全新版21世纪大学英语1 reading aloud及课后练习翻译

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1、1Reading Aloud部分英译汉:你在中学里是明星,迈出的每一步都很正确,为此,你现在认为自己已经为大学作好了准备。不过你最好再考虑一下。因为规则不同了,期望已经变了,而赌注也高了一点。 大学是你更充分地打造自己甚至也许是重新打造自己的一次难得的机会。毕业之际你想让别人怎么看你呢?坦率地说,你凭什么就认为你会毕业呢?四年之后,只有一半的大学新生能毕业。我见过一些中学优等生撑不过秋季学期,我也见过一些原来成绩平平的学生毕业的时候平均积点是4.0。是什么造成这种差别的呢?根据我的经验,有10条规则是每个大一新生都应该知道的。课后练习汉译英:I wouldnt view myself as a

2、 “star” student, but I know I was hard-working and focused. I got through high school and into college with twice or three times as much effort as others.I know college is a new frontier. The fundamental secret for successful college life lies in ones awareness as a college student: concentrate, wor

3、k hard and reshape yourself through new knowledge and information.Unit 3英译汉:Reading Aloud部分英译汉:一天晚上,他正驱车回家,行驶在一条两车道的乡间公路上。在这个中西部的小社区,工作节奏差不多就像他那辆破旧的庞蒂亚克一样慢。但他从没有停止寻找。自从生产李维斯牛仔裤的工厂倒闭以来,他就一直失业。冬季怒吼而来,终于让人感到了它的寒意。这是一条人迹稀少的公路。没有多少人有什么理由要驶上这条路,除非他们要离开这里。他的朋友大都已经离开。他们都有家人要养活,都有梦想要实现。但他却留了下来。毕竟,这是他安葬父母双亲的地

4、方。他生在这里,熟悉这一地区。 在这条路上他可以闭着眼睛开车并告诉你两边是什么。他的车前灯坏了,这种本事倒很派得上用场。天色开始暗了下来,下起了小阵雪。他还是快点赶路吧!要知道,他差一点就没看到那位困在路边一筹莫展的老太太。但即便是天色昏暗,他还是看得出她需要帮助。于是他把车停在她的梅塞德斯前面,走下了车。在他走近老妇人的时候,他的庞蒂亚克仍在劈啪作响。课后练习汉译英:In todays world, there are still many people badly in need of our help. When we give help to others, we shouldnt e

5、xpect to be paid back. Similarly, when we benefit from others acts of kindness, we shouldnt let the chain of love end with us. Only in this way can we possibly make our world a better place.Some of us maybe conditioned to think that we dont have much to offer. That way of thinking is not correct. As

6、 long as we treat others the way we want ourselves to be treated, we will all not only develop the highest in ourselves but also contribute to the same in those around us. This can have a positive, powerful effect on our world.Unit 5Reading Aloud部分英译汉:这是巧合吗?根本不是。后来我意识到,他俩只是眼神交流艺术的高级实践者,而眼神交流是肢体语言中最重

7、要的组成部分。对于像林恩和吉姆这样的人来说,瞥一眼比用十几个字表达的意思更多。 他们如何做到这一点的呢?我们知道眼睛周围的皮肤、肌肉、眼睑和眉毛为眼睛本身构成了一个不断运动的容器。这个富有表现力的容器,加上头的倾斜,能使眼睛传达几百种不同的表情和信号。看的时间长短也是特别重要的。课后练习汉译英:Eye language is the most significant element of body language. People often communicate with eye contact in their daily life. The rules of eye contact d

8、epend on the culture in which we live. The same look conveys different meanings in different cultures, which can easily confuse us. For example: in Chinese culture, you are more likely to lower your eyes as a sign of obedience when you are being questioned by the elders for doing something wrong. Ho

9、wever, this does not hold true in American culture. In fact, American adults appreciate the honest directness shown by youths who look them in the face.Unit 6Reading Aloud部分英译汉:贝多芬吃晚饭时,一轮美丽的满月升了起来。银色的月光泻入花园,开始用其魔力和神秘为房间着色。贝多芬慢慢地吃着饭。不久,月光如水的花园里只剩下他独自一人,四周一片静寂,静得没有一丝风。 小店老板给伟大的音乐家送来第二杯咖啡。他付了饭钱,然后在那里坐了

10、很长时间,注视着月光缓缓地穿过草地和桌面。这几乎就是音乐课后练习汉译英:Beethoven s fingers slid from the piano keys rapidly. With magic and mystery, his music melted into the silver and silence of the night. Sitting beside him was a sweet-faced blind young girl. She no longer wept because Beethovens moonlight music inspired her imagi

11、nation, making her see the moon again. Hence the master piece Moonlight Sonata came into being. This anecdote of Beethoven having played moonlight music for a blind young girl has spread widely ever since the 19thcentury.Unit 8Reading Aloud部分英译汉:近来,医院的工作效率提高了,病人等待床位的时间缩短了。造成这种变化的原因是床位过剩。医院为了生存,不得不保持

12、床位满额。这既有利又有弊。几天前,我去医院拜访一位友人,去问询处询问,那里也办理入院手续。未及我开口询问友人所住的病房号,一位女士已经记下了我的姓名、年龄和职业,填好一张表格,按响了铃。正当我要告诉她我只是来访友时,来了两位护工,还带着轮椅。他们把我按在轮椅上,顺着走廊推进去。课后练习汉译英:The nurse who handled the admitting procedure took down the name, age and occupation of the man and filled out a form. Two attendants then sent him direc

13、tly to the ward.As there was a surplus of beds, the hospital had forced itself to become more efficient about filling them all with whatever patients there were. Soon the doctor came to the men s room asking where it hurt, but the patient protested that everything was in order. Given no answer, the doctor decided to do exploratory surgery to find out for himself. He said he would see that the operation would take only 30 minutes.


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