高考重点词汇用法精讲 第一讲

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1、 学海扬帆,奥风助航!奥风英语高考重点词汇用法精讲第一讲(文字版)魏训刚 主讲(本系列讲座共 45 讲)第 1 篇重点词汇1. admire 用法点睛 admire sb. for sth. 因某事钦佩某人如: They admire our garden. 他们羡慕我们的花园。I admire him for his success in business.我钦佩他在商业上的成功。同根词 : admirer n.C赞赏者;羡慕者;爱慕者 admirable adj .令人钦佩的;极好的如: He did an admirable job in keeping the students cal

2、m.他在保持学生安静方面做得很出色。2. grow (grew, grown) vi. 生长;发育;(link. v.)(逐渐)变得 如: How tall you have grown!你长这么高了!It began to grow dark.天色开始变黑。 短语grow into 成为, (逐渐)变得; 适合如:Qingdao began as a seashore village and grew into a big city. 青岛开始是个渔村,后来发展成为大城市。 The coat is too big for him now, but he will grow into it.

3、那件外套他现在穿太大了,不过再长大些就合适了。grow out of 长大而不能穿某衣物;年龄增长不再做某事;由某事物产生如:He has grown out of these clothes. 他长得这些衣服都穿不上了。They have grown out of childrens games. 他们已经长大,不再玩儿童游戏了。My interest in the art grew out of the time I spent with my grandpa.我对艺术的爱好是在和我爷爷一起生活时养成的。grow up 长大成人如:What are you going to do when

4、 you grow up?你长大后做什么?grow on sb.让某人越来越喜欢如:I hated his music at first, but it grows on me.我开始讨厌他的音乐,不过后来越来越喜欢。 vt. 种植如: They grow roses to sell in the market.他们种植玫瑰在市场上销售。同根词 :growth n. U 生长,增长3. famous adj.著名的短语:be famous for 因而著名famous as 作为 而著名如:The country is famous for its natural beauty. 那个国家因其

5、美丽的自然风光而著名。Qufu is famous as the birthplace of Confucious.曲阜作为孔子的出生地而著名。同:well-known 出名的;众所周知的反:unknown 不为人所知的 学海扬帆,奥风助航!同根词 :infamous adj. 臭名昭著的;声名狼藉的4. different adj. 不同的;差异的用法点睛 be different from 与不同;be different in 在某方面不同如:Our sons are very different from each other.我们的儿子们差异很大。They are different

6、 in character. 他们性格不同。同根词 : differ vi.不同;不像用法点睛 differ from 与不同differ with sb. on/about sth.与意见不同 difference n. C, U不同,差别,差距用法点睛 difference between A and B A 与 B 之间的不同make a difference (to sb./sth.) 使有差异;对(某人、物) 有影响make no difference 没有差别;没有影响;不重要如:It makes no difference (to me) whether you go today

7、 or tomorrow. 你今天去还是明天去(对我来说)没什么差别。5. distribute vt.分发;分配;提供( 商品供销售)用法点睛 distribute sth. to/among sb. 向某人分发某物;在某群人中分发如: The man is distributing leaflets to passers-by.那个人正在向路人发传单。Milk is distributed to the local shops by the farm.牛奶由那家农场提供给当地的商店销售。同根词 distribution n. C U 分配;配送;分布6. give vt. vi. (gav

8、e, given )给;给予;赠送用法点睛 give sb. sth./give sth. to sb.给某人某物如:I gave each of the boys an apple. 我给每个孩子一个苹果。=I gave an apple to each of the boys. 短语give away 赠送;分发;泄露;出卖give back 归还give in (to sb.) (向某人)屈服;让步;投降;上交give off 发出(烟、气味等)give out 用完;耗尽;筋疲力尽;分发;宣布;(机器)停止运转;出故障give up (doing) 放弃;停止7. success n.

9、 U成功; C成功的人或事如: Hard work is the key to success. 努力工作是成功的关键。He was a success as a teacher. 他是一个成功的老师。同根词 : successful adj. 成功的 succeed vi. 成功;继承;vt.接替用法点睛 succeed in doing 在做某事方面成功;成功做成某事succeed to sth.继承(某物)如:He succeeded in winning the game. 他成功地赢了比赛。He succeeded to his fathers kingdom. 他继承了父亲的王国。

10、Who do you think will succeed Obama as president? 你认为谁将接替奥巴马做总统?8. search vt. vi. 搜寻(某人) ;细查(某地)以寻找某人或物 学海扬帆,奥风助航!用法点睛 search a place/sb. 搜查某地/ 人(以寻找某物) search for sth./sb. 搜寻某物/人如:They searched the forest for the missing men.他们搜查森林以寻找失踪的人们。 高考例句 The newcomer went to the library the other day and se

11、arched for whatever he could find about Mark Twain. 这位新生那天去图书馆寻找所有他能找到的关于马克吐温的资料。9. share vt. vi. 分享; n. C 一份;份额;股份用法点睛 share sth. with sb.与某人分享某物如:Tom shared the pie with his friends.汤姆和他的朋友们分享馅饼。-Have you paid? Whats my share of the bill?你付过帐了吗?我应分担多少?-Dont worry about it. It wasnt much. 不用担心。费用不多

12、。10. borrow vt. (向别人)借;借入;借用用法点睛 borrow sth. from sb. 向某人借某物反:lend vt. (lent, lent) 借(给别人) ;借出用法点睛 lend sth. to sb. 将某物借给某人如:He borrowed a book from Xiaoming.他从小明那儿借了本书。Xiaoming lent a book to him.小明借了本书给他。注意:表示借多久要用 keep。如:-How long can I keep the book? 这本书我可以借多久?-Two weeks. 两周。11. equipment n. U设备

13、;装备如:Its a factory with modern equipment.它是一家有着现代设备的工厂。同根词 equip vt. 装备;配备用法点睛 equip sth. with sth.用某物装备某人/ 处 如:Please equip yourself with a pencil and a rubber for the exam. 请准备好铅笔和橡皮迎接考试。12. own vt. 拥有;adj.自己的短语:of ones own (某人)自己的on ones own 独立地;独自地如:They own 200 acres of farmland. 他们拥有 200 英亩的农田

14、。He wants a car of his own. 他想要一辆自己的车。Mary always does her homework on her own. 玛丽独自做作业。同根词 owner n.C物主;所有者ownership n. U所有(权) ;所有制13. sale n. U 卖;销售;pl 销售额;销售量辨析:on sale/for saleon sale 大甩卖;低价销售如:These gloves were on sale for only $9. 这些手套在低价促销,只卖 9 美元。for sale 供出售如:Excuse me, are these for sale? 请

15、问这些出售吗?关联记忆 :salesgirl 女售货员;女营业员salesman 推销员;售货员;店员saleswoman 女售货员;女店员 学海扬帆,奥风助航!14. help vt. vi. 帮助;n. U帮助; a 帮助者;有帮助的事物用法点睛 help (to)do sth.帮助做某事help sb. (to) do sth. 帮助某人做某事help sb. with sth. 帮助某人做某事cant help doing 忍不住做某事;情不自禁地做某事help oneself to sth. 随意吃/用某物如:Can you help to clean the house? 你能帮我们清理房间吗?His father helped him (to) start his own busine


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