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1、一、并列句 1并列句的概念:并列句就是两个或两个以上的简单句,由表示并列关系的连词或标点符号连接而成。 2并列连词分类: (1)单纯连词:and,both.and.,not only.but also.,as well as等。 (2)转折连词:but,yet,still,while等。 (3)选择连词:or,not.but.,either.or.,neither.nor.等。 (4)推理连词:so,therefore,for等。 He was ill,but he went to school. 他病了,但他还是去上学了。 I hate grammar while she loves it.

2、 我讨厌语法而她喜欢。,Either you must improve your work or I shall dismiss you. 不好好改进工作,我就解雇你。 It was late,so I went home. 天晚了,所以我就回家了。 “祈使句and/or(otherwise)简单句”也是并列句的一种,or在此意为“否则”。 Try it again,and you will succeed. 再试一次,你会成功的。,二、复合句 1定义:复合句是由一个主句和一个或一个以上的从句构成的句子。主句和从句都具有完整的主谓结构,主句是全句的主体,从句从属于主句,不能独立存在。 2从句分

3、类:根据从句在全句中的不同作用,从句可分为:主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句、同位语从句、定语从句和状语从句。 (1)主语从句:在句子中充当句子主语的从句叫主语从句。 Whether well have the sports meeting depends on the weather. 我们是否开运动会取决于天气。,有时为了避免头重脚轻,可用it作形式主语,而把真正的主语后置。 Its still uncertain who will be sent to attend the meeting on behalf of the manager. 谁将被派去代表经理开会还没有确定。,(2)宾语从句

4、:在句子中作及物动词或介词的宾语。 They believe that the computer will finally take the place of human beings.他们认为电脑最终会取代人类。 (3)表语从句:跟在系动词后面作表语的从句叫作表语从句。 The point is that we should send some school supplies or items to those disaster areas so as to express our love. 关键是我们应该送一些物品或学习用品给那些灾区,来表达我们的爱心。 (4)同位语从句:有些名词的后面

5、可以跟从句,说明这个名词的内容,这样的从句叫作同位语从句。 There is some doubt whether or not he is coming on time this afternoon. 不知道他今天下午是否会准时过来。,(5)定语从句:在复合句中作定语用来修饰句子中某一名词或代词的从句叫定语从句。 This is the missing boy(that/who/whom)we have been looking for these days. 这是我们这些日子一直在寻找的失踪的男孩。 (6)状语从句:在复合句中作状语,其位置可以在主句前或主句后。 时间状语从句通常由when

6、,as,while,after,before,as soon as,since,till(until),whenever等引导。 When the bell rang,the person was waiting in his seat. 铃响时,这个人正在座位上等着。,此外the minute,the moment,the instant,immediately,instantly,directly,the day,the week,the year,the first time,any time,next time,every time,each time,the last time,al

7、l the time,by the time等也可引导时间状语从句。 I recognized you the minute I saw you. 我一见你就认出你来了。,地点状语从句通常由where及wherever引导。 Where there is plenty of sunlight and rain,the fields are green. 哪里有充足的阳光和雨水,哪里的田地就绿油油的。 原因状语从句通常由because,since,as,now that,for等引导。 He must have done it by himself for there was no one el

8、se in the room. 那事一定是他一个人干的,因为屋子里没有其他人。 目的状语从句通常由so that.,in order that.等引导。 He drew a plan of the village so that she could find his house easily. 他画了一张这个村子的草图,以便她能容易地找到他的房子。 结果状语从句通常由so that,so.that.,such.that.等引导。 In fact,his spokenEnglish was so good that the teacher praised him for it in class.

9、 事实上,他的英语口语非常好,以至于老师在课堂上表扬了他。,比较状语从句通常由as,than,as(so)as,the more.the more等引导。 The more tickets you sell,the more money you will get. 你卖的票越多,挣的钱就越多。 让步状语从句通常由though(although),as,even if(even though),however,whatever等引导。 Proud as these two moneybags are,they are afraid to see me. 尽管两个大款很高傲,他们都害怕来见我。 条

10、件状语从句通常由if,unless,as long as等引导。 We can surely overcome these difficulties so long as we are closely united. 只要我们紧密团结,我们就一定能克服这些困难。,.句型转换 1Dont forget what your teacher says.(使用状语从句) your teacher says,dont forget. 2To his surprise,the little girl knows so many things.(使用名词性从句) is that the little gir

11、l knows so many things. the little girl knows so many things surprises him. that the little girl knows so many things. 3Does Mr.Brown enjoy living in China?Could you tell us?(变为复合句) Could you tell us Mr.Brown living in China? 4Jim is not a student.Tom is not a student,either.(合并为一个句子) Jim Tom is a s

12、tudent.,No_matter_what,What_surprises_him,That,It_surprises_him,if/whether,enjoys,Neither,nor,5When does the train leave?I want to know.(改为含宾语从句的复合句) I want to know the train . 6He lives in a big house,there stands a tree in front of the house.(变为复合句) He lives in a big house, stands a tree.,when,lea

13、ves,in_front_of_which,.用正确的引导状语从句的连词(词组)填空 1It seemed only several minutes he finished this painting. 2It has been three years she came to our school. 3Work hard, you will fail. 4 does Li Meng sing well, she dances well. 5I was about to leave the telephone rang. 6The composition is all right, there

14、is room for improvement.,before,since,or,Not_only,but_also,when,but,.翻译句子 1要么我们现在走,要么我们永远在这儿呆下去。 2我想强调的是我们都应该多听听别人的意见。 3他是如此的累,以至于睡的很快。,Either_we_go_now_or_we_remain_here_forever.,What_I_want_to_stress_is_that_each_of_us_should_listen_more_to_others.,He_was_so_tired_that_he_fell_into_sleep_fast.,本小节结束 请按ESC键返回,


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