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1、Organize their work in clear paragraphs Connect sentences and paragraphs using linking expressions Avoid repetition Use a good variety of vocabularies and grammatical structures,Good Writers,情景作文 写作,得分点: 内容要点的完整性 上下文的连贯、词汇和句式的多样性 语言的准确性,情景作文,人称: 自己经历:第一人称 他人经历:第三人称 时态: 叙述经历:一般过去时,但可以多样化 抒发感受:一般现在时/一

2、般过去时,结构:三段式,总-分-总 开头段:点题,交待活动的背景包括时间、地点、人物等(when, where, who ) 主体段:描述活动过程,注意按图示顺序描述,注意分层处理图片,注意小段落结构 结尾段:议论,包括结题,归纳、总结或思想提升,总-分-总,审图:确定: a) 要点-必要细节-可添加细节 注意什么?,2011年一模情景作文,审图:确定: a) 要点-必要细节-可添加细节 注意什么?,2011年一模情景作文,审图:确定: b) 结构:详略得当,主次分明,突出主题,伦敦游学,详写游学环节,学与游可以 同步进行或者分步进行,审图:注意:图中文字-图中人物-图中数字-图中图-图角标示

3、,3)表达技巧:,例:2010届二模情景作文 假设你是某所中学的学生,3月22日(世界水日)你参加了你班开展的一系列节水宣传活动。请根据以下四幅图的先后顺序,以日记的形式记录当天的活动内容。 注意:开头已给出。词数不少于60。 提示词:宣传材料leaflets; 危机 crisis,细节:“集体活动”要注意什么?,社区节水方法座谈会,人物: 具有代表性,不能自行命名 符号:如xxx社区,xxx可以表达a neighboring community, 不能直接写xxx; 人数:不要具体写出人数,许多人参加即行 时钟:钟表上的时间是具体的,描述也应该具体;表达可以多样化,“集体活动”要注意什么?,

4、分为两个阶段:准备阶段+活动阶段,注意:图中文字-图中人物-图中图-图角标示,3)表达技巧:,例:分步进行(P3/P4): In the coming days, we spent lots of time in Westminster College listening to the introductions to colleges in London and attending lectures on the British culture, from which we really gained a lot. After days of study, we were shown aro

5、und through the city. It was much too impressive to see the River Thames flow past the towering Big Ben and the London Eye, where I took countless photos of those famous signts. So if you are interested, come to me after class. By the way, I also bought some souvenirs for you guys.(注意交际性原则),策略1:添加细节

6、需要紧扣主旨,主次分明,相对集中,分层处理,详略得当。,策略2:过渡衔接方式可以多样化表达。,1)以时间为主线: On the morning of,Later in the afternoon,The next day, After a couple of days learning,.On the last day,. 2)以动作顺序为主线: On arriving at ., Soon., Later, Finally. 3) 以空间或地点为主线: Our fantastic journey began at Heathrow Airport., At my home-stay fami

7、ly, In the college, At weekends, we went downtown for sightseeing. On the farewell party in the college,一模作文,忌用议论文过渡语如:last but not least等,P4: 建议: Someone suggested doing.,someone advocated/ proposed/advised/recommended Some while others . such as switching off/turning off the tap,watering flowers w

8、ith used water,策略3:同一说法注意用不同方式表达,2010二模P4,关水龙: turn off switch off the water faucet fasten the tap keep the tap closed,如何达意? P4: “用洗菜水浇花” watering flowers with water that washed fruits and vegetables watering flowers with water after having washed fruits and vegetables saving water used to wash frui

9、ts and vegetables using water several times to do different things,策略4:不会的词汇可以迂回“达意”,2010二模P4,策略5:内容要点可用多样化不同方式进行表达。(非谓语、复合句、倒装、虚拟、强调句等特殊句式),On arriving at the Heathrow Airport in London, (非谓语)we received a warm welcome from our home-stay family. We were deeply touched by the familys thorough consid

10、eration and warm greeting. After we were picked up and brought home by our host family, we enjoyed a traditional meal of England that had been well prepared by the family. (复合句+被动语态)Despite the exhaustion from the long flight, we talked and chatted in high spirits during the meal, excited at all the

11、 culture shocks we were experiencing. (介词状语+形容词状语) The following days were spent in Westminster College where we learnt its history from the introduction given by the scholars.(被动语态+复合句+非谓语) The course we had in the college aroused my interest, broadened my eyesight and greatly improved my spoken En

12、glish. (did, did and did结构) But the excitement was not finished yet. We spent quite a long time touring around the historic city. The Big Ben and London Eye were only two of the many great places we visited in London. All the way, we followed the tour guide, took pictures of the attractions and lear

13、nt their stories from our tour guide. (did, did and did结构) On the last day of the trip we threw a Farewell Party, where we and all our home-stay family members gave terrific performances together. (复合句) The days in London will always be a precious piece of memory in my mind and I hope I have passed

14、my happiness to all of you! Thats all. Thank you!,一模作文,开放作文 写 作,得分点: 文章是否扣题 结构是否完整 内容是否充实、健康 思维是否活跃 逻辑是否清晰 语言是否规范 交际是否得体,要求:思维逻辑性与严谨性,开放作文,(一)看图说话类,1、审题 文体:议论文 结构:描图1/3文字,议图2/3文字 时态:一般现在时、一般讲来时等,忌用过去时 人称:描图:第三人称 议图:联系实际最好用第一人称,2、写作指导,1)关键词?,要素-细节-联系,2)写作步骤? 例:2010年 海淀期中 开放作文(15分) 请根据下面提示,写一篇短文。词数不少于

15、50。 In your spoken English class, your teacher shows you the following picture. You are asked to describe the picture and explain how you understand it.,写作步骤,仔细找要素: 大狗、小狗、香肠、高桌子 认真审细节:,大狗的背-父母或他人的关心、支持、帮助、爱、肩膀、力量等 高桌子-面临的困难、挑战、麻烦、压力等,2010年 海淀期中,分析要素与细节的联系,揭示要素寓意角度:,香肠(sausage): desires,ambitions,dre

16、ams,goals, achievements, concerns,success, hope 大狗(the big dog): parents, adults, teachers, friends, those who help us to realize our dreams, people who have great power or abilities 小狗(the little dog): children, kids, those who need help from others,从小狗角度: a、借他山之石 The picture reminds me of the importance of other peoples help. We should catch every opportunity to get hel



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