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1、七上词汇专项练习.名词-形容词-动词-名词复数-名词所有格 Eg:China(n)- Chinese (adj/n) England(n)-English(adj/n)1. Kangkang is from _.He is a _ boy. He can speak _ well.(China)2. Jane is from_.She is an_ girl. She can speak _ well.(England)Eg :thank(v)- thanks(n)1.-_ you very much.-You are welcome.2.-_ a lot.- Not at all.可数名词复

2、数特殊变化:boxboxes classclasses knife-knives babybabies familyfamilies boyboys photophotos man-men womanwomen snowmansnowmen footfeet不可数名词没有单复数变化: rice -some rice -much rice-a bag of rice1. Id like a hamburger and some _ (fish).2. These are _(box) and _(knife)3. The two girls are in the same _ (grade),b

3、ut in different _.(class)4. Whose _ are these? They are Kates.(baby)5. The _ in blue are Toms uncles.(man)6. I know the boy. His _ are very big.7. Hed like some _ (vegetable), some_(rice) and some _(meat) for lunch.名词-名词所有格: Kate- Kates my friends-my friends my parentsmy parents Ross-Ross Tom and Ji

4、mTom and Jims Tom and JimToms and Jims 1. This dress isnt mine. Its _(Kate).2. _ mother is Mrs Green.( Tom and Jim)3. These are _ mothers.4. Its _ Day.(women).动词名词 动词原形(V原)动词三单形式(V三单)-Ving -不定式(to +V原)work(v)works(三单)-working-worker(n) teach(v)teaches(三单)-teaching-teacher(n) act(v)acts(三单)-acting-ac

5、tor(n) cook(v)cooks(三单)-cooking-cook(n)farm(v)-farmer(n) drive(v)-drives(三单)-driving-driver(n)1. She is a _.She _ in a middle school. She likes_ very much.(teach)2. They are _.They _ in a factory. They like_ here very much.(work)3. The two_ can _nice food.(cook)4. Jimmy is an _. He _ very well. He l

6、ikes_ very much.(act)5. His parents are_. They work on a _. (farm)6. He _ cars very well. He is a _.(drive)动词变三单的特殊变化:gogoes dodoes teachteaches flyflies play-plays trytries study-studies havehas动词变Ving的特殊变化:shopshopping get-getting swim-swimming kidkidding havehaving drivedriving 1. The woman often

7、 goes shopping and _ (try) on new clothes.2. We_(study)in No.1High School. Mike_(study)inNo.2 High School.3. Maria_(try)on the new dress. 4.Mr.Smith_(come)fromEngland.5.Mybrother_(nothave)ajob 6.They often _(fly)kites. Kate often _(fly)a kite, too.7.I_(teach)math here.My father_ (teach) English in E

8、ngland. .8.-_Mary often_(watch)TV?- Yes, she often_(watch)on Sunday.9._you want_(eat)some hamburgers?10.-_she _(like)noodles?11.Iwant_(have)aglassofwater. 9.Wouldyoulike_(have)lunchwithme?10. 12. Could you ask her_(have) supper with me?13. Imveryglad_(meet)you. 14. Whynot_(go)outwithme?15. Its 6:20.

9、Its time_(get)up now.16. Howaboutsomething_(eat)?17. What/How about_(go)shopping this Sunday afternoon?18. Are you kidding? The skirt is 280 yuan. Ill _ (think) about it.21. Could you please _(tell) me his name?22.Can I _(help) you?23.May I _(take )your order?A bottle of apple juice.24.Let me _(help

10、)you. .代词 whose-whoEg: _ jacket is this? Its mine. _ is the skirt? _ is that boy? He is Tom. _ is Mr Green?单复数变化:thisthese that-those Eg:1.Are _ your cousins? Yes,they are.(this) 2._ are my teachers, Mr Green and Miss Gao.(that)Iwe youyou he/she/itthey myour youryour his/her/its-theirme-us youyou hi

11、m/her/itthem mineours youryours his/hers/itstheirseg:1._ are my good friends.(he) 2.They are his friends .So he often helps _.(her)3._ are from the USA .(I) 主格宾格-形代-名代I memy-mine youyouyour-yours he-him-his-his e-her-herhersit-it-its-its we-usourours theythemtheirtheirseg:1. I have a good friend._ n

12、ame is Mike. _ is from the USA._ English is very good. But _ Chinese is poor. So I often help _ with _ Chinese. Look! This is my Chinese book.This isnt _.(he)2._ am a Chinese girl. _ am short. _eyes are big. _mouth is small.This is _ dress. That T-shirt isnt _._ is black and blue. My parents love _very much.(I



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