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1、Unit8 Orders and Their Fulfillment 订单及履行 国商一班 车苑莹 张凯莉 陈嘉欣,8.4 Focal Words(焦点词汇) act n.行为,行为过程;一幕;条例,法令 The thief was caught in the act of riffling the safe.(窃贼在盗窃保险柜是当场被抓) Navigation Act 航海法 vt.&vi. 行到,办事,充任,发生作用 We should act in a principled manner.(我们应该按原则办事) These tings were granted as his free a

2、ct and deed.(这些东西是他自愿签约赠予的) act as 担任 He acted as chairman in my absence.(我不在时他做主席),act in 在方面(的)行动 Im quite sure that he acted in this matter from disinterested motives.(我十分相信,他在这个问题上这样做是无私的.) acting:adj.诉讼:故事 Action speak louder than words.(事实胜于雄辩) They were forced to take legal action.(他们被迫提出诉讼)

3、put out of action 使失去作用 The storm put the telephone out of action.(暴风雨使电话中断了) take action 采取行动,confirm vt. 巩固,确定 The latest information confirms my belief that he is to blame.(这一最新信息我坚信他该受到责备) We hereby confirm acceptance of your order.(我们正在等待消息的证实 confirmed:adj. 证实的,保兑的 confirmed letter of credit 保

4、兑信用证,favor n. 好感;赏识;帮忙;特权 A letter of credit inour favor will be established immediately.(需立即开立方为受益人的信用证) vt. 恩惠,给予恩惠;对有利,赞成 Opportunities always favor those with courage.(机遇永远偏袒勇敢者) We trust to be favored with your order.(期望收到你方订单) favorable: adj. 赞成的,有利的,优越的 We believe if you take the quality into

5、 consideration,you will find our most favorable.(我方相信如果你方将质量因素考虑在内,就会发现我发报价非常优惠),favorably: adv. 赞成地,满意地,有帮助地 He impressed me favorably.(他给我的印象不错) favored: adj. 满意的,优惠的 most-favored-nation treatment 最惠国待遇 favorer: n. 支持者,赞成者 in favor of 赞成,主张 They were in favor of free trade.(他们主张自由贸易) in ones favou

6、r 对某人有利 The exchange rate is not in our favour.(汇率对我们不利),market n. 市场,需求,销路;交易,市价 Good ware makes quick markets.(好货销得快) a market index 市价指数 vt. 交易,销售 The inventor is trying to market his new product.(发明者正在努力其新产品),marketable: adj. 适销的 ,畅销的 marketer:n. 在市场是买卖的人,专营各种商品的人或商店 A big gasoline marketer 专营汽油

7、的大商店 marketing:n. 买卖,营销 a marketing cost 销售费用 marketplace :n. 集市,市场 a marketplace price 市价,register n. 登记,记录;注册;登记册 Just sign the register here and Ill have you bags sent up later.(请你在这儿的登记本上登记,呆会我让人把你的包送上去) vt. 挂号的 registered trademark 注册商标 registered post 挂号邮件,Herewith adv. 在此,因此;同此;用此方法, no longe

8、r being manufactured 已不再生产 Out of stock 无货 owing to a shortage of stocks 存货短缺,In consideration of 因为,鉴于;考虑到 短语 In consideration of the future 由于种种理由 in consideration of the premises 由于上文所述之前提 In consideration of the Price 在审议的价格; 价格的考虑 作为对的报酬 He received five hundred dollars in consideration of his

9、services. 他得到500美元以作为他服务的报酬。,along with 沿(顺)着;连同一起;与一道;随同一起 短语 go along with 赞同 get along well with 和某人相处得好 例句 Ill go along with you on this one. 在这一点上我同意你的看法。 Note down these questions along with the questions you found in the forums. 将这些问题与你在论坛里找到的问题记录在一起 Attachment appendix 警报以外,您还可以选择与每个警报关联的通知渠

10、道类型,In triplicate 一式三份 1) In copy 2) In duplicate 一式二份 3) In triplicate 一式三份 4) In quadruplicating 一式四份 5) In two fold 两份 6) In two copies 两套 7) In quintuplicate 一式五份 (SIGNED COMMERCIAL INVOICE IN TRIPLICATE), Place an order 订购;下单;发出订单 短语 place an order 订购 Place an repeat order 追加一份订单 place an addit

11、ional order 追加一份订单 Place an initial order 首次订购 place an order full 订单满 ; place an order for 订购 ; 定购,鉴于、由于、考虑到 because for now that considering in consideration of in view of,as for-as-much since in the light of seeing that with a view to,Commit vt. 犯罪,做错事;把.交托给;指派作战;使承担义务 The old man committed his w

12、ill to the care of the lawyer. 老人把他的遗嘱委托律师保管。 Dont commit your promises to paper if you are not certain you keep them. 如果你没有把握兑现你的许诺,你就不要做出书面保证. The judge committed him to prison. 法官判他入狱。,keep informed of vt. 被通知(让.知道) keep one informed of something 使人们清楚 keep sb informed of sth 随时让某人了解某事 keep infor

13、med of fully aware 这里指 充分意识到 inform 普通用词,指传达事实或信息,或指经过研究或调查而获得的事实或信息。 notify 指正式通知需要注意的事情。 advise 指正式通知某件重要事,所通知的事情与被通知的人有关。 Acquaint + with指提供有关信息或情况使某人熟悉某些过程或复杂的情况。, In (strict) accordance with 与一致 同义词组: In keeping with In accord with Identify with In accordance with In line with 与某人看法一致 agree wit

14、h sb., Ascertained 查明、确认 同义词: Affirm Countersign Acknowledgement Verify,To strike a bargain 成交 Conclude a business 成交 impossible to conclude a deal 无法成交 Willing to conclude a deal 希望成交 To close an order. 决定成交。 Conclude business conditionally 有条件成交 Settle with a foreign firm 与外国商行商谈成交 lets call it a

15、deal. 我们成交。,Execute vt. 实行;执行;处死(Implement) execute sbs orders 执行别人的命令 to execute a plan 实行计划 to execute a purpose 贯彻意图 He was executed as a deserter. 他被作为叛逃者处决。, 附页、附录: Adjoining page Attachment appendix details to attachment 详情请见附录,Exercises 2 Duplicate v. 复制;使加倍 n. 副本;复制品 adj. 复制的;二重的 In duplicate 一式两份 Duplicate order 重复订单 Eg. Our customers are quite satisfied with your stationary, so we intend to place a duplicate order for



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