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1、English Studying Methods,I. English Grammar Studying Methods II. English-Chinese Translation Studying Methods By Mr. Mao Xingeng Sept. 25, 2010,英语语法学习方法,学习英语语法的方法因人而异,方法很多,专家学者也各有其独到的见解。实际上学生学习英语语法,绝大多数学生的学习目标是要能讲、能写通顺无误的英语句子、篇章,而不是将来成为一个英语语法专家。所以语法书上所提出来许多规则或语法资料并不是要全单照收。因此学生学习英语语法的基本有效的方法有下列三点: (1

2、)对语法的规则或句型应力求充分的了解,不必作深入的理论探讨。练习都以句为单位,口头练习与书写练习并重,更应培养思路与表达趋于一体的自然语言习惯。 (2)多阅读文章,如故事、寓言、童话、小说、甚至诗歌等。阅读时要朗读,不仅仅是eye-reading。阅读材料以切合自己能力或程度为佳。在阅读中注意引证自己已学习过的语法规则,或利用自己所学过的语法规则来了解文意,体会文体,模仿英语的表达句式或习惯。记住,读过10本语法书你不一定能说写流畅的英语,但是阅读了10本小说(或文学作品),你的英语说写能力必定能顺畅自如。 (3)不要怕犯语法上的错误。有错误,表示你已跑上了学习的道路,检查自己犯错误的原因,努

3、力改正自己。敢犯错误的人一定会发现,自己已更加接近成功的目标了。,英语语法学习方法,基本有效的方法有三点: (1)充分了解英语语法规则,口、笔头练习齐头并进,养成思路与表达趋于一体的自然语言习惯,多进行英汉语比较。 (2)多阅读英语报刊、小说文章,引证已学过的语法规则,并利用已学规则了解文意,体会文体,模仿英语的表达句式或习惯。阅读10本小说,英语说写能力必定顺畅自如。 (3)不怕犯语法错误。敢犯错误、敢改正,离成功只一步之遥。,Seven Basic Sentence Patterns,A Simple Sentence=SVOOCA 1. SV 2. SVO 3. SVC 4. SVA 5

4、. SVoO 6. SVOC 7. SVOA,X,Three Sentence Structures,1. Simple Sentence 2. Compound Sentence 3. Complex Sentence,Important Points of English Grammar,1. The number of nouns 2. The tense, aspect, voice, mood, infinite forms of verbs and modal auxiliary verbs 3. The comparative and superlative forms of a

5、djectives and adverbs 4. The prepositions,Important Points of English Grammar,5. The determiners 6. The agreement between the subject and the predicate verb 7. The coordinate and subordinate structures 8. The attributive clause 9. The combination of words into sentences and sentences into texts,Comp

6、arison between English & Chinese,英译汉翻译小练习 1. That hat looks nice on you. 2. Theres always a sting in his words. 3. Dont worry about that mark; it will brush off. 4. The air was heavy with the aroma of the paddy fields. 5.The mastery of language is not easy and requires painstaking effort. 6. Even if

7、 you go there, there wouldnt be result. 7. The monk may run away, but the temple cannot run away with him.,Prerequisites for Qualified Translators,I. 外文水平高 1. (Just) imagine (it). 2. Youre telling me. 3. There, there, no more crying. 4. Now youre talking. 5. Ill buy it.,Prerequisites for Qualified T

8、ranslators,II. 中文水平高 1. 陈先生乃中国学界泰斗,他的那本书似为汉语修辞学的嚆矢。 2. 那位学贯中西的我国学者和英文大师,年轻时赴美负笈哈弗一年,即得硕士。 3. 不少人认为“信达雅”是严复的戛戛独造,并奉之为译事圭臬。,Prerequisites for Qualified Translators,1. Mr. Chen, our respected teacher, is a renowned master in the academic circles of China. That book written by him seems to be the earlie

9、st one in the Chinese rhetoric studies. 2. That Chinese scholar who knows China and the West quite well and a master of English went to the United States when he was young, and studied there at Harvard University for only one year before he got his Masters degree. 3. Many people hold that “faithfuln

10、ess, expressiveness and elegance” is Yan Fus own great creation and regarded it as the standard of translation.,Prerequisites for Qualified Translators,III. 知识面广 John can be relied on because he eats no fish and plays the game. IV. 政治觉悟高 The enemy killed one of our comrades and we killed an enemy ag

11、ent.,Prerequisites for Qualified Translators,V. 熟悉基本翻译技巧 Studies serve for delight, for ornament and for ability. 读书足以怡情,足以博采,足以长才。 the government of the people, by the people and for the people shall not perish from the earth. 这民有、民治、民享的政府将在这世界永存。,Prerequisites for Qualified Translators,VI. 尽可能收集翻译

12、资料 Appreciate the beautiful scenery as well as the translation,Read Some English Newspapers, Magazines and Novels,China Daily 21st Century The World of English English Learning Chinese Translators Journal Hu Jintaos Report at the 17th National Congress Alices Adventures in Wonderland Harry Porter Ne

13、wbery Medal Books and Newbery Honor Books Jane Eyre Tess of the DUrbervilles The Old Man and the Sea One Hundred Years of Solitude Pride and Prejudice,Read Good Articles to Recite and Imitate,Of Studies Lincolns Gettysburg Address The First Snow Bushs Farewell Speech Obamas Inaugural Address New Con

14、cept English Little Prince,Watch Some Good English Films,1. A Cinderella Story 2. Kit KittredgeAn American Girl 3. Charlottes Web http:/ 4. Alices Adventures in Wonderland http:/ http:/ Some Good Websites,普特英语听力 http:/ 中国翻译家联盟 中国翻译网,I sincerely hope that everybody will study meaningfully and live happily in HNIST! 祝大家负笈湖南理工学院 充实、快乐!,


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