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1、,英语教学课件系列,Go,for,it!,八年级(上),Unit 7 Will people have robots?,Section B 3a-3c,In 20 years, I think Ill be a newspaper reporter. Ill _in Shanghai, because there will be_ jobs in that city. As a reporter, I think I will _ lots of interesting people, so Ill have more friends.,3a Read Jills answer to the

2、question” what will your life be like in the future?” Fill in the blanks with the following words.,meet work live look keep wear more less fewer take,live,more,meet,Ill have _ pets, though, because Ill have _ free time. And my apartment will be no good for pets because itll be too small. So Ill prob

3、ably just _a bird. During the week, Ill_ smart clothes. On the weekend, Ill_ less smart but Ill be more comfortable. In the future, people will _more so theyll probably have fewer vacations, but I think Ill _ a holiday in Hong Kong when possible. One day Ill even go to Australia.,fewer,less,keep,wea

4、r,work,take,look,1. see sb. do sth. 看见某人做某的过程 see sb. doing sth.看见某人正在做某事,I saw him fishing by the lake yesterday afternoon.,I saw a man enter your house a moment ago.,See, watch, notice,look at, hear, feel 感观动词,I hear her sing in the next room. I hear her singing in the next room.,2. So Ill probabl

5、y just keep a bird. keep: v. “保持; 维持; 喂养” 1) keep + sb. / sth. +形容词 “使某人/某物” e.g. The job kept them busy for a year. 2) keep +形容词 “保持” e.g. The man ran up and down to keep warm. 3) keep + sb. / sth. doing “让某人/某物继续做某事” e.g. She kept us waiting for her at the station for an hour. 4) keep + doing “继续做

6、, 坚持做” e.g. He kept running after her, trying to catch her.,3. I will live on a space station. space 空间, 空处 (可数) e.g. There is a space of 46 inches wide between the two bookcases. The road is bad for a space of two miles. We need more space to set up it. Is there any space left? 还有地方吗? space当太空讲时是不可

7、数名词。 space station 太空站 space ship 太空船 space suit 宇航服,computer programmer,basketball player,airline pilot,engineer,teacher,actor,What will you be in 10 years ? I will be a Where will you work? I will work in,Complete the chart about your life 20 years from now. You can add more items.,What will yourb

8、e like?,Writing,3b,_ _,Write about your life 20 years from now. Use 3a and 3b to help you.,Writing,3c,本文为写自己未来二十年后的工作及生活,因此,时态应用一般将来时态。 首先,根据3b中自己所填表格中的内容,来想像一下自己的生活。工作、家庭、业余活动,自己周围的生活环境等。 将上述几个方面逐条写出来,并注意恰当运用连接词,以使文章连贯通顺。 最后,通读一遍短文,检查是否有错误。,写作指导,Complete the chart about your life 20 years from now.

9、 You can add more items. 范例1,What will yourbe like?,pilot,in an apartment,Writing,keep some plants,near a park,3b,One possible version:,In 20 years, I think Ill be a pilot. Ill work in Beijing, because my parents work in Beijing. I want to live with them. Ill live in a large apartment. As a pilot, I

10、 can have a few days off every month. I think Ill keep some plants in my apartment. Therell be a park near my home. Ill take a walk after supper. I like chess, so I can also play chess with my friends in the park.,3b Complete the chart about your life 20 years from now. You can add more items.,Super

11、 policeman,In America,attend a dancing party, travel,A famous singer,In 20 years, I think Ill be a super policeman. Ill live in America, because there will be more joys in that city. As a super policeman, I think I will catch many bad guys(坏人), so Ill help keep the city peaceful. And in my free time

12、, Ill attend all kinds of dancing balls,so that I can make a lot of friends. In addition,(另外)I want to take a holiday to travel around the world. Every time when I get home, my neighborhood Coco will sing for me. I like this kind of life.,Five years ago, I was in primary school, I played football wi

13、th classmates after class, and I had a dog. Now Im a middle school student, I like playing tennis. I am good at English and I have good grades. In five years, I will be a doctor, I will make much money, and I will travel around the world. I will play the guitar. I will have a car.,Write a short pass

14、age about yourself.写一写不同阶段的自己,five years ago,now,in five years,Discussion,Discuss how you think a robot will help students with schoolwork in the future. Write down your groups ideas and draw a picture of your robot.,4,I think students wont need dictionaries because a robot will tell them the meanin

15、g of the words.,Discuss how you think a robot will help students with schoolwork in the future. Write down your groups ideas and draw a picture of your robot.,1.I think students wont need dictionaries because a robot will tell them the meanings of words.,Group work,Sample: 1. I think students wont need to go to school, because their robots can teach them at home. 2. I think students wont need to write their homework on paper but on computer, and robots will help students to correct the homework.,. 用一般将来时填空。(借助will),1. I _ (visit) my


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