2015年高三上学期期中考试 英语

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《2015年高三上学期期中考试 英语》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2015年高三上学期期中考试 英语(11页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、辽宁师大附中2015届高三上学期期中考试 英语第一卷(选择题 共70分)第一部分 阅读理解(共两节 满分40分)第一节(共15小题 每小题2分 共30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。AA Guide to the UniversityFoodThe TWU Cafeteria is open 7am to 8pm. It serves snacks(小吃), drinks, ice cream bars and meals. You can pay with cash or your ID cards. You can add meal mon

2、ey to your ID cards at the Front Desk. Even if you do not buy your food in the cafeteria, you can use the tables to eat your lunch, to have meetings and to study.If you are on campus in the evening or late at night, you can buy snacks, fast food, and drinks in the Lower Caf located in the bottom lev

3、el of the Gouglas Centre. This area is often used for entertainment such as concerts, games or TV watching.RelaxationThe Globe, located in the bottom level of McMillan Hall, is available for relaxing, studying, cooking, and eating. Monthly activities are held here for all international students. Hou

4、rs are 10 am to 10 pm, closed on Sundays.HealthLocated on the top floor of Douglas Hall, the Wellness Centre is committed to physical, emotional and social health. A doctor and nurse is available if you have health questions or need immediate medical help or personal advice. The cost of this is incl

5、uded in your medical insurance. Hours are Monday to Friday, 9am to noon and 1;00 to 4;30pm.Academic SupportAll students have access to the Writing Centre on the upper floor of Douglas Hall. Here, qualified volunteers will work with you on written work, grammar, vocabulary, and other academic skills.

6、 You can sign up for an appointment on the sign-up sheet outside the door two 30 minute appointments per week maximum. This service is free.TransportationThe TWU Express is a shuttle(班车) service. The shuttle transports students between campus and the shopping centre, leaving from the Mattson Centre.

7、 Operation hours are between 8am and 3pm. Saturdays only. Round trip fare is $1.1. What can you do in the TWU Cafeteria?A. have meals and meet with friends B. Buy drinks and enjoy concerts C. Do homework and watch TV D. Add money to your ID and play chess2. Where and when can you cook your own food?

8、A. The Globe, Friday B. The Lower Caf, SundayC. The TWU Cafeteria , Friday D. The McMillan Hall , Sunday.3. The Guide tells us that the Wellness Centre _.A. is open six days a week B. offers services free of chargeC. trains students in medical care D. gives advice on mental health4. How can you seek

9、 help from the Writing Centre?A. By applying online B. By filling in a sign-up formC. By calling the centre D. By going to the centre directlyBPeople arent walking any more- if they can figure out a way to avoid it.I felt superior about this matter untilthe other day I took my car to mail a small pa

10、rcel. The journey is a matter of 281 steps. But I used the car. And I wasnt in any hurry, either, I had merely become one more victim of a national sickness: motorosis. It is an illness to which I had thought myself immune(免疫的), for I was bred in the tradition of going to places on my own two legs.

11、At that time, we regarded 25 miles as good days walk and the ability to cover such a distance in ten hours as a sign of strength and skill. It did not occur to us that walking was a hardship. And the effect was lasting. When I was 45 years old I raced and beata teenage football player the 168 steps

12、up the Stature of Liberty.Such enterprises today are regarded by many middle-aged persons as bad for the heart. But a well-known British physician, Sir Adolphe Abrhams, pointed out recently that hearts and bodies need proper exercise. A person who avoids exercise is more likely to have illnesses tha

13、n one who exercises regularly. And walking is an ideal form of exercise- the most familiar and natural of all.It was Henry Thoreau who showed mankind the richness of going on foot. The man walking can learn thetrees, flower, insects, birds and animals, the significance of seasons, the very feel of h

14、imself as a living creature in a living world. He cannot learn in a car.The car is a convenient means of transport, but we have made it our way of life. Many people dont dare to approach Nature any more; to them the world they were born to enjoy is all threat. To them security is a steel river thund

15、ering on a concrete road. And much of their thinking takes place while waiting for the traffic light to turn green.I say that the green of forests is the minds best light. And none but the man on foot can evaluate what is basic and everlasting.5. What was life like when the author was young?A. People usually went around on foot.B. people often walked 25 miles a dayC. People used to climb the Statue of Liberty.D. people considered a ten-hour walk as a hardship.6. The author mentions Henry Thoreau to prove thatA. middle-aged people like getting back to nature B. walking in nature helps enrich


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