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1、Unit Eight,Creativity,Background Information,Elbert Einstein(1879-1955) was a German-born theoretical physicist who developed the theory of general relativity, effecting a revolution in physics. For this achievement, Einstein is often regarded as the father of modern physics and one of the most prol

2、ific intellects in human history.34 He received the 1921 Nobel Prize in Physics “for his services to theoretical physics, and especially for his discovery of the law of the photoelectric effect“.5 The latter was pivotal in establishing quantum theory within physics.,爱因斯坦,美籍德国犹太裔,理论物理学家,相对论的创立者,现代物理学


4、因斯坦的理论不是这一哲学式陈词滥调的重复,而更是一种精确的用数学表述的方法。此方法中,科学的度量是相对的。显而易见,对于时间和空间的主观感受依赖于观测者本身。,Arnold Schwarzenegger,(born July 30, 1947) is an Austrian-American former professional bodybuilder, actor, director, businessman, investor, and politician. Schwarzenegger served as the 38th Governor of California from 20

5、03 until 2011.,阿诺德施瓦辛格在好莱坞是个传奇人物,没有受过专门的表演训练,但却跻身好莱坞主流影星之列。曾在健美界冉冉升起后,他那雄健魁梧的身躯和钢铁般坚硬的肌肉,被认定是拍惊险动作片的不二人选。生于奥地利的美国健身运动员、演员和政治家,是一位天主教徒,曾于威斯康星大学苏必略分校(University of Wisconsin-Superior)接受教育。2003年11月任美国加州州长,2011年1月3日卸任,任期达7年。,Thomas Edison,( 1847 -1931) was an inventor and businessman who developed many

6、important devices. “The Wizard of Menlo Park“ was one of the first inventors to apply the principles of mass production to the process of invention. In 1880 Edison founded the journal Science, which in 1900 became the journal of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.,Edison is cons

7、idered one of the most prolific inventors, holding a record 1,093 patents in his name. Most of these inventions were not completely original but improvements of earlier patents, and were actually made by his numerous employees. Edison was frequently criticized for not sharing the credits.,Neverthele

8、ss, Edison received patents worldwide, including the United States, United Kingdom, France, and Germany. Edison started the Motion Picture Patents Company, which was a conglomerate of nine major film studios (commonly known as the Edison Trust).,爱迪生(18471931)是举世闻名的美国电学家,科学家和发明家,被誉为“世界发明大王”。他除了在留声机、电

9、灯、电报、电影等方面的发明和贡献以外,在矿业、建筑业、化工等领域也有不少著名的创造和真知灼见。爱迪生及公司员工一生共有约两千项创造发明,为人类的文明和进步作出了巨大的贡献。,爱迪生同时也是一位伟大的企业家,1879年,爱迪生创办“爱迪生电力照明公司”,1880年,白炽灯上市销售,1890年,爱迪生已经将其各种业务组建成为爱迪生通用电器公司。1891年,爱迪生的细灯丝、高真空白炽灯泡获得专利。1892年,汤姆休斯顿公司与爱迪生电力照明公司合并成立了通用电气公司,开始了通用电气在电器领域长达一个世纪的统治地位。 爱迪生同时被誉为“光明之父”“现实中的普罗米修斯”“发明大王”,他拥有白炽灯、留声机、

10、碳粒电话筒和电影放映机等一千多项发明专利权。,Text function n. 功能 The function of the heart is to pump blood through the body. v. (器官等)活动;(机器等)运行 The machine doesnt function.,be aware of 知道;意识到;察觉到;认识到 Are you aware of the time? It happened without my being aware of it. be aware of danger be aware of environmental polluti

11、on,build up 增强,增大,增多 to build the wall up 把墙砌得更高些 The weightlifting built up his body. 增强体质,capability n. 才能,能力 Animals in the zoo have lost the capability of catching food for themselves. You have the capability to do this job well. capable adj. 能干的,能胜任的 You are capable of better work than this.,ap

12、plication n. 应用,运用 The invention would have a wide range of applications in industry. n. 申请,请求 Jack gives his application letter to the Music Club. application form,amaze 使大为吃惊 He amazed everyone by passing his driving test. We were amazed at the change in his appearance. amazing adj. 令人惊异的 The view

13、 from there was amazing ! I have just seen the most amazing thing .,come up with 想出(主意,办法) Is that the best excuse you can come up with? came up with a new idea come up to 升到,达到 The water came up to my neck. This piece of work does not come up to your usual standard. 达不到平常的标准,definition n. 定义 Defini

14、tions should not be more difficult to understand than the words they define. define vt. 定义, 解释 Can you define the word “define”? This word is hard to define.,in ones estimation 就某人来看 In your estimation, who is going to win? estimate vi. 估计,估价 to estimate the cost of a college education 估计上大学的费用 He i

15、s highly estimated among his colleagues,fortune n. 巨款,财富 He made a considerable fortune selling waste materials. a small fortune 口语 大笔钱,一笔巨款 n. 机会,运气 good fortune 好运 fortunate adj. 幸运的 I was fortunate in having a good teacher.,launch v. 使行动,使开始 The company is launching a new model next month. They l

16、aunched a violent attack on the enemy at dawn. v. 发射 In 1970,China successfully lauched a man-made satellite.,It is estimated that 据估计 Similar structures are: Its said/ reported/ proved that It is estimated that TV sets and fridges have been saturated in the China market .,accomplish vt. 完成;实现;达到 to accomplish ones mission to accomplish ones dream This task is accomplished by great effort,notbut rather 不是而是 The reason for his success is not that he is luc



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