外研版英语九上module 8 unit 3《language in use》ppt课件

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1、,多祝增光中学 邹玉玲,Module 8 Sports life Module task -Writing course,Introducing a sportsperson to the others,She was born in Henan ,China.,She is one of the best table tennis players in the world.,She stopped playing when she was 24,After that she began to study at Tsinghua University in Beijing.,Game.I sa

2、y,you guess.,Deng Yaping,He was born in Shanghai ,China.,He was the first Asian sportperson to win an Olympic gold medal for hurdling .,However,from 2008 on, he missed some competitions because of a foot problem.,He is still a symbol of great courage and success,Game.I say,you guess.,Liu Xiang,Hello

3、,I am Xuanxuan.I need help!,Miss Zou,Hi, Miss zou. Village Head asked me to introduce my daddys sports life. I have never introduce sportsperson. Can you tell me how to introduce my daddy?,Lets talk!,A: What does Zou Shiming do ?,B: He is a professional boxer.,Lets talk!,A: When and where was Zou Sh

4、iming born ? (1981.China),B: He was born in 1981,China .,Lets talk!,A: When did Zou Shiming start his sports life ? (15),B:At the age of 15 he started boxing training,Group work: Work in groups, discuss and make lists to describe sportspersons sports life.,boxer,basic information(基本情况),hobby,was bor

5、n,reading books,Like plying basketball,In 1990 /on july 12th,1990,sportsperson,table tennis player,basketball player,What does he/she do(职业),swimmer,Sports life(体育生涯),was trained / was chosen for/ played for /was given,Sportsperson,出生于1981年11月,Sports life,15岁开始拳击训练,18岁入选国家集训队,喜欢拳击,读书,2008年奥运会拳击冠军,专业

6、拳击手,Lets talk:How to describe Zou Shiming.,Zou Shiming is a _ He was born_ He likes _ He was trained for _ when he was 15 At the age of 18,he was chosen for In 2008,he won the Olympic gold medal .,professional boxer,in November ,1981 in China,playing boxing and reading,boxing,national training team,

7、学会用连词: And,although,but eg: Although he suffered a lot from his foot problem,he never give up.,basic information,Hello,boys and girls.We are TFBOYS. We like singing and playing basketball, Yao Ming is our favourite basketball player,we want to invited Yam Ming to come to our Concer in Beijing Next S

8、unday.Can you tell me something about his sports life?,请写一篇关于姚明的文章,需要包含以下内容:,Writing practice,Yao Ming is a _ He was born_ He likes _ He was trained for _ when he was 9 At the age of 18,he was chosen for _ In 2011,he was given _by_,查(check by yourself),Read your passage aloud, then check it by yours

9、elf.,1.要点齐了吗? 2.句子结构对了吗? 3.句子连贯吗? 4.单词都写对了吗? 5.有没错误的语法? 6.书写整洁吗?,大声朗读文章并检查是否符合以下要求,show time,展示(show your passage),第一档:12-15分 内容涵盖所有的要点,表达清楚,几乎没有语言错误。 第二档:11-12分 内容涵盖所有的要点,表达清楚,但有少量语言错误。 第三档:8-10分 内容涵盖大部分要点,表达尚清楚 ,但有一些语言错误。 (以上为及格线) 第四档:4-7分 内容涵盖部分要点,写出少量句子,但表达不连贯,语言错误较多。 第五档:0-3分 只写出个别单词,不成句子,表达不清楚

10、。,评分档次和要求:,我欣赏,我快乐,小组活动:小组选出一篇作文进行欣赏并打分。(15分标准),欣赏角度:,1.写作基本要求:人称,时态 2.要点齐全 3.结构:开头,正文,结尾 4.好词好句,注意(作文通用修改符号:优美句子,漏词 ,错词O,去掉/),Yao Ming is a basketball player He was born on September 12th ,1980 in Shanghai. He likes playing basketball and reading. He was trained for basketball when he was 9. At the age of 18,he was chosen for Chinese basketball team . In 2011,he was given a China Olympic gold medal by Chinese Olympic Committee. This is my favorite players,Yao Ming.,Sample,请把课堂上所写的介绍姚明的短文补充完整。不少于70词。 2.小组合作,调查你同学喜欢的运动明星.,Homework (二选一),Thank you!,


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