/restaurant. 2、How many person in your party? 二、带客入座 1、This way ,please. sir/madam. Follow me, please. sir/madam. 2、How about this table? 三、递菜单、酒水单 This is our menu and drink list ,sir/madam.,四、问饮品 1、Excuse me, sir/madam, w

14、ould you like something to drinke? 2、we have which one would you like? 五、上饮品 Excuse me, sir/madam, here is your 六、点菜 1、May I take your order now? sir/madam. 2、How would you like steak/Lamb chop? How about your steak? 一二成Rare 三四成medium rare 五成medium 七八成medium well 全熟well done,七、重复点单 Excuse me, sir/ma

15、dam, you ordered Would you like anything else? 八、服务面包 What kind of bread would you like? soft bread/hard bread。 九、上菜 Here is your soup/salad/steak enjoy your meal, please。 十、餐中服务 1、Would you like some more ? 2、May I take it away?,十一、餐后服务 1、Would you like to have some dessert? 2、Would you like some coffee or tea? 十二、结帐 1、This is your bill, thank you very much. 2、Sign your name and room number, please. 3、Would you like one check or separate? 4、Heres your change. Please dont leave anything behind.请不要遗忘你的东西。,


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