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1、临床医学论文-保列治联合哈乐治疗良性前列腺增生 3 年疗效观察【关键词】 保列摘 要:目的:临床研究长期保列治和哈乐联合用药治疗前列腺增生症(BPH)的有效性和安全性。方法: 门诊收集联合应用两药 3 年以上前列腺增生症患者 120 例,回顾性统计分析患者前列腺体积、症状评分、残余尿量、尿流率变化,以及尿潴留和血尿的发生率。结果: 联合用药 3 个月见效,3 年后观察,前列腺体积缩小,最大尿流率(Qmax)增加,国际前列腺症状评分(IPSS)下降,残余尿量下降。本组患者无发生尿潴留、前列腺源性出血、前列腺增生引起的肾功能不全及反复泌尿系感染。3 年联合用药,可延缓病情进展,终点事件发生率降低。

2、结论:长期联合用药治疗前列腺增生症患者,能稳定前列腺下降体积和改善最大尿流率,减少尿潴留及前列腺源性血尿和手术干预的发生率。关键词: 前列腺增生 联合用药; 治 疗The Efficacy of 3-year Therapy of Proscar and Harnal in Patients with Benign Prostatic HyperplasiaAbstract: Objective: To assess the long-term safety and efficacy of proscar and harnal in the treatment of men with beni

3、gn prostatic hyperplasia(BPH).Method:120 patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia whotaked proscar and harnal for 3 years were collected in outpatient department.For them,the changes of the prostate volume,themaximal urinary flow rate,the volumes of residual urine,the grades of IPSS were analysed

4、respectively.Additionally,the incidence rates of urinary retention and hematuria of the patients were compared with ones observed in the same period.Result:Treatment with proscar and harnal for 3 years was similar for 9 months,it led to sustained improvement in symptoms,reduction in porstate volume,

5、and increased urinary flow,decreases in IPSS and residual urine volume were also maintained.more than 3 years united treatment was safe and tolerated well.Conclusion:Patients treated with proscar and harnal maintained aninitial decrease in prostate volume and improvement in symptom score and maximal

6、 urinary flow rate over 3 years,and lessen the incidence rates of urinary retention and hematuria caused by prostate and operated treatment.Key words: Prostatic hypertrophy; United employ; Treatment近年来,由于 -受体阻滞剂(如哈乐、可多华等)和 5- 还原酶抑制剂(如保列治)的广泛应用,良性前列腺增生的药物治疗方法有了很大的变化。BPH 是老年男性很常见的一种疾病,4050 岁开始出现,呈进行性增

7、长。药物治疗的目的是防止或延缓前列腺增生的进展。尤其是避免急性尿潴留的发生及手术干预的需要,减轻症状,提高患者的生活质量。据文献报道,长达多年的美国 MTOPS 研究结究表明,保列治和可多华联合应用 4 年,急性尿潴留、尿失禁及泌尿系感染和肾功能不全等终点事件发生率明显降低。为进一步了解 5-还原酶抑制剂和 -受体阻滞剂联合用药的长期疗效,我们收集了本院门诊接受保列治和哈乐(与可多华同为 1a-受体阻滞剂)联合用药治疗 3 年以上的资料与同期未行任何前列腺药物治疗的 BPH 患者作比较。现报告如下。1 资料与方法1.1 病例选择:2000 年至 2003 年门诊接受保列治和哈乐联合用药的男性患

8、者共 120 例,年龄 4085 岁,平均 55.2 岁。每天剂量为保列治 5mg+哈乐0.2mg,用药时间超过 3 年以上,长期服药并门诊定期复查。而对照组则为同期门诊未行任何前列腺药物治疗的 BPH 男性患者,共 420 例,年龄 4280 岁,平均 50.1 岁。对上述患者作下尿路系统性检查及回顾性分析。1.2 观察方法:评价指标:IPSS、Qmax(排尿量在 150ml 以上测定值才有效)、前列腺体积(V):以经腹壁 B 超测定,计算公式为:V(ml)=/6(左右径)(前后径)(上下径)(cm)、残余尿量(Ru):以经腹壁 B 超测定,计算公式:Ru(ml)=0.75(膀胱上下径)(膀

9、胱前后径)(膀胱左右径)(cm),及尿常规、血生化检查测定。1.3 统计学分析方法:使用统计学 SPSS 软件,用两样本均数 t 检验比较前后各项观察指标的差异。 2 结 果本组病例治疗时,用药 3 个月、9 个月及 3 年有记录的平均前列腺体积、最大尿流率、残余尿量、IPSS 的数值,详见表 1。表 1 本组病例治疗结果(略)比较结果:联合用药 3 个月后,症状明显改善,3 年后各项指标与服用 9个月相仿(P0.05),无显着性差异,与治疗开始比较,前列腺体积缩少13%(P40g,症状评分增高患者,停用哈乐单用保列治,亦能达到缓解症状的功效。由于本组病例为回顾性资料,非随机性对照,仅反映部分

10、患者治疗 3 年以上的情况。但资料显示长期联合应用保列治和哈乐能稳定早期取得的前列腺体积下降减轻的症状和改善的最大尿流率,能减少尿潴留及前列腺源性出血的发生率,显着地提高了患者的生活质量。参考文献:1 McConnell J D,Bruskewitz R,Walsh P,et al.The effect of finasteride on the risk of acute urinary retention and the need for surgical treatment among men with benign prostatic hyperplasia.N Engl Med,19

11、98,338:557-557.2 Andersen J T,Nickel J C,Marshall V R,et al.Finasteride significantly reduces acute urinary retention and need for surgery in patients with symptomtomatic benign prostatic hyperplasia.Urology,1997,49:839-839.3 Marberger N J,Anderser J T, Nickel C, et al. Prostate volume and serum pro

12、state-specific antigen as predictors of acute urinary retention:combined experience from three larhe multinational placbe-controlled trials.Eur rol,2000,38:563-5634 Hudson P B,Boake R,Trachtenberg J,et al.Efficacy of finasteride is maintained in patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia treated for 5 years.Urology,1999,53:690-839.5 马腾骧,主编现代泌尿外科学天津:天津科学出版社,2000856-881



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