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1、参考答案Listening1-20 CABBC BABAC ABCCA ACACBReading21-35 BADCDBCAACCDCAB Gap filling 36-40 DAGEFCloze test 41-60 BABCDABCADBCDABADACBBlank filling 61. before 62. that63. changed64. until/till65. productive66. highly67. painters68. the 69. meaning70. to findProof-reading71. advertising-advertised 72. Id

2、 like to work for73. presently-present74. in a love-in love75. When-Since76. jobs-job77. at-in78. get-got79. your-our80. certain-certainlyWritingOne possible version A Ten-minute BreakAs a Senior Three student, time seems much limited. As a result, more and more students try to study from early morn

3、ing till late afternoon, even during the ten-minute break.In my opinion, to take a ten-minute break between classes is definitely necessary. Otherwise we will feel tired both physically and mentally. During the ten-minute break, we do something to get rid of tiredness. What we need is to have a real

4、 rest, instead of getting more tired. So doing nothing tiring in that period is really good for us.My ten-minute break is always pleasing. Sometimes I do some simple exercises. Sometimes I have a free chat with my classmates or just take a walk outside. When the next class begins, I feel fresh again

5、.Experience tells me that making progress needs a thorough and persevering process, but we all know people who cant find time for recreation are obliged sooner or later to fail.Listening materials: 1. M: Does this bus go to the beach? W: No. Youre going the wrong way. You want the No. 11 bus. It sto

6、ps in front of the post office.2. M: You look sleepy this morning, Beverly. Did you go to bed late last night? W: No, I slept through my alarm this morning, so I didnt get a chance to shower.3. W: Bread, milk, eggs. I think thats all we need. So, do you want to go with me? M: Sure. Ill drive. Dont f

7、orget to write down sugar and chocolate, though. They are the most important materials.4. W: Its so nice to see the animals in large open spaces, closer to their natural environment. I wasnt expecting this. M: I know. Some zoos can be disappointing. At least these animals seem happy.5. M: It was the

8、 third time that Roger had phoned me to say he had a new job. It was so surprising. W: Its difficult to keep a young man in one job for life nowadays. Well, times are changing.6. W: Congratulations on your new job. I know you worked hard for it. Cheers! M: Cheers! It has been a pleasure working with

9、 you all these years. Ill make sure to come back and visit next month. W: Youd better. Work wont be the same without you. So, when do you start? M: I went in today to fill out some paperwork, but I wont start until the following Monday. W: Thats great. Let me pay for your lunch. Its my turn, anyway.

10、 M: No, its all right. I owe you for everything you have done for me. W: Thanks. So, Ill see you tomorrow, then? M: Of course. Bye.7. M: Great job on your chemistry test, Anna! This is your second “B” in a row! W: “B-plus” actually. So there is small improvement, Dad. M: So what have you been doing?

11、 You used to be a “D” student before. W: Ive joined a study group. Our members discuss all the difficult stuff, and we test each other all the time. M: Great idea. Maybe you will have more time on the weekends to go out with your friends. How did you find the study group? W: I saw a notice on the me

12、ssage board at lunch one day. I decided to check it out, and now we meet once a week after our last class of the day. M: So thats why youve been coming home late. Good for you. So, youre not nervous about your chemistry tests anymore? W: Not at all. I am more prepared than ever.8. W: Jonathan!Look a

13、t all these dirty clothes! Grab your laundry basket. Its time to teach you how to use the washing machine. M: Oh, Mom! Do I have to? W: Yes. Youre 16 now. I was doing laundry when I was half your age. Your sister has been doing it since she was 10. So, its your turn to learn. M: Fine. Its just that

14、there are so many buttons and settings. W: Its easy once you know how to do it. This is the “load” setting. Choose small, medium, or large based on how many clothes youre washing. Im sure you can figure that out for yourself. M: I can do that. W: Good. Next, you choose the temperature. Cold, warm, o

15、r hot. Just use cold for now, and Ill deal with anything that needs to be washed in warmer temperatures. M: And the spin cycle? W: That is for how fast the machine turns. “Normal” is what you will be using for most of your clothes. Heavy“ is for your jeans and towels. “Light” is for your sheets and pillow cases, but Ill do those for you. M: You know what, Mom? Washing clothes is actually pretty easy. W: Everything is, once you know how to do it.9. W: Why are down here again? M: We are looking for a box marked “Christmas decorations”. Whats t


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