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1、Unit3 Text,Oceans of Sand,Talk about the desert,heatstroke,sweating,Hunting in cold desert,Shelter from snowstorm,Storing food,Brainstorming work in groups of four, discuss and write down the words or expressions that occur to you when you read the word “desert. Use the sketch below as a guide in yo

2、ur discussion.,sand,dry/drought,sun,hot,cold,no rain,clear sky,plants,oasis (绿洲),pasture,animal,barren,1. Why are desert winds dry? 2. Desert are very hot during the day, why are desert nights often cold? 3. How plants survive in deserts? 4. Where do small animals live in deserts? Why do they live t

3、here? 5. Where do people live in some desert? 6. How to prevent desertification?,1. Why are desert winds dry?,Some deserts are in “rain shadow” area where the winds have lost what moisture they had crossing high ground.,2. Desert are very hot during the day, why are desert nights often cold?,Because

4、 clear skies allow heat to escape into the atmosphere.,蒲公英,dandelion,3. How plants survive in deserts?,saguaro,mesquit(e),墨西哥合欢树属植物;牧豆树,Some seeds of plants lie in the ground for years waiting for the rain. Other plants store water in their leaves, stems or roots. Many close their pores during the d

5、ay so they do not lose moisture.,4. Where do small animals live in deserts? Why do they live there?,They live in holes or burrows. Holes or burrows trap moisture and stay cooler than the ground above.,5. Where do people live in some desert?,around oases (fertile areas ) form around wells or springs,

6、6. How to prevent desertification,1. To plant trees and hedges(树篱:由一排密种的灌木或长得低的树形成的一道栅栏或分界线),2. To reduce the amount of animals to protect crops from grazing.,3. To build lines of stones across slopes to prevent rainwater running away and allow it to soak into the soil.,Learning new words,Look at th

7、e pictures and guess the English names. try to memorize them as many as you can,蒲公英,dandelion,dandelion,树形仙人掌,saguaro,saguaro,仙人掌,cacti (复数),cactus,Cactus has spines,墨西哥合欢树属植物;牧豆树,mesquit(e),mesquit(e),洞穴,burrow,burrow,burrow,(冷血的卵生)爬行动物,reptile,reptile,reptile,reptile,浦乳动物,mammal,mammal,mammal,side

8、winder,sidewinder,sidewinder,(美国西南部产的一种)响尾蛇,沙漠中的绿洲,oasis (pl. oases),oasis,ess,es:z,lizard,lizard,lizard,蜥蜴,骆驼,camel,camel,牧场,草原,pasture,pasture,鹅卵石,pebble,pebble,沙砾,gravel,gravel,gravel,Write down the words in blanks according to the meaning,1.Not good enough to produce crops. _ 2. That can not be

9、predicted. _ 3. cruel, severe _ 4. Obtain by pressing, crushing, boiling etc._ 5. (of cattle, sheep, etc.) eat growing grass _ 6. Sharp-pointed growth on the stem of a plant _ 7. suitably, justly _ 8.(of acids, rain, etc.) wear away, eat into _ 9. Member of a tribe that wanders from place to place,

10、with no fixed home _,barren,unpredictable,harsh,extract,graze,thorn,aptly,erode,nomad,Text learning Sentence understanding structure Writing skills,Oceans of Sand is a piece of exposition or expository writing. The word “exposition” comes from the past participle of the Latin word for expound. When

11、we write an exposition, we write mainly to expound or explain. The intention or purpose of the writer of exposition (informative writing) is to inform or explain. He appeals to a readers understanding with verifiable(能证实的)facts and valid information, explaining and interpreting that material so that

12、 the reader will accept his point of view or explanation. Planning an expository composition is affected by the particular kind of exposition being planned. In general, there are three kinds: exposition that defines, exposition that informs, and exposition that explains. Often one exposition contain

13、s all three kinds, just as the case in this essay.,Introduction,The object of this essay is to tell people some information about deserts. Deserts are dry places situated near the equator. It is difficult for life to survive there owing to extreme changes in temperature and very low rainfall. Howeve

14、r, some plants, animals and people have developed strategies for survival in the desert.,The essay is developed mainly by classification(分类) and examples. Writing a classification needs to divide or classify a subject according to a single principle, just as this essay shows, it is developed under f

15、ive sub-titles: living in a desert climate, how plants survive, animal life, desert peoples, and on the move.,Examples are so important to writing that most essays use them. The examples help readers fully understand the points. Lively, specific examples also add interest to the essay. Generally spe

16、aking, the examples can vary from the anecdotal(多轶事趣闻的)material found in Bringing up Children or Etiquette to the recital 叙述of facts, statistics, and cases found in this essay. Throughout the essay, the author uses a lot of examples to illustrate the points. Each kind of example -the fact and the anecdote轶事 - has its appropriate use, and both share a common function: t



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