人教版英语七年级下册unit 8《is there a post office near here》(section a 第一课时)课件

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1、Section A (1a-2d),Unit 8 Is there a post office near here?,What can you do if you dont know the way?,Read and learn,Words and expressions,police station,post office,What is this?,restaurant,bank,What is this?,hospital,pay phone,What is this?,street,hotel,park,What is this?,town,What is this?,across

2、from,Where is it?,in front of,behind,Where are they?,课文展现,a,e,i,c,b,h,g,d,post office _ police station _ hotel _ restaurant _ bank _ hospital _ street _ pay phone _ park _,Yes, there is. Its on Bridge Street.,Make the conversations with your partner about the places in 1a.,Is there a hospital near h

3、ere?,Pairwork,Is there a post office near here?,Yes, there is. Its on Long Street.,Is there a restaurant on Bridge Street?,Yes, there is.,1. The pay phone is across from the library. 2. The pay phone is next to the library. 3. The pay phone is between the post office and the library. 4. The pay phon

4、e is on Green Street. 5. The pay phone is in front of the library. 6. The pay phone is behind the library.,2a Match the sentences with the pictures. Write each number in the box.,4,5,2,1,3,6,The police station is between the restaurant and the hospital. The park is _ the bank. The hospital is _ Brid

5、ge Street. The pay phone is _ the post office. The restaurant is _ the post office. The hotel is _ the police station.,across from,on,next to,2b Listen and fill in the blanks with the words in the box.,in front of,behind,next to, in front of, between, behind, across from, on,2c Ask and answer questi

6、ons about the places in 1a on Page 43.,A: Wheres the hospital? B: Its next to the police station.,A: Wheres the restaurant? B: Its next to the police station.,A: Wheres the bank? B: Its on Long Street.,A: Wheres the hotel? B: Its across from the post office.,A: Wheres the pay phone? B: Its next to t

7、he post office.,A: Wheres the park? B: Its behind the hotel.,A: Wheres the post office? B: Its across from the hotel.,Tony: Hi, excuse me. Linda: Yes. How can I help you? Tony: Well, Im new in town. Is there a bank around here? Linda: Yes, there is. Its on Center Street. Its across from the park.,2d

8、 Role-play the conversation.,Tony: Oh wheres Center Street? Linda: Its not far from here. I can walk with you. Tony: Oh, thats great! Thanks so much. Linda: No problem.,Read the conversation and answer the questions.,Is there a bank near here? _ 2. Wheres the bank? _ _ 3. Is Center Street far from h

9、ere? _,Yes, there is.,Its on Center Street, across from the park.,No, it isnt.,1. across from 意为“在对面” e.g. The bank is across from our school. 银行就在我们学校对面。 【拓展】 across 作介词,意为“从一边到另一边;横过”。 e.g. Can you swim across the river? 你能游过这条河吗?,Language points,2. in front of 意为“在前面”(在某范围之外) e.g. There is a car

10、in front of the house. 在房子前一辆小汽车。 【辨析】in the front of “在前面”(在 某范围之内) e.g. There is a table in the front of the classroom.在教室的前面有一张桌子。,3. next to 意为“紧靠着;紧挨着;贴近” e.g. The little boy is next to his mother. 小男孩紧挨着他的母亲。 【辨析】next to与near的区别 从空间讲near 只表示“在附近”;而next to有“紧挨着”之意;next to比near靠得更近。 如:Peter sits

11、 next to Mike. 彼特紧挨着迈克坐。 Peter sits near Tom. 彼特坐在汤姆附近。,4. How can I help you? 需要我帮忙吗? 表示向他人伸出援手,主动提出帮助的意思,此句还可说成:How can I help you?或How may I help you? 类似的句子还有: May I help you? Do you need any help? Is there anything I can help (you) with? What can I do for you?,5. Im new in town. 我新来此地。 town 表示 所

12、居住的地方或城市里的闹市区; 城里, 为不可数名词。 e.g. Is there a good place to eat here? Im from out of town. 这儿有吃饭的好地方吗?我对这里不熟。,1. 图书馆在邮局的对面。 The library is _ _ the _ _. 2. 在公园附近有餐馆吗? Is _ a restaurant _ the _? 3. 紧挨着银行有一家旅馆。 There _ a hotel _ _ the bank.,there near park,is next to,across from,小试身手,post office,4. 投币电话应在医院后面。 The _ phone is _ the _. 5. 在警察局前面有很多树。 There are many trees _ _ _ the police station.,in front of,pay behind hospital,总结所记忆表示方位的介词。 用今天所的学介词(near, next to, in front of, behind, betweenand)来写五个句子,描述一下你生活中常见的单位的位置。,Homework,



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