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1、Kuroshitsuji(Japanese) The Black Butler,This is a presentation for myself and all of you here! Commemorate my cartoon that I have said goodbye! Wish all of us happy every day and have a bright future!,Outline,Background Characters Plot Review Quotation Personal thought,Background,Time:Victorian era

2、London Place:The Phantomhive Estate The Phantomhive family:a secret executive agency controlled directly by the Queen.Their task is to eliminate the evidence of the royal familys wrongdoings and manage the underworld of the United Kingdom. The current head of the family is Ciel Phantomhive, son of E

3、arl Vincent and Lady Rachel Phantomhive who were murdered and their estate burned.,Plot,Kuroshitsuji, which translates to “Black Butler,” is the heart-warming tale of young boy and his demon butler, set in London in the late 1800s. Ciel Phantomhive, in a fit of Faustian desperation, offers a demon h

4、is soul in exchange for help avenging his murdered parents and the ensuing hell that he endured afterward.,Protagonist,Ciel Phantomhive: the twelve-year-old head of the English Phantomhive noble family as well as a toy and candy empire. His right eye, which is usually covered with a black eyepatch,

5、bears a pentacle sign of the Faustian contract which binds the demon Sebastian Michaelis to his will.,Protagonist,Sebastian Michaelis The butler of the Phantomhive household and Ciels bodyguard He is highly skilled in any area and handles every task, which is due to the fact he is a demon bound by a

6、 “contract“ to abide by Ciels will. The same pentacle sign can be found on Sebastians left hand.,Supporting role,Bardroy Finian Maylene They take the burden of protecting the Phantomhive estate. And Bardroy was an English Soldier who was the only one to survived in a war. Finian owns superhuman stre

7、ngth, and because of this he could not be accepted by the world. Maylene used to be an assassin, and due to her kindness, she could not finish the task. These three servants all have painful memories like Ciel.,the main villain of the piece,Ash He was Queens butler as well as a fallen angel(虐杀天使). I

8、t was he that killed Ciels parents and wanted to purge all unclean things in this world. In the end of the anime, he set fire on London, wanting to reshape the world of the Father. He was gruesomely killed by Sebastians true form in ten seconds finally.,Review,In most anime worlds, revenge is a frui

9、tless endeavor that never fulfills the way the avenger hopes it will. Most anime exist under the assumption that good will always triumphant over evil (eventually) and that fighting in the name of friendship, honor, or for the sake of others will guarantee victory. The thing that sets The Black Butl

10、er apart from a lot of other shows is that its a show where evil triumphs and thats a good thing. The hatred and revenge that dominate Ciels heart is what drives Sebastians loyalty, and as long as their contract remains, Sebastians demonic strength will overcome any of Ciels enemies.,Quotation-Ciel,

11、我在这里,因为这是我的愿望,是我的选择。我没有后悔,所以我不能撒娇,不论是对谁。 I am here, because it is my wish and my choice. I will not regret it, so I can not act like a spoiled child, no matter to whom. 为了这种程度的事就轻易地绝望,我不能理解也不想理解。 Despair easily in order to this level of things, I can not understand and do not want to understand.,Quo

12、tation-Ciel,悲观着,叹息着,这么做有什么用,停滞不前,即使是死人也办得到。可是,我活着,用自己的力量站着,终有一天会死的话,还是不要留下遗憾比较好吧。 Pessimistic, sighed, what help? Stagnant,even the dead can do so. However, I am alive and standing with my own strength. If one day I died, it is better not to leave some pity. 这个世界里没有什么规则,就算有,那也是由我创造的。 There are not r

13、ules in this world; even if there is, it is created by me.,Quotation-Ciel,就算是被迫站在绝望的深渊旁,只要那里有能够爬上去的蜘蛛丝,绝不放弃地抓紧它。 Even if I was forced to stand next to the abyss of despair, as long as there are the spider silk to climb, I will never give up and grasp it tightly.,Quotation- Sebastian,只要是您的期望,我便会随您到天涯

14、海角,就算王座崩塌,金色的皇冠腐朽,在持续堆积的无数残骸上,我也会守在那无声倒下的小小国王面前,直到那声“将军”的喊出为止。 As long as your expectations, I will be with you to the ends of the earth, even if the Throne collapsed, and golden crown decayed. In the continued accumulation of numerous debris, I would wait for that small king falling silently, until

15、 the sound “ General “was shouted.,Personal thought,I appreciate Ciel highly. And I think he is so special a boy that is persevering, and has the courage to sacrifice. No matter how bad the situation is, regardless of whether he is alone or not, all in his eyes is his aim. “My step can not stop here

16、!” “If I gave up my enmity, I am not myself any more!” Ciel personality shocks me so much that I can not search for any words to describe my feeling.,Personal thought,I think if you want to be successful, you should to possess these things. First, you should have power, like a almighty bulter Second, you should have plenty of guts Third, you should have the indomitable spirit Fourth, you should dare to take risks,That is all!,


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