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1、第 一 讲,完 型 填 空,3+x高考英语试题分布情况,题 号,题 型,测试目标,题 数,计 分,参考时间,1-20,21-35,36-55,56-75,76-85,听 力,单项填空,完型填空,阅读理解,短文改错,作 文,听,词汇、语法、 习语、交际,英语知识的综合运用,读,读、写(英语 知识的综合运用),写,20,15,20,20,10,1,30,15,30,40,10,25,20,25,35,40,1、文章短、挖空多、保持一定的挖空密度。,年份,总词数,总段落数,挖空密度,题 数,比 分,1999,2000,2001,245,186,260,8,3,5,10.96,9.3,12.05,25

2、,20,20,25,30,30,2、情景意义选择为主,语法选择填空极少。,例1:(NMET01) 38.The native people said they (38) this creature and called it the “Yeti”, A. heard from B. cared for C. knew of D. read about,又如2000年试题中的41题: The idea(40)of a body clock should not be too (41) since the lives of most living things are controlled by(

3、42) the 24-hour night-and-day cycle. A. difficult B. exciting C. surprising D. interesting,3、单词填空为主、短语或词组填空为辅; 实词为主,虚词为辅。,表3:最近三年完型填空词汇考查情况,年份,动词,名词,形容词,副词,连词,介词,代词,2000,2001,7,6,4,4,4,3,2,6,/,1,2,/,1,/,4、所选短文的难易程度符合高三学生的实际水平。,短文的语法结构、用词造句均未超出高三学生所学过的文章水平 。 短文内容贴近学生实际生活,便于学生发挥自己的思维能力和理解掌握短文的内容。篇首提示句

4、保留完整,为考生了解短文的全貌打开了一个窗口,激活了学生原有的认知图式,消除了恐惧感。,二,完型填空的能力目标要求,牢固、扎实、熟练的英语语法知识和丰富的英语词汇知识。 英语阅读理解能力,良好的阅读习惯,熟练的阅读技巧。 分析认识文章结构,理解领会文章各部分、各层次之间逻辑关系的能力。 逻辑思维能力。特别是总结概括、推理判断和分析归纳的能力。包括情景推理判断、常识推理判断、逆向推理判断及比较推理判断等。,扎实的英语词汇、短语、惯用法等英语固定搭配的知识。特别是英语词汇意义和用法的辨析能力。 在阅读中捕捉记忆相关信息的能力。,第 二 讲,完型填空的解题技巧和方法,(一)解题方法,通读全文,领会大

5、意 前后照应,逐个攻破 先易后难,迂回解题 再读全文,推敲答案,通读,初选,观 察,分析,推理,再通读,验证,确定,(二)解题技巧,1、从惯用法、搭配角度考虑 1)(NMET99)“.but they are(30)damage to our houses and shops of historical(31),”said John Norris, one of the protesters. 30. A. doing B. raising C. putting D. producing 31. A. scene B. period C. interest D. sense,2)(NMET00

6、)For example, people who are not (47)to working at night can find. 47. A. prevented B. allowed C. expected D. used,3)(NMET01)These days, only a few people continue to take the story of the Abominable Snowman (52) . 52. A. lightly B. jokingly C. seriously D.properly,4) 0237. When I was in the army I

7、_36_ an intelligence test that all the soldiers took,and, against_37_ of 100, scored 160. A . an average B. at total C. an exam D. a number,2、从逻辑推理、常识推理、逆向推理等角 度考虑,1)(NMET99)Four students from Burlington College of Higher Education are in the bell tower of the (26) and have made up their minds to. 2

8、6. A. college B. village C. town D. church,2)(NMET00)If the 24-hour cycle is (45) ,most people experience unpleasant(46) . 45. A. disturbed B. shortened C. reset D. troubled 46. A. moments B. feelings C. senses D. effects,3)(NMET01)The (36) of the Snowman has been around for many years. 36. A. event

9、 B. story C. adventure D. description,4) (NMET02) He burst out laughing and said, “Why,you fool, he used his _(52)_ and asked for them.” 52. A. imagination B. hand C. voice D. information,3、从词汇意义及用法的角度考虑,1)(NMET99).they wanted to make as much (37)as possible to force. 37. A. effort B. time C. troubl

10、e D. noise,2)(NMET00)Most of us would agree that we feel good on some days and not so good on (54); 54. A. other B. the other C. all other D. others,3)(NMET01)The native people said they(38)this creature and called it the “Yeti,”. 38. A. heard from B. cared for C. knew of D. read about,4、从上下文的个体语境角度

11、考虑,1)(NMET99)Why dont they build a new road that goes (33)the town? 33. A. to B. through C. over D. round,2)(NMET00)At the beginning of this century, medical scientists made an interesting discovery: we are built not just of flesh and blood but also of time. They were(36)to show that we all have abo

12、dy clock. 36. A. anxious B. able C. careful D. proud,3)(NMET01).in 1964, a Russian scientist said that the Abominable Snowman was _49_and was a remaining linking with the prehistoric humans. 49. A. imagined B. real C. special D. familiar,4)(NMET01)Shipton believed that they were not (42) the tracks

13、of a monkey or bear and (43)that the Abominable Snowman might really (44) 42. A. entirely B. naturally C. clearly D. simply 43. A. found B. declared C. felt D. doubted 44. A. exist B. escape C. disappear D. return,“阅读理解题”的特点和内容,第 三 讲,1、命题的主旨,高考阅读理解题主要考查考生在单位时间内快速阅读英语短文,了解短文的主题思想,抓住短文中所包含的信息(事实、细节等),

14、并通过短文提供的材料进行分析、推理、判断,把握上下文事实、细节之间的时空顺序、逻辑联系及作者的意图、态度、观念和文章寓意的能力。,2、内容、题材及体裁,3+x”高考英语试题阅读理解题的题材、体裁多样,选材更趋现代化、生活化、知识化,突出实用性、时代性与交际性,涉及了社会文化、能源交通、人生观、日常生活、新闻报导等各个方面。历年高考题材中还涉及到科普知识、天文地理、人物传记、风土人情、广告宣传、体育赛事、历史文化等各个方面。体裁有记叙文、描述文、说明文、议论文、应用文等。请看表1、表2:,表1: 2000年“3+x”高考英语试卷阅读理解考查情况,表2: 2001年“3+x”高考英语试卷阅读理解考

15、查情况,篇 次,题 材,涉及领域,体裁,A,B,C,D,E,上海出租车行业的发展,一种新的度假方式雪屋生存体验,绿色消费与环境保护,影响英语语言发展最大的人,男性的友谊与女性的友谊,社会生活,社会生活,人与环境,语言文化,社会科学,新闻报导,记叙文,记叙文,议论文,议论文,表3:2002年高考英语阅读理解题考点情况,3、“3+x”高考英语阅读试题的三大特点 1)重速度,年份,1999,2000,2001,短文词数,1300,1483,1355,选项词数,771,697,681,合计,考试说明时间分配,读速(W/pm),2071,2174,2036,50,35,35,41.4,62.1,58.2,2)重语篇,重能力,表4: “3+x”NMET阅读理解题的考查点分布,3)生词量增加,长句、难句的出现,是近几年高考英语的明显特征。,NMET2000中就有18个生词。如: panic, squirrel, melt, poker, reverse, gollocking, spundels, ballalators, cribe, bother, sticky, considerable, unknowable, quar


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