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1、如何进行大学英语写作? 之 开头和结尾,四级作文框架基本要求 1) 三段论 2) 文章三部分的比例要协调: 这只是一个大致的比例,并不是绝对的,这里要说的是段落安排要平衡,一般是中间部分稍大,两头部分稍小既要避免“头重脚轻”,有要避免“头轻脚重”,例如: A Major Advantage of Advertising on TV Every time when we change the TV channels, we will encounter various advertisements. Although different people have different ideas a

2、bout their advantages and disadvantages, I think advantages weigh more. The major advantage of advertising on TV lies in its convenience. It can save our time. We can know directly where we can get the goods we need. Its unnecessary for us to look for them from one shop to another. Besides, it can a

3、lso save our money. We can compare the similar products on TV and finally get the best and cheapest one without going out travelling a long distance to get what somebody suggested we should buy. Whats more, it can deliver information,about certain products faster than other media with its beautiful

4、sounds and vivid pictures. From the abovementioned reasons, we can see that its very convenient for us to know what products are available and how to get them with the help of advertising on TV.,Writing the Essay 如何写开头和结尾,a. The Introduction 文章的开头段主要是引出文章的话题,并同时表明作者的观点。必须简洁,准确,新颖,吸引读者。,Some ways of

5、writing the beginning paragraph Presenting a statement of the essays general topic 主题法(开门见山,直截了当。 ),Teenagers are spending far too much time and energy in video games these days. In my opinion , video games should be done away with. They are nothing but a waste of time, money and energy.,No More Vid

6、eo Games,It is much easier to learn in a small class than in a large one. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Many students believe that small class offer much better educational opportunities than large ones. However, in my experience, that is not necessarily true. I believe that, with a

7、good teacher, a large class can provide as good a learning opportunity as a small one.,2. 对立法. 描述人们对所讨论问题的不同看法,然后提出自己的观点.,Writing the Essay 如何写开头和结尾,Analysis: In the introduction, the writer present the topic in the first sentence. However, in the second sentence, the writer disagrees with the idea

8、stated in the prompt. In the last sentence of the introduction, the writer gives the thesis statement (topic) that learning depends on good teaching, not class size.,3. 描写法: 通过生动的描写把要讨论的主题事物现象反映出来 Why College Students Take a Part-time Job Nowadays college students are seen waiting tables, Cleaning i

9、n stores, advertising in streets, tutoring in families. It has become fashionable for college students to do some odd jobs in their spare time.,4. using statistics 数据法 Why College Graduates have Difficulties Finding a Job According to a recent survey by China Daily, about 15% of college graduates ha

10、ve difficulties finding a job, and the number seems to be increasing.,5. Definition 定义法 Should Euthanasia be Advocated? Euthanasia, a quiet and easy death, or “mercy killing”, has become a heated topic among people recently. Many people applauded it and argue that euthanasia should be advocated in o

11、ur society.,6. 问题法 Is money all powerful? If someone asks me such a question, my answer is always the same: No. Money is by no means all powerful.,7. 引言法 The Value of Time “Time, ” says the proverb, “is money”. This means that every moment well-spent may put some money into our pockets. (要引用,必须确保准确,

12、不能自己翻译,段落开头常用词语 As far asis concerned 就而论 As far as we know 据我们所知 As the saying goes 俗语说 As might have been expected 不出所料 First of all 首先,Frankly speaking 坦白地说 I am of the opinion that 我认为 It cannot be denied that 无可否认 It goes without saying that 不用说 It has been demonstrated that 已经证明 It is likely t

13、hat 有可能 It is generally recognized that 人们普遍认为 It is asserted that 有人主张 It is claimed that 有人宣称,It is predicated that 据估计(预计) It is supposed that 据推测 There is no denying the fact that 无可否认 To begin with 首先 To start with 首先 We stand to it that 我们坚决主张 What calls for special attention is that 引起特别注 意的是

14、 With a view to 为起见 With regard to 关于,Practice: How to solve the problem of heavy traffic,nowadays, heavy traffic has become the source of greatest complaint in many big cities. Since it has seriously affected peoples daily life and economic development, the highest priority of governments has to be

15、 given to the solution to the problem.,Writing the Essay 如何写开头和结 尾,b. Conclusion 对整篇文章的总结和归纳,可以突出要点,还可以重述作者观点,重申主题的重要性。,结语段的写作方法,1. 复述式:重复引言部分提出的观点,以达到强化主题,首尾呼应的效果,加深印象的目的。,Example 1: It is much easier to learn in a small class than in a large one. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? In conclusion, I dont think that the size of a class is very important. I think that learning depends more on the quality of the teaching than on the number of students in the class. Analysis: This is a simply conclusion that restates the



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