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1、英汉翻译理论与实践 A Course in English-Chinese Translation,1921年生,福州市人。1945年毕业于上海圣约翰大学英文系。同年任上海自由西报英文记者、中国评论周报(英文)特约撰稿者。翌年赴日本东京远东国际军事法庭任英语翻译,约两载半,随后赴美学习,1949年于美国印地安纳大学英国文学系肄业后回国。历任北京外文出版社编译、中国人民解放军外国语学院英语教授、北京对外经济贸易大学英语教授。中国译协第一、三届理事,现任英语世界杂志顾问。 主要译作有:柔石为奴隶的母亲、曹禺明朗的天、杨植霖王若飞在狱中、王士菁鲁迅传、谬静文徐悲鸿一生、英译中国现代散文选(上、下册)

2、等。主要论著有:习语汉译英研究、英语声色词与翻译、英汉翻译教程(主编)等。张培基先生提出可用“忠实、通顺”四个字作为翻译标准。,why “translate“?,an allusionary way to explain the very begining of translating activity- the Bible The Big Flood Noahs Ark Eastward Migration The Plain the Settlement the Town/city the Babel Tower Gods wrath,Chapter One Brief Introduct

3、ion to the History of Translation in China 第一章 中国翻译史简介,Definition of Translation,The act of changing from one form, state, subject or place to another. (Longman Dictionary Contemporary English) Translating is the art of recomposing a work in another language without losing its original flavor. (Colu

4、mbia Encyclopedia) To change (speech or writing) from one language into another. To translate is to change into another language, retaining as much of the sense as one can. (Samuel Johnson ),Eugene Nida: Translation means translating meaning. Peter Newmark: Translating is rendering the meaning of a

5、text into another language in the way the author intended the text, Zhang Peiji 张培基 翻译是运用一种语言把另一种语言所表达的思想内容准确而完整的重新表达出来的语言活动。,Function of Translation,In our social life, actually, translation has played a very important part in the development of all countries since it appeared. It helps people to b

6、etter communicate with one another; It facilitates the development of culture and civilization of all nations, such as the Sutra translation in China and the Bible translation in western countries. In the present epoch, it plays a very important role in promoting global economic and cultural develop

7、ment. China in particular benefits a great deal from translation. For example, Chinas entry into the World Trade Organization, Beijings successful hosting of the 29th Olympic Games and Shanghais successful hosting of 2010 World Exposition. Translation, as a noble cause, is bound to play an even more

8、 important role in all fields of our country.,Introduction,China has an over five thousand-year long history of human civilization and a three thousand-year history of translation. This lesson is to provide a chronological review highlighting translation theory and practice in China from ancient to

9、present times.,However, we have little knowledge of when translation activities really began either in China or in the world In China, we didnt have any record of translation until Zhou Dynasty (1066B.C. 256B.C.). “五方之民,言语不通,嗜欲不同。达其志,通其欲,东方日寄,南方日象,西方日狄鞮,北方日译。” 礼记王制 (“Translators are called Ji in the

10、 east, Xiang in the south, Didi in the west, and Yi in the north “ .),There are three peaks of translation in history,The First Peak of Translation in ancient China (Sutra or Buddhist Scripture Translation ) The Second Peak of Translation (Translation of Books on Science and Technology and Literatur

11、e during the Ming and Qing Dynasties The Third Peak of Translation ( Translation of Socialist and Communist Works) the May 4th Movement,The First Peak of Translation in China,Buddhist Scripture Translation in Qin Dynasty Fuqin Times (符秦时代) DaoAn(道安) set up translation organ(译场) XuanZang(玄奘 ) In Tang

12、 Dynasty,道安,是东晋时代杰出的佛教学者,生于东晋怀帝永嘉六年(312),卒于孝武太元十年(385),年七十四(一说年七十二),出生于常山扶柳县(今河北省冀州境)的一个读书人家里。由于世乱,早丧父母,从小就受外兄孔氏的抚养,七岁开始读书,到十五岁的时候,对于五经文义已经相当通达,就转而学习佛法。十八岁出家(此据名僧传抄之说,高僧传等作“年十二出家”)。 small distribution of work at the Organ: dictator (译主),shorthand(笔授), comprehension (度玉),vertification证梵,modification/

13、polishing润文,proofreading证意,editing总刊,玄奘(602年664年),唐朝著名的三藏法师,汉传佛教史上最伟大的译经师之一,中国佛教法相唯识宗创始人。俗姓陈,名袆,出生于河南洛阳洛州缑氏县(今河南省偃师市南境)。他是中国著名古典小说西游记中心人物唐僧的原型。,Translation Practice and Theory in Ancient China,Early Translation in China (Eastern Han Song Dynasties) Buddhist Scripture Translation An Shigao(安世高) Lou J

14、iachen(娄迦谶)Zhu Fahu (竺法护) The three famous Sutra translators are 鸠摩罗什,真谛,玄奘.,中国历史上的3-4次翻译高潮(一) 两汉-(-符秦时代-隋代-)- 唐宋(佛经翻译)(1-13世纪) 佛经翻译的第一阶段 我国的佛经翻译,从东汉桓帝末年安世高译经开始. 安清,字世高,安息(即波斯)人,偏于直译. 支娄迦谶,月支国人,简名支谶.译笔生硬,多用音译. 支亮, 支谦,字恭明,本月支人.用意译取代音译. 竺法护和“三支”一道被人称作月支派. 佛经翻译的第二阶段 释道安,俗姓卫,常山扶柳(今河北省衡水县西南)人,出身士族.主张直译.

15、鸠摩罗什,主张意译.是中国翻译史上主张全面意译第一人. 真谛,西印度人. 佛经翻译的第三个阶段 玄奘,通称“三藏法师”,姓陈,名(示韦),洛州缑氏(今河南省偃师县)人,世家出身 “既须求真,又须喻俗” 佛教三大翻译家/华夏三大翻译家:鸠摩罗什、真谛、玄奘。 鸠摩罗什(梵语 Kumrajva )(公元 344 413 年),音译为鸠摩罗耆婆,又作鸠摩罗什婆,简称罗什。东晋时后秦高僧,著名的佛经翻译家。与真谛(499569)、玄奘(602664)、并称为中国佛教三大翻译家。另说还有义净(635713)(又说为不空(705774)并称为四大译经师,The Second Peak of Transla

16、tion,Translation of Books on Science and Technology and Literary during the Ming and Qing Dynasties,Technical and Literary Translation during the Ming and Qing Dynasties,明末清初(科技翻译)(17-18世纪) 科技翻译代表作: Euclids Elements几何原本 Hydraulic Methods of the Great West测量法义 Xu Guangqi (徐光启) and M.Ricci利玛窦 in Ming Dynasty 明代徐光启和意大利人利马窦合作,徐光启(1562年4月24日1633年11月10日),字子先,号玄扈,教名保禄,汉族,明朝南直隶松江府上海县人,中国明末数学和科学家、农学家、政治家、军事家,官至礼部尚书、文渊阁大学士。赠太子太保、


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