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1、,P 1-2 1.on 2.at 3.for 4.on 5.from ;on 6.in 7. on 8.in 1-5 BCCBA 6-10 ACBAC 11-15 BBABC 1.How many hours do you sleep everyday? 2.I dont always eat junk food. 3.How often do you sleep? 4.They dont exercise every day. 5.Why is grandma pretty healthy? 1-5 ACADD 6-10CBCDA,P3-4 1.once2.healthy 3.to brin

2、g 4.to help 5.to answer 1-5 BCBAC 1. How often;surf;Twice favorite show; animal world 2.once a week 3.exercise everyday 4.what does on weekend 5.Most children 1-5 DCABA 6-10 BCCBA CCBCB,P5-6 1.dentist 2. With 3.thirsty 4.catch/has 5.ear 6 home 7.moment 8.healthy 9.until 10 surf 1.stomachache 2.shoul

3、d 3. activities 4.healthy 5.Drinking 6.is 7.to keep 8.stressed 9.are;is 10.much 1-5 ADDBC 6-10 DCBBA 1.When did Ann feel ill? 2.What should you do when your parents are out? 3.No,I dont. 4. He should not take the medicine three times a day. 5. My eating habits are different from yours 6.The little b

4、oy often watches TV. ADCDB,P7-8 1-5 CDBBD 6-10 ACBBB 11-15 AAADA 1.sore throat 2.feel well ; headache; 3.very easy for 4.too much 5. The matter 6.stay in 7.hope ;feel better 8.how to ;advice 9.traditional food 10.better soon 1.When is linda going to see her grandmather? 2.Where do the Greens usually

5、 take vacation? 3.How long are you staying there ? 4.He is going to take mark to the park. TTTTT,P9-10 1-5 BCBAB 6-10 CBDBB 1.camping 2. Sightseeing 3.ride 4.planning 5.stay 6.hear 7.exciting 8.a walk 9.fishing 10.shopping wrong;well;thinking;mouth;sressed;is; neednt;water;Thanks;doctor 1How much 2.

6、Who 3.Which 4.How many 5.How How 7.How often 8.When 9.What 10.How long 1-5 ABDDB 6-10ACCDA,P11-12 1-5 BCDAD 6-10DDDCB 11-15 DBBAC most;to get;ill;lately;yourself CEABD,P13-14 1.in 2. On 3.for;at 4.By 5.on ;by 6.from;to 7.in 8.from 9.in 10.with 1-5 ABADD 6-10 CDACC 1.lending 2. Ninth 3.really 4.child

7、rens 5.invitation 6.good 7. are 8.taller 9.like 10.shorter 1-5 BACDA 6-10 ABDBB BCDDC,P15-16 1.What 2.How 3.How many 4.What 5.How long 6.Who 7.What 8.Whose 9.When 10.Why 1.long 2.far 3.live 4.rides 5.takes 6.kilometers 7.minutes 8.Most 9.station 10.get to 1-5 CAADB 6-10 CDDB? BCADC,P17-18 1-5 ACCAD

8、6-8 BCA 1.isnt;visit 2. Whats ;name 3.What about 4.older 5.drives by 1-5 ACCAB 6-10 BCDBD 1-5 BBCCD,P19-20 1.inviting 2. Go 3.help 4.going e homework 7.study 8.has 9.study 10. Have;is babysiting 1.Can; go 2. Does; go 3.How often 4.Why not 5.ask; for 6. Shall;we 7.Does;have any 8.Does; do 9.How often

9、 10.Does;have 1.could 2. My name 3.Can 4. When/What time 5.afraid ABDCC,P21-22 1.reading 2. to cook 3.help ;(to)open 4.dancing 5.play 6.living 7.writing 8.to have 1-8 BADBCCBD 1.for 2. What 3. How 4.By 5.take 6. number 7.At 8.long 9.Its 10 have 1.call(ring);arrive 2. When 3.No,you cant 4.What are yo

10、u doing 5.has to 1-5 BBACB 6-10 ABBCB,P23-24 1-8 CACADBDA 1.so is ;asas 2.older 3.different from 4. thinner than 5.hair longer ;have shorter hair 6.as outgoing as 1.more outgoing 2.more useful 3.easier 4.better 5. hungrier 6. The calmest 7.funnier 8.brighter 9.more popular 10.taller 1-5 DBCDB 6-10AB

11、BCB,P25-26 1-5 BAACC 6-10 ADCAC 1.keep 2. practice 3. the farthest 4. Vistitors 5. Working 1.spend 2. and 3.of 4.By 5. often 6.country 7 Yes 8 held 9.sure 10.will 1. 2. 3. 4.,P27-28 1-5 BABCC 6-10 ABAAB 11-12 CC 1.Cut 2. Mix 3.Peel 4.slices 5. turn 6. pour 7.much 8. many 9.Add 10 tomatoes 1.good 2.

12、Hard/difficult 3. right 4.long 5. clean 1-5 ADABD,P29-30 1-5 DBAAD 6-10 BDBCC 1. sandwiches 2.camping 3.to put 4.player 5.is singing 6.second 7.to come 8.was 1.to bring 2. Take care of 3.cant 4. Invited 5 washing 6.borrowed 7.forget 8.working on 9.bring 10.hates CCAAD,P31-32 1-5 CADBC 6-10 CDDCD A 1

13、.dishes 2. feeding 3.care 4. meeting 5.borrowing B 6.Mine ;7.have 8.sweep 9.invite 10.large 1-5 DDACA,P33-34 1-5 BBBDA 6-10 ABCBC 1.to tell;meet 2. guessing;tells 3.Are;is 4.colder ;hottest 5.his;dance 1-5 GFECA 1.Senventy 2.Teaching how to use the internet 3.Boston 4.Online 5.Enjoy themsevles,P35-3

14、6 1-5 ABBBA 6-10 ACCBB 11-15 BABBB 1.where 2.how;get to 3.on 4.it is 5. DO; have to 6.is made of 7.How fast 8.To do 9.didnt ;until 10.would; lost 1-5 FFTFT,P37-38 1-5 CCDCC 6-10 BCADD 11-15 CBABB 1.differnt 2. And 3. 21st 4.than 5. More 6. Enlish 7.work 8.free 9.watching 10 for BCACC,P39-40 1-5 CADC

15、C 6-10 DACBA 1.Why not 2. What will you do 3.send for a doctor/go to 4.Are free 5.What are you doing 6.Would you like to 7.Why cant jion 8.When is 9.What doing 10.has to 1-5 EAGCD 1-5 BCACB 6-10 CBDDA,P41-42 1-5 DBACD 6-10 CBDDA 11-15 BCDAC FGEDB 1-5 CBABC,P43-44 1-5 CAADD 6-10 CBCAB 1.over 2. under 3.across 4.on 5. In 6.in 7.with 8. between 9.to 10 from 1-5 DBAEC 1-5 AABBC 6-10 BABBD,P45-46 1-5 CBBCD 6-10 BABBD 1.celebrate 2.except 3. Careful 4. More 5.sent 1.idea 2.with 3.going 4.Where 5.take 6.moring 7 do 8. problem 9.enjoy 10.Meet A: BCBCA B: BAADB,P47-48 1-5 CCCBD 6-10 BCBCA


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