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1、四川省都江堰中学20142015学年高三上学期第三次调研考试英语试题总分150分,考试时间120分钟。第一部分:英语知识运用(共两节, 满分40分)第一节 单项填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1.“Long time no see! ” is _ sort of informal, but it is part of _ language that Americans use daily .A. the ; a B. a ; the C. ; the D.a ; a2. _ their hats into the air, th

2、e fans of the winning team let out loud shouts of victory.A. To throw B. Throwing C. Thrown D. Being thrown3. The pretty gift is from my boyfriend ,if you_ know.A. must B. can C. shall D. should4-Have you handed in your schoolwork yet ?-Yes,I have .I guess it _ now.A. has graded B. is graded C. is b

3、eing graded D. is grading5. He did very well in the English speech contest, _ was more than we could expect.A. what B. which C. that D. it6.A gift made by ones own hands is better than _ bought in a shop.A. it B. that C. one D. the one 7._ I always felt I would pass the exam, I never thought I would

4、 get an A.A. When B. As C. While D. Since8. A story goes _ ElizabethI liked nothing more than being surrounded by clever and qualified noble men at court.A. when B. where C. what D. that9. - Would you like some more cake ?- _.A. No thank you B. You are welcome C. Thats all right D. Its up to you10.

5、Then_we had been looking forward to. How delighted we felt! A. the hour came B. came the hourC. did the hour come D. the hour did come第二节 完形填空 (共 20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并从答题卡上将该选项涂黑。Like most people, I was brought up to look upon life as a process of getting

6、. It was not until in my late thirties that I made this important 11 : giving-away makes life so much more exciting. You neednt worry if you 12 money. This is how I 13 with giving-away. If an idea for improving the window display of a neighborhood store 14 in my mind, I step in and make the 15 to th

7、e storekeeper. If an accident takes place, the 16 of which I think the local police could use, I 17 him up and tell him about it, though I am not in 18 here. I found a rule about this world is to give 19 getting something back, though the 20 often comes in an unexpected form.One Sunday morning the l

8、ocal post office delivered an important special letter to my home, though it was 21 to me at my office. I wrote the postmaster a note of 22 . More than a year later I needed a post-office box for a new business I was 23 . I was told at the window that there were 24 boxes left, and that my name would

9、 have to go on a long 25 list. As I was about to be 26 , the postmaster appeared in the 27 . “Wasnt it you that wrote us that letter a year ago about delivering an 28_ delivery to your home?” I said it was. “Well, you certainly are going to have a box in this post office 29 we make one specifically

10、for you. You dont know what a letter like that means to us. We usually get 30 but complaints.”11. A. difference B. researchC. speechD. discovery12. A. earnB. lackC. spendD. steal13. A. experiencedB. connectedC. cooperatedD. experimented14. A. strikesB. flashesC. happensD. attempts15. A. appealB. req

11、uestC. suggestionD. demand16. A. storyB. damageC. challengeD. material17. A. callB. holdC. cheerD. pick18. A. possessionB. troubleC. placeD. charge19. A. plusB. withoutC. for D. before20. A. processB. goalC. return D. concern21. A. repliedB. addressedC. drivenD. brought22. A. invitationB. apologyC.

12、complaintD. appreciation23. A. discussingB. providingC. applyingD. starting24. A. enoughB. extraC. noD. other25. A. admittingB. relatingC. buyingD. waiting26. A. positiveB. shockedC. discouraged D. optimistic27. A. doorwayB. windowC. homeD. yard28. A. unfamiliarB. unexpectedC. unknownD. uncertain29

13、A. in caseB. now thatC. even ifD. rather30. A. nothingB. somethingC. anything D. everything第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)第一节(共20小题,每小题2分,满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出最佳选项。AIt was a winter morning, just a couple of weeks before Christmas 2005. While most people were warming up their cars,Trevor, my husba

14、nd,had to get up early to ride his bike four kilometers away from home to work. On arrival, he parked his bike outside the back door as he usually does. After putting in 10 hours of labor,he returned to find his bike gone. The bike,a black Kona 18 speed,was our only transport. Trevor used it to get

15、to work,putting in 60-hour weeks to support his young family. And the bike was also used to get groceries,saving us from having to walk long distances from where we live. I was so sad that someone would steal our bike that I wrote to the newspaper and told them our story. Shortly after that,several people in our area offered to help. One wonderful stranger e



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