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1、John Keats,John Keats (1795-1821),English lyric poet, the archetype(原型) of the Romantic writer,Childhood and life,Born in 1795 in an poor in London Lost both of his parents at a young age Like literature learn medicine at 15 he became a licensed apothecary(药剂师) in 1816 Decide to be a poet finally Pu

2、blished his first book, Poems, in 1817; Died in Rome on February 23, 1821.,济慈,出生于18世纪末年的伦敦,他是杰出的英诗作家之一,也是浪漫派的主要成员。父亲是马厩的雇工领班。自幼喜爱文学,由于家境窘困,不满16岁就离校学医。其父母在其青少年时期便相续去世,虽然与兄弟和姐姐相互支持,但过早失去父母的悲伤始终影响着他。在埃菲尔德学校(EnfieldSchool),济慈接受了传统正规的教育,在阅读和写作方面,济慈受到了师长克拉克(CharlesCowdenClarke)的鼓励。年轻的济慈非常钟爱维吉尔(Virgil),14岁

3、时,他将维吉尔的长诗艾涅阿斯纪(“Aeneid“)翻译成英语。1810年,济慈被送去当药剂师的学徒。,五年后济慈考入伦敦的一所医学院,但没有一年,济慈便放弃了从医的志愿,而专心于写作诗歌。济慈很早就尝试写作诗歌,他早期的作品多是一些仿作,1817年,济慈的第一本诗集出版。这本诗集受到了一些好的评论,但也有一些极为苛刻的攻击性评论刊登在当时很有影响力的一本杂志(Blackwoodsmagazine)上。济慈没有被吓倒,他在来年的春天复印了新诗集安迪密恩(“Endymion”)。1818年夏天,济慈前往英格兰北部和苏格兰旅行,途 中得到消息说他的兄弟汤姆得了严重的肺结核,济慈即刻赶回家照顾汤姆。,

4、这一年年底,汤姆死了,济慈搬到一个朋友在汉普斯泰德(Hampstead)的房子去住,现在人们已将那所房子认为济慈之家。在那里,济慈遇见并深深的爱上了一位年轻的女邻居,芬妮布朗(FannyBrawne)。 在接下来的几年中,疾病与经济上的问题一直困扰着济慈,但他却令人惊讶的写出了大量的优秀作品,其中包括圣艾格尼丝之夜秋颂夜莺颂拉弥亚和致秋天等名作,表现出诗人对大自然的强烈感受和热爱,赢得巨大声誉。1820年3月,济慈第一次咳血,之后不久,因为迅速恶化的肺结核,1821年2月23日,济慈于去意大利疗养的途中逝世。去世的时候,只有年轻而忠诚的朋友画家塞文陪伴着他。,济慈很早就尝试写作诗歌,他早期的作

5、品多是一些仿作。1817年济慈的第一本诗集出版。这本诗集受到一些好评,但也有一些极为苛刻的攻击性评论刊登在当时很有影响力的杂志Blackwoods magazine上。济慈没有被吓倒,他在来年的春天付印了新诗集恩底弥翁(“Endymion”)。济慈故居在伦敦北部汉普斯泰德公园附近,在一个相当安静的居民区里。济慈在这里也仅仅住了十八个月而 已,但是就是这十八个月,是这位英国浪漫主义诗人创作最高峰的时期,因为在这里他碰到了他一生的至爱-芬妮布朗。,济慈故居的管理人员绘声绘色地向我们讲述这位大诗人短暂一生的故事,浑厚的男中音描述着诗人对自己爱人“但求曾经拥有“的爱情,让我们这些听者都为之感动。“18


7、都一直带着济慈送给她的订婚戒指。这栋房子,可以让后人凭吊、怀古。伦敦金融城1997年拥有了这栋房子,Ode(颂歌),Ode is a dignified(有威严的;有品格的) and elaborately(精巧的) structured lyric poem of some length,praising and glorifying and individual,commemorating (纪念)an event,or describing nature intellectually rather than emotionally. John Keats wrote great odes

8、.His Ode on a Grecian Urn is a case in point.,Major Literary Works,In John Keats short writing career of six or seven years, he produced a variety of kinds of works, including epic, lyric and narrative poems. Except his first poem, Lines in Imitation of Spenser (1814) and his first book, Poems, publ

9、ished in 1817, his major works can be divided into the five long poems and the short ones.,Long poems: Endymion恩底弥翁his first long poem Isabella伊莎贝拉 The Eve of St. Agnes圣爱格尼斯之夜 Lamia 莱米亚 Hyperion 赫披里昂 Short lyrics: four odes, his most important Ode on a Grecian Urn希腊古瓮颂 Ode on Melancholy哀感 Ode to a N

10、ightingale夜莺颂 To Autumn秋颂,On the Grasshopper and the Cricket,“蛐蛐与蟋蟀”. Bright Star “闪亮的星星” When I have Fear”当我害怕的时候”,Other short lyrics,Writings of John Keats,critical reception of his poetry: not much read during his lifetime - harshly(粗糙的,严厉的) judged by critics - belief arose that negative criticis

11、m hastened his death - Keats wrote to his brother George “I think I shall be among the English poets after my death“,but wrote this for his own epitaph: “Here lies one whose name was writ in water“ reputation (like Blakes) established by later Victorians Tennyson considered him the greatest poet of

12、the 19th C - the Victorian critic Arthur Hallam (editor and close friend of Tennyson) contrasted Keats and Shelley as poets of “sensation“ with Wordsworth as a poet of “reflection“,- literary criticism at first echoed this judgement, focusing on the philosophical implications of Wordsworths writing,

13、 but limiting discussion of Keats to the aesthetic aspects of his poetry - Keats began to be treated as a serious thinker and literary theorist with the publication of his letters in the twentieth century,Characteristics of Keatss poetry,Characterized by exact and closely knit construction, sensual(

14、官能的) description, force of imagination. Always sensuous, colorful and rich in imagery, which expresses the acuteness of his senses. Sight, sound, scent, taste and feeling are all taken in to give an entire understanding of an experience.,One great message-the lasting power of beauty and its union wi

15、th truth. Major subject matters of his poems-love & beauty and suffering & death.,A Keats Letter,Keatss letters have been described as the most notable and most important ever written by any English poet. This, dated 10 September 1817, is the first of many lively and affectionate letters written to

16、his sister Fanny at her boarding school outside London. As well as describing the beauties of Oxford, where he is staying with a friend at Magdalen Hall, he tells her the story of his new poem,Endymion, and promises to confide in her from now onwards as his dearest friend.,some common Romantic elements:,- simple ballad metre, simple language - supernatural, mystery, suggestiveness - about the mind, subjective reality - medieval subject, au


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