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1、Chapter 7 Language Change,L Change (Historical linguistics),Historical linguistics is the a branch of linguistics, is mainly concerned with both the description and explanation of language change. Diachronic linguistics the identification of the changes enables us to reconstruct the linguistic histo

2、ry of that language, hypothesizes its earlier forms. it also enables us to determine how non-linguistic factors, such as social, cultural and psychological factors, interact over time to trigger linguistic change.,Sound Change,Morphological & Syntactic Change,Lexical Change & Semantic Change,Exercis

3、es,Causes of the Language Change,Introduction,a. Old English古 代英语 (449-1066) Beowulf, an Anglo-Saxon epic poem, the most important work of Old English literature b. Middle English中世纪英语 (1066-1500) Chaucer, Shakespeare c. Modern English 现代英语 (1500-present),Introduction,It is a fact that all languages

4、 change through time, though they do so rather slowly.,沛公旦日从百余骑来见项王,至鸿门,谢曰:“臣与将军戮力而攻秦,将军战河北,臣战河南,然不自意能先入关破秦,得复见将军于此。今者有小人之言,令将军与臣有郤(x)(同“隙”,隔阂。)。”项王曰:“此沛公左司马曹无伤言之;不然,籍何以至此?”项王即日因留沛公与饮。 史记,Phonological changes,Among all the changes in language, either subtle or obvious, changes at phonological level

5、are particularly noticeable and varied. Some common types of sound changes can be distinguished and recognized, which makes it possible to work out patterns of pronunciation changes throughout the history of the English language. The most dramatic change that English underwent included the vowels as

6、 illustrated in the examples. (P. 94),Sound Change,The Great Vowel Shift was a major change in the pronunciation of the English language that took place in England between 1350 and 1500.,The key pronunciation features of the Great Vowel Shift are the following:,Vowel raising, Vowel fronting, Diphtho

7、ngization,Sound/phonological change: systematic; regular pattern of pronunciation changes,a) Vowel sound change Great Vowel Shift元音大换位, which occurred at the end of the Middle English period, approximately between 1400 and 1600 and which involved 7 long vowels, led to one of the major disagreements

8、between the pronunciation and the spelling system of Modern English. For example: Middle English Modern English Five fi:v faiv mouse mu:s maUs feet fe:t fi:t mood m : d mu:d break br Z : ken breik broke br C: ken br EU k Name na:me neim,Sound Change,The Great Vowel Shift,au,ai,i:,ei,e,u:,a:,u,Mice m

9、i:s mais Mouse mu:s maus,b) Sound loss Some sounds in English have simply disappeared from the general pronunciation of English. -the voiceless velar fricative / x /, “nicht“ /nixt/ night sorh /sorx/ sorrow - /k/ sound in /kn - / clusters in the word initial position “knight“ “knee“ -Another sound l

10、oss is the deletion of a word-final vowel segment, a phenomenon called apocope.词尾脱落 /na:m / / neim/ /l Q v/ /l Q v/,c) Sound addition Sound addition includes the gain or insertion of a sound. A change that involves the insertion of a consonant or vowel sound to the middle of a word is known as epent

11、hesis插音 , for example: emty empty glimse glimpse spinle spindle,d) Sound movement Metathesis 换位 refers to sound change because of a reversal in the positions of two neighboring sounds. bridd bird hros horse,Morphological & Syntactic Change,Addition of affixes Loss of affixes Change of word order Cha

12、nge in negation rule Change in “agreement” rule Process of simplification,Addition of affixes,In English many affixes are borrowed. During the Middle English period, many French words containing the suffix ment (e.g. accomplishment, commencement) were introduced into English. This suffix became very

13、 productive in English and was used with bases that were not of French origin (e.g. acknowledgement, merriment).,In addition to the borrowed affixes, some lexical forms became grammaticalized over time. This process is called grammaticalization. Such forms often undergo dramatic phonological reducti

14、on as well as semantic change, in which they may lose much of their original content. In the case where two words are frequently adjacent, over time they can become fused together to form a single unit consisting of a base and an affix. Fusion refers to this type of grammaticalization in which words

15、 develop into affixed, either prefixes or suffixes.,Loss of affixes,As affixes can be added to the grammar, they can also get lost, some affixes simply fade out of use for no apparent reason. Some loss can be explained via sound changes. For example, Old English had a complex system of affixes marki

16、ng case and gender. Nouns were divided into three gender classes masculine, neuter, and feminie. And the assignment to a class was based on its grammatical gender, not on the natural gender, sex.,Change of word order,All languages make a distinction between the subject and direct object, which can be illustrated in word order. Old



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