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1、Unit 6 Do you like bananas?,Section A Period 1,This is a fridge(冰箱). Whats in the fridge?(猜猜冰箱里有什么?),ba,br,f,h,i,o,sa,st,a,p,Guess,t,Revision,an orange,two oranges,Whats this in English?,A: Do you like oranges?,B: Yes, I do. I like oranges.,/ No, I dont. I dont like oranges.,an apple,three apples,A:

2、 Do you like apples?,B: Yes, I do. I like apples.,/ No, I dont. I dont like apples.,a banana,bananas,A: Do you like bananas?,B: Yes, I do. I like bananas.,/ No, I dont. I dont like bananas.,a tomato,two tomatoes,A: Do you like tomatoes?,B: Yes, I do.,I like tomatoes.,/ No, I dont.,I dont like tomato

3、es.,a strawberry,two strawberries,A: Do you like strawberries?,B: Yes, I do.,I like strawberries.,/ No, I dont.,I dont like strawberries.,a pear,four pears,A: Do you like pears?,B: Yes, I do.,I like pears.,/ No, I dont.,I dont like pears.,a hamburger,four hamburgers,A: Do you like hamburgers?,B: Yes

4、, I do.,I like hamburgers.,/ No, I dont.,I dont like hamburgers.,French fries,French fries,A: Do you like French fries?,B: Yes, I do.,I like French fries.,/ No, I dont.,I dont like French fries.,salad,salad,A: Do you like salad?,B: Yes, I do. I like salad.,/ No, I dont. I dont like salad.,ice cream,

5、two ice cream,A:Do you like ice cream?,B:Yes,I do.I like ice cream.,/ No,I dont.I dont like ice cream.,tell the words,ice cream,French fries,oranges,bananas,broccoli,strawberries,salad,pears,tomatoes,hamburgers,Pairwork: Review the words and fill in the chart.(两人为一组将所学单词归类),可数名词 (countable noun): ap

6、ple- apples pear- pears hamburger-hamburgers banana- bananas orange- oranges strawberry-strawberries tomato- tomatoes French fries French fries,不可数名词 (uncountable noun): ice cream salad chicken,ice cream salad, chicken,Imagine you are go shopping with your friends at the supermarket now, and discuss

7、 with your friends.(假设你现在和你的朋友在超市购物,请谈论货柜上的食物。 ),I like I dont like,A: Do you like salad? B: No, I dont.,A: Do you like bananas? B: Yes, I do.,A: Do you like oranges? B: Yes, I do.,1,2,3,1b,Listen and number the conversations 1-3 听录音,给下面的对话编号1-3 31,2a listen and circle the food you hear.听录音,圈出你所听到的食物。 P32,hamburgers,pears,tomatoes,salad,ice cream,oranges,French fries,bananas,2b Listen again and fill in the blanks. 再听一遍录音并填空。 P32,tomatoes,tomatoes,ice cream,ice cream,An apple a day keeps the doctor away.,Thank you for listening! See you!,一日一苹果,医生远离我。,


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