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1、Lets sing!,Unit 8 Whats this?,怀化市锦溪小学 朱 洁,Magic eyes,cat,rat,hat,bag,闯关游戏1:,rat,bag,cat,hat,Group work: Can you find out the pronunciation of letter a? Please discuss in your group. 你能找到字母a的发音吗?请和你的小伙伴在小组内讨论字母a的发音。,rat,bag,cat,hat,Group work: Lets spell! Please spell the words in your group. 请和你的小伙伴

2、们一起拼读卡片上的单词。,map pad sad bad cap tap sat mat,Whack a mole!,打 地 鼠!,闯关游戏2:,tap,cap,pad,map,bad,sat,mat,Congratulations!,Lets watch! Please watch a video. 请观看视频。,alligator,apple,ax,ant,闯关游戏3: Find out the password! 寻找通关密码!,A cat and a rat. A cap and a hat. The cat likes the hat. The rat likes the cap.,

3、password:通关密码,Group work: Practise the password in your group. 小组内共同练习密码。比一比,哪个组说的最棒!,A cat and a rat. A cap and a hat. The cat likes the hat. The rat likes the cap.,Password:通关密码,Group work: Practise the password in your group. 小组内共同练习密码。比一比,哪个组说的最棒!,A cat and a rat. A cap and a hat. The cat likes the hat. The rat likes the cap.,Password:通关密码,Homework: 1、Read part F and the new words. 2、Find more words containing the letter a and pay attention to the pronunciation of the letter a.,


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