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1、牛津小学英语 6B Unit5 The seasonsTeaching context:本单元由 A-H 八个部分组成,其主要内容是围绕 “季节和气候 ”这个话题开展各项活动,所涉及的日常交际项目有介绍,询问,建议等,其中,以“询问天气” 及其应答为重点内容。同时学习一些常用的与气象相关的一些词汇。单元 Teaching requirements:1 Ss can listen , read , writing and say these words:weather,spring,summer,autumn,winter,hot,cold2 Ss can listen , read , wri

2、ting and say these sentences:Whats the weather like.?3 Ss can listen , read , writing and say these three skill words:season,because,countryside,warm,cool,rain,rainy,sunny,windy,snowy,cloudy,foggy,rowing,snowball fights,4 Ss can listen , read , writing and say these three skill daily speaking:Which

3、season do you like best?I like. Why? Because its . I can.5 Understand the combination of letters in the pronunciation of the word “ow”。 。6 Ss can say a rhymeSeasons Unit5 The seasons First Period(10.04.20 )一、 Teaching context:6B,Unit 5, Part B Look,read and learn.二、Teaching Aims:1 Ss can listen , re

4、ad , writing and say these words:spring,summer,autumn,winter.2 Ss can listen , read , writing and say these three skill words:warm, cool ,sunny, cloudy, rainy, windy, foggy, snowy .三、Teaching important and difficult:1 Ss can master the words。2 Ss can listen , read , write and say these words and the

5、 sentences。3 Ss can use the sentence to ask and answer。五、Teaching Preparation:Tape picture and word cards六、Teaching Process:Step1.Free Talk.T: What date is it today? S: Its .T:whats the date today?S: ItsT: Whats the weather like today?S: Its . Step2. Teach snowy, windy, foggy, rainy, cloudy, sunny,

6、cool, warm.T: Look at the picture, its snowy. Ss read one by one T: Can you tell me which city is often snowy in China?S:(help Ss to say the sentences) . is often snowy.T: Look at these weather pictures and work in groups。采取的步骤是,先是组内交流,后是组间交流,最后由组长提问把全班不知道的单词解决。教学思想是尽量发挥学生的作用,让学生教学生,教师仅仅是指导者,参与者,组织者

7、。Step3.Review the words in step 2. 1 Ask and answer。2 Act the dialogue。3 A game,Which city is foggy city? Which city is snowy city? Which city is windy city?( Answers: London, MuDanjiang, Beijing)4. See quickly.老师拿出两幅天气的图片,快速在学生眼前闪过,让学生猜。猜对小组积分。Step4.Teach spring, summer, autumn, winter.T: How many

8、months are there in a year?S: There are twelve.T: How many days are there in a year? S: There are 365.T: How many seasons are there in a year? 师自问自答,There are four. 在学生理解 season 的含义后,问 What seasons do you know? 让学生自由说,说对小组积分。Step5. Review seasons.1. Say the senson and the weather一位学生先说季节,另一位学生说季节特征。

9、如:spring 和 warm。2一位学生形容季节,另一位学生说是哪一个季节。如:The house is white. The tree and grass are white. Everything is white.3 一位学生来到讲台上,老师拿出一幅图其他学生说出季节,这位学生做有关这个季节的动作。Step6. Play a game.拿出准备好的图片,每组出一人,组成一个新的小组,每人四张,第一个学生说出图的内容,下一个学生如果有与之相配的图说出并仍下,第一个手中无图的学生为胜者,并为原小组积分。step7.Homework1.Copy the new words 2.prepare

10、 for the new part七:Blackboard Design:Unit5 The seasons图片图片 图片图片warm sunny cool snowy图片图片图片图片cloudy windy foggy rainy教学反思:本单元主要围绕“ 季节及气候”这个话题开展各项活动,所涉及的日常交际项目有介绍的,询问的,或是建议的,其中,以“询问天气”及其应答为重点内容。同时并学习一些常用的与气象相关的词汇。本节课是这个单元的第一教时,我主要安排了学生学习相关季节单词和气候特征的单词,并熟悉及能运用 Whats the weather like in ?Its 作简单的询问,由于我在

11、开学初就把这节课的大多数内容都在平时做了相关渗透,所以这节课学生学起来比较的轻松,也比较的活跃,同时为了能够让学生更好的掌握及巩固所学内容,我充分利用了多媒体课件,利用形象化的语言和动作,使教学内容更贴近了学生的生活,激发了学生学习的兴趣,提高了学生参与课堂教学的积极性。6B Unit5 The seasons period two (10.04.22)一、 Teaching context:6B,Unit 5, Part C Ask and answer. And the sentence structrure: Whats the weather like.?二、Teaching Aims

12、:1 Ss ccan listen ,read ,write and say these three sentences :Which season do you like best?I like. Why?Because its . I can.2 Ss ccan listen ,read ,write and say these sentences: Whats the weather like.?三、Teaching difficult and Important:1 Ss can say sth about the picture as quick as they can。2 Ss c

13、an ask and answer:Which season do you like best? I like. Why? Because its . I can.四、Teaching Preparation:Tape , picture and words cards五、Teaching Process:Step1. Say a rhyme。Spring,spring,spring,its warm,warm,warm,Summer,summer,summer,its hot, hot, hot,Autumn,autumn,autumn,its cool,cool,cool, Winter,

14、winter,winter,its snowy,snowy,snowy,Windy,windy,windy,its Beijing,windy city,Foggy,foggy,foggy,its London,foggy city,Sunny,sunny,sunny,its Lasa,sunny city.Step2. Free talk. The topic is WEATHER.T: Whats the weather like in spring in Lian Yungang?S: Its warm.Ss discuss the different weather in free。S

15、tep3.Look and say in groups e.g.:S1: Whats the weather like in spring in Beijing.S2: Its windy.Step4. Look and write.围绕步骤三的句型进行。 1 以小组为单位选一幅图并写出图的内容。2 以小组为单位出一道题由其它小组来做。Step5. Teach becauseT: Im wearing three sweaters. Because its cold.Im drinking some water. Because its hot.在学生理解 because 的涵义后,让学生用

16、because 造句。Step6. Teach I like . best. Because its. I can.T: I like winter best. Because its snowy. I can make a snowman.学生以小组为单位,表达自己喜欢哪个季节,并说明原因。Step7.Consolidation Ss can ask and answer use the sentence structuresWhich season do you like best? I like. Why? Because its . I can. 例如:T: Which season do you like best?S: I like summer. Be


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