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1、MBA 经典长难句 100 句1. Just as on smoking, voices now come from many quarters insisting that the science about global warming is incomplete, that is OK to keep pouring fumes into the air until we know for sure.(第二类)主体句式:voices come from结构分析:首先,我们应该找到这个句子的主干,即“voices now come from many quarters ”,insistin

2、g 是一个现在分词,作为伴随状语描述 voices,其后跟随了两个用 that 引导的宾语从句。在第二个宾语从句中,还包含了一个以 until 引导的时间状语从句。在经过这么一番分析之后,这个看似复杂的长句的结构和意思就一目了然了。译文:正如对待吸烟问题一样,现在来自许多方面的声音都坚持认为关于全球变暖的科学研究还不够充分,并且认为在得到确切的证据之前,我们都可以继续向大气中排放废气。2. What is special about mans brain, compared with that of the monkey, is the complex system which enables

3、 a child to connect the sight and feel of, say, a toy-bear with the sound pattern toy-bear.(第三类)主体句式:What is special about mans brain, is the complex system.结构分析:本句的主体句式非常简单,但是中间却有很多插入的结构,以至于句子看上去有些复杂。“compared with that of the monkey”是一个插入语,起到补充说明的作用。而后面“which”引导的是一个定语从句,对 system 进行具体的解释说明。“say,”这个

4、结构表示举例说明,其后面跟随的内容就是一个对前面论述的具体说明。译文:与猴子的大脑相比,人脑的特殊之处在于这是一个复杂的系统,能够使孩子把看到和感受到的东西联系起来,比如说把一个玩具熊和“玩具熊” 这个词的发音联系起来。3. But speech has to be induced, and this depends on interaction between the mother and the child , where the mother recognizes the signals in the child s babbling (咿呀学语) , grasping and smil

5、ing, and responds to them(第二类)主体句式:But speech has to be induced, and this depends on interaction.结构分析:本句是一个以 and 连接的并列句,但其后半句内容比较多,显然是全句的重心。Where 引导的定语从句修饰前面的短句“interaction between the mother and the child”,而最后一个逗号后面的内容是对这个定语从句内容的补充说明。译文:但是说话需要得到诱导,这取决于母亲与孩子之间的交流,在这种交流中母亲要从孩子的咿呀学语、手势和微笑中认出一些语言信号,并且对

6、这些信号做出反应。4. The oiling is done with higher wages, well-ventilated factories and piped music, and by psychologists and human-relations experts; yet all this oiling does not alter the fact that man has become powerless, that he does not wholeheartedly participate in his work and that he is bored with

7、it.(第一类)主体句式:The oiling is done with; yet all this oiling does not alter the fact that that and that 结构分析:本句分为两个部分,以分号隔开。而两个部分里面都分别包含了一组并列结构,其中后半句中列举了三个“fact”,分别以 that 引导一一列出。译文:小齿轮的润滑是通过高薪、通风良好的厂房、管乐及心理学家和人际关系专家来进行的。然而,这种润滑并未改变这样一个事实:人已变得无能为力,不再全心全意投入到工作,并对工作感到厌烦。5. I suggest transforming our socia

8、l system from a bureaucratically managed industrialism in which maximal production and consumption are ends in themselves into a humanist industrialism in which man and full development of his potentialities-those of love and of reason-are the aims of all social arrangements.(第二类)主体句式:I suggest tran

9、sformating out social systerm from into 结构分析:本句的主要内容就是谈论要改变 social system,而 from 和 into 两个词语后面的内容分别描述了两种不同的 system。第一种是“a bureaucratically managed industrialism”, in which 引导的定语从句进一步说明了之中机制;第二种是“a humanist industrialism”,同样也用 in which 引导的定语从句来具体说明。译文:我是否在建议我们应回到工业化前的生产模式或回到十九世纪“自由企业”资本主义时期呢?当然不是。回到已

10、过时的时代从来不能解决问题。我建议把我们的社会制度从以最大限度生产和最大限度消费为目的的官僚主义管理工业体制变成一个充分发挥人的潜能如爱和理性的潜能为目的的人道主义工业体制。6. The American economic system is organized around a basically private-enterprise, market-oriented economy in which consumers largely determine what shall be produced by spending their money in the marketplace fo

11、r those goods and services that they want most.(第二类)主体句式:The American economic system is organized around a economy.结构分析:本句结构较为复杂,重点在于抓住主干,然后逐步分析其细枝末节。Economy 后面的 which 引导的定语从句用来修饰 economy,这个从句中的主干是consumers determine what shall be produced。“what shall be produced”后面的分词结构是一个由 by 引导的状语,句末的定语从句 that t

12、hey want most 修饰 goods and services。需要注意的是本句主要围绕着 economy 这个词语展开。译文:从根本上说,美国经济体制是围绕私有企业、在以市场为导向的经济基础上建立起来的。在这种体制下需要生产什么在很大程度上是消费者通过到市场花钱购买他们最需要的商品和服务来决定的。7. If, on the other hand, producing more of a commodity results in reducing its cost, this will tend to increase the supply offered by seller-prod

13、ucers, which in turn will lower the price and permit more consumers to buy the product.(第三类)译文:主体句式:This will tend to increase the supply结构分析:本句开头是一个由 if 引导的条件从句,该句的主语是一个动名词短语“producing more of a commodity”。在句子的主干中, supply 后面的分词结构“offered by seller-producers”后置作 supply 的定语。句子的最后是由 which 引导的定语从句,whic

14、h 指代前面整个主句的内容。译文:另一方面,某种产品大量生产导致成本下降,生产者提供的产品就会增加,这就会使价格下跌,那么,更多的消费者就会购买该产品。8. Numerous other commercial enterprises, from theaters to magazine publishers, from gas and electric utilities to milk processors, bring better and more efficient services to consumers through the use of computers.(第一类)主体句式

15、:Numerous other commercial enterprises bring better and more efficient services.结构分析:本句的复杂之处在于主语和谓语之间被两个逗号分开的部分中有一个很长的短语“from theaters to magazine publishers, from gas and electric utilities to milk processors”,因此本句重点在于在干扰因素的影响中抓住句子的主干。译文:许多其他商业企业,从剧院到杂志社,从燃气电器公司到牛奶加工厂都通过计算机的使用为消费者提供更好、效率更高的服务。9. Th

16、e great interest in exceptional children shown in public education over the past three decades indicates the strong feeling in our society that all citizens, whatever their special conditions, deserve the opportunity to fully develop their capabilities.(第二类)主体句式:The great interest indicates the strong feeling.结构分析:本句的主语“The great interest”后面的“in exceptional children shown in public education over the past three decades”是修饰主语的定语。宾语“the strong fee


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