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1、考前第十天,pressure n. 压迫;压力,压强 pretend vi. 假装,装作 pretty adj. 漂亮的,俊俏的 prevent vt. 防止,预防 price n. 价格,价钱;代价 principle n. 原则,原理 prison n. 监狱 private adj. 私人的,私营的,probable adj. 很可能的,大概的 probably adv. 或许,大概 problem n. 问题,难题 process n. & v. 过程,程序;方法;制 作,加工,处理 produce vt. 生产,制造 product n. 产品,产物 professional adj

2、. 专业的 professor n. 教授 profit n. & v. 利润,益处;有益于 progress v. & n. 进步,上进,prohibit vt. 禁止,不准 project n. 方案,项目,工程 promise n. & vi. 答应,允诺 promote vt. 促进;提升 proper adj . 恰当的,正确的 properly adv. 适当的;完全地 protect vt. 保护 protection n. 保护 proud adj. 自豪的;骄傲的(of) prove vt. 证明,证实;检验,provide vt. 供应,供给;准备 province n.

3、省 public adj. & n. 公共的,公众的;公众punish v. 惩罚,处罚 purchase v. 买,购买 pure adj. 纯的,不掺杂的 purpose n. 目的,意图 push n. & v. 推,推动;奋发;干劲 put vt. 放,摆;安置;表达; 迫使 puzzle v. & n. (使)为难;难题,quake n. & v. 震动,颤抖 quality n. 质量,性质 quantity n. 量,数 quarrel vi. 争吵,吵架 quarter n. 四分之一,一刻钟question vt. & n. 询问;问题 quick adv. & adj. 快

4、;敏捷的,急剧的quiet adj. 安静的,寂静的 quit v. 离开;辞职;停止 in the process of 在过程中,make progress 取得进步 keep ones promise/word 遵守诺言 in public 当众 with/for the purpose of 为了 on purpose 故意地 out of the question 不可能的 jump the queue 插队 in rags 衣服破烂 at random 任意地,随机地 Project Hope 希望工程,2. 容易多字母的词: 误:nineth fourty againest 正:

5、ninth forty against 误: Auguest similar habbit 正: August similar habit 误: alltogether Thurseday colledge 正: altogether Thursday college,误:forbide liberary pround 正:forbid library proud 3. 容易混淆的词: (1)词形相似易混淆的词: peasant农民/present礼物;现在/parents父母 broad宽的/board木板/abroad在国外 difficult困难的/different不同的 attrac

6、t吸引/attack袭击 explode爆炸/exploit开采;开发 familiar熟悉的/similar类似的,pollution污染/population人口 quality质量/quantity数量 shadow影子,阴影/shade阴凉处 (2)异性同义易混淆的词: 动词:advise affect weigh bathe breathe believe recover discover decide 名词:advice effect weight bath breath belief Recovery discovery decision,动词:explain lose serv

7、e succeed pronounce enter permit prepare 名词:explanation loss service success pronunciation entrance permission preparation 动词:argue arrive choose envelop 名词:argument arrival choice envelope,名词:health society absence width length height nature science honesty 形容词:healthy social absent wide long high

8、natural scientific honest 名词:difficulty hunger anger noise 形容词:difficult hungry angry noisy 名词:safety happiness center 形容词:safe happy central,名词:value youth 形容词: valuable young 形容词:happy luck angry simple true terrible 副词:happily luckily angrily simply truly terribly,(3)字母组合ei和ie易混淆的词: 正:receive,sei

9、ze,foreign,ceiling,chief,thief, friendship,believe,achievement,twentieth,achieve(4)字母a和e易混淆的词: 误:advence adventage doller advanture grammer unbrelle oparate seperate 正:advance advantage dollar adventure grammar umbrella operate separate,(5)易将词尾or写成er的词: 误:professer visiter tailer sailer auther inven

10、ter conducter emperer moniter director acter 正:professor visitor tailor sailor author inventor conductor emperor monitor director actor (6)字母s和c易混淆的词: 误:persent univercity electrisity sence 正:percent university electricity sense,(7)易颠倒字母的词: 误:morden gadern ture destory slience Wedensday secratery ci

11、geratte clam 正:modern garden true destroy silence Wednesday secretary cigarette calm,误:accroding creul feul flase friut Pairs 正:according cruel fuel false fruit Paris (8)因未掌握语法规则易误写的词: 误:stomaches thiefs photoes 正:stomachs thieves photos 误: potatos tomatos heros 正: potatoes tomatoes heroes,误: rooves

12、 foxs Germen 正: roofs foxes Germans 误:offerred occurred permited writen biten refered costed 正:offered occurred permitted written bitten referred cost,误:studing regreting beginning chating writting 正:studying regretting beginning chatting writing 误:hoter thiner fater biger 正:hotter thinner fatter bi

13、gger,李华是一名高三学生,请根据下图,以A Better Weekend为题写一篇短文,描述李华的学习生活和缓解压力的方法。 ,注意:词数120150。 参考词汇:weekend classes补习班,A Better Weekend Li Hua is a senior three student and is very busy with his lessons every day.Last Saturday, as usual,he went to weekend classes.In the evening,he studied deep into the night at hom

14、e.He was so sleepy and tired that he couldnt work effectively.,On Sunday morning,his father came up and advised him to have a rest.Soon they had a good idea.They made a kite and then the family went to the suburbs.Li Hua enjoyed himself flying the kite.The family had a picnic together, relaxed in th

15、e open air.On Monday,Li Hua was energetic and active in class.He said it was because he had a better weekend.,.单项填空 1. Lets go and have a good drink tonight. Have you got the first prize in the competition? A.What for? B.Thanks a lot. C.Yes.Id like to. D.Why not? 解析 根据语境判断,此处表示疑问语气,不理解 对方为什么要请自己,因此问“为什么”。,A,2.What disappointment to see Liu Xiang quit his game in 29th Beijing Olympic Games! But I still support him.After all,he is in poor health. A./;the B.a;the C.the;/ D.the;the 答案 B 解析 第一空指令人失望的事;第二空特


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