北师大版英语九年级unit 6 role models lesson 17 people in our lives 第一课时课件

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1、北师大版初中英语9年级全册 Unit 6 Role Models Lesson 17 (第一课时),Warm-up,Do you think they are good role models?,Who are they?,Discussion,Who is he/she?,What do you know about he/she?,Do you think he/she is a good role model?,Discussion,Example,Lei Feng was a soldier. He helped a lot of people. I think he is a goo

2、d role model.,雷锋,Discussion,Ren Changxia was a policewoman. She worked hard to help a lot of people. I think she is a good role model.,任长霞,1983年加入公安队伍,作预审工作13年,在郑州公安系统、市政法战线及省预审岗位练兵大比武中均夺取过第一名,协助破获了大案要案1072起,追捕犯罪嫌疑人950人。1998年被任命为郑州市局技侦支队长后,先后打掉了7个涉黑团伙,抓获犯罪嫌疑人370多名,被誉为警界女神警。 2001年,她调任登封市公安局局长,始终把人民群众

3、的疾苦和安危放在心上,她带领全局民警共破获各种刑事案件2870多起,抓获犯罪嫌疑人3200余人. 2004年4月14日晚8时40分,在侦破“1.30”案件中途经郑少高速公路发生车祸,因受重伤随即被送往郑州市中心医院抢救,经过4个小时紧急抢救,终因伤势过重,不幸因公殉职。她以自己的忠诚、才干和辉煌业绩,先后荣获全国“五一劳动奖章“、全国三八红旗手、中国十大女杰、全国青年岗位能手、全国优秀人民警察等20多项荣誉称号,以自己的毕生心血忠实地履行了“立警为公、执法为民“的神圣职责。,任长霞简介,Discussion,Yang Liwei is an astronaut. He is the first

4、 person to reach space in China. I think he is a good role model.,杨利伟,Discussion,Guo Mingyi is a worker. He works hard and helps a lot of people.I think he is a good role model.,郭明义,郭明义:男,1958年12月生,辽宁鞍山人,1982年复员到齐大山铁矿工作。1996年至今,任齐大山铁矿生产技术室采场公路管理员。 入党30年来,他时时处处发挥先锋模范作用,在每个工作岗位上都取得了突出的业绩。从1996年开始担任采场公

5、路管理员以来,他每天都提前2个小时上班,15年中,累计献工15000多小时,相当于多干了五年的工作量。工友们称他是“郭菩萨“、“活雷锋“,矿业公司领导则称因郭明义使整个“矿山人“的精神得到了升华。 他20年献血6万毫升,是其自身血液的10倍多。2002年,郭明义加入中华骨髓库,成为鞍山市第一批捐献造血干细胞志愿者。2006年,郭明义成为鞍山市第一批遗体和眼角膜自愿捐献者。 1994年以来,他为希望工程、身边工友和灾区群众捐款12万元,先后资助了180多名特困生,而自己的家中却几乎一贫如洗。一家3口人至今还住在鞍山市千山区齐大山镇,一个80年代中期所建的、不到40平方米的单室里。,郭明义简介,D

6、iscussion,Qian Xuesen is a scientist. He studies the project of atomic and hydrogen bombs and man-made satellite. I think he is a good role model.,两弹一星工程,钱学森,1.treasure v. 珍爱,珍视 My dad is the person I treasure most. 2.owe v.归功于欠债 I feel I owe my success to my father. 3.retired v. 退休的 Many people thi

7、nk that the life of retired people must be slow and boring. 4.look down on 轻视,看不起 I never look down on/upon anyone.,Learn the new words.,钱学森简介,钱学森,男,汉族,浙江省杭州市人。中国共产党优秀党员、忠诚的共产主义战士、享誉海内外的杰出科学家和中国航天事业的奠基人,中国两弹一星功勋奖章获得者之一。曾任美国麻省理工学院教授、加州理工学院教授,曾担任中国人民政治协商会议第六、七、八届全国委员会副主席、中国科学技术协会名誉主席、全国政协副主席等重要职务。,Int

8、roduction,Adam 亚当,Lily 莉莉,Bella 贝拉,They are talking in the next dialogue.,the 1st Listening,Listen and answer.,What are they talking about ?,Their family members. Their friends. Their role models.,Who is his/her role model?,Bella Adam Lily,Listen and match.,cousin,dad,Ms Li,the 2nd Listening,the 3rd

9、 Listening,Listen and tick.,Listen to their presentations. (介绍)Who talked about these things?,B=Bella A=Adam L=Lily,B=Bella A=Adam L=Lily,1.Although she doesnt work anymore, she is busy every day. 2.He always tells the truth. 3.He helps me when Im feeling sad. 4.I think hes special, not strange. 5.S

10、he often rides her bike and goes hiking. 6.He is like a friend to me.,A,L,B,L,A,B,Before the 4th Listening,Read the Listening Help(听力技巧).,Listening Help: Identifying(识别)the speakers views.(观点),1.Listen to how the speaker talks about the persons actions.(认真听说话人怎样叙述一个人的动作,关键是听动词) 2.Listen for key word

11、s or key phrases. (听重要单词和词组) e.g. always smiles/doesnt get upset easily /a happy person,the 4th Listening:Tasks(任务),Listen to their presentations. (介绍)Write some key words or phrases about each person. Then circle the best answer.,1.Bellas Dad is active/organised/caring.,2.Ms Li is active/organised/

12、caring.,3. Jack is active/organised/caring.,Listen to the first presentation. (介绍)Write some key words or phrases about Bella. Then circle the best answer.,1.,Bellas Dad is active / organised / caring.,(活跃的),(有条理的),(乐于助人的),the 4th Listening : about Bella,Check the answers about Belly,Maybe you will

13、write like this. Pay attention : It doesnt matter you write more or less words or the same as the teacher.,So Bellas Dad is active/ organised / caring.,(活跃的),(有条理的),(乐于助人的, 体贴的),friend, allows, the same interests, share, support, failed a test, came, said, owe it to my father, thank,the 4th Listenin

14、g : about Adam,2.Ms Li is active/ organised / caring.,(活跃的),(有条理的),(体贴的),Listen to the second presentation. (介绍)Write some key words or phrases about Adam. Then circle the best answer.,Check the answers about Adam,Pay attention : It doesnt matter you write more or less words or the same as the teach

15、er.,So Ms Li is active/ organised /caring.,(活跃的),(有条理的),(乐于助人的),in her eighties, young, active, enjoy outdoor activities, ride her bike, go hiking, taught piano lessons, volunteer work, love for life,the 4th Listening : about Lily,3.Her cousin Jack is active/organised / caring.,(活跃的),(有条理的),(体贴的),Li

16、sten to the third presentation. (介绍)Write some key words or phrases about her cousin Jack. Then circle the best answer.,Check the answers about Jack,Pay attention : It doesnt matter you write more or less words or the same as the teacher.,So her cousin is active/ organised /caring.,(活跃的),(有条理的),(乐于助人的),make a plan, change his plan, honest, tell a lie, excellent, never look down on, the oldest, set a good example, follow.,the 5th Listening,2.Doe


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