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1、九、复合句、并列句、简单句,1.(2009山东,24) Whenever I met her, was fairly often,she greeted me with a sweet smile.A.who B.which C.when D.that 解析 此处考查which引导的非限制性定语从句。 句意为:无论何时我遇见她,她都会一如既往地 向我微笑。,B,2.(2009山东,28) The little girl who got lost decided to remain she was and wait for her mother. A.where B.what C.how D.w

2、ho 解析 remain在此意为“留下,逗留”,where she was在句中作地点状语。句意为:这个迷路的小女 孩决定待在她原来的地方等待她妈妈。,A,3.(2009江苏,31) unemployment and crime are high,it can be assumed that the latter is due to the former. A.Before B.Where C.Unless D.Until 解析 根据句意可知此题应该选B项。句意为:在 那些失业率和犯罪率都很高的地方,我们可以认 为后者是由于前者的原因。,B,4.(2009宁夏,24) Could I spea

3、k to is in charge of International Sales please? A.who B.what C.whoever D.whatever 解析 句意为:请问一下我能不能和负责国际贸 易的人说话?speak to后接sb.,故排除B、D。句 中to后跟宾语从句,而且从句中又缺少主语,并且 是不确指,故排除A。,C,5. (2009宁夏,28) She brought with her three friends,none of I had ever met before.A.them B.who C.whom D.these 解析 句意为:她带来了她的三个朋友,以前我

4、 一个也没见过。本句中前句是一个完整的句子, 但没用句号,用了逗号,并且中间也没有连词, 所以后一个分句应是前一个分句的定语从句,又 因of为介词,其后必须跟宾语,故选C。,C,6.(2009江苏,23) Because of the financial crisis,days are gone local 5-star hotels charged 6,000 yuan for one night. A.if B.when C.which D.since 解析 句意为:因为金融危机,当地五星级旅馆每 晚收费6 000 元的日子已经一去不复返了。when引 导一个限制性定语从句修饰先行词day

5、s,并且在从 句中作状语。,B,7.(2009江苏,34) Many young people in the West are expected to leave could be lifes most important decisionmarriagealmost entirely up to luck. A.as B.that C.which D.what 解析 分析句子结构,leave需要一个宾语; could be需要一个主语,所以要选一个能引导宾 语从句且能在句子中作主语的词,只有what能满 足要求。,D,8. (2009天津,5) A person e-mail account

6、 is full wont be able to send or receive any e- mails. A.who B.whom C.whose D.whoever,解析 e-mail account前缺少定语,故用whose 引导定语从句,相当于the e-mail account of whom。,C,9.(2009天津,7) It is obvious to the students they should get well prepared for their future. A.as B.which C.whether D.that 解析 句中it为形式主语,that引导的主语

7、从句为 真正的主语。句意为:对学生们来说,他们应当为 未来做好充分的准备是很明显的。,D,10. (2009天津,14) I travel to the Binhai New Area by light railway every day, do many businessmen who live in downtown Tianjin. A.as B.which C.when D.though 解析 as引导比较或方式状语从句时,一般采用 正常语序,但在正式语体里,as从句有时也采用 倒装语序,即as I do或as do I。句意 为:,像住在天津市区的许多商人一样。,A,11.(2009

8、陕西,11) Gun control is a subject Americans have argued for a long time. A.of which B.with which C.about which D.into which 解析 argue about sth.争论某事;argue with sb.与某人争论。句意为:枪支的控制是很长时 间以来美国人争论的话题。,C,12. (2009陕西,17) The bow-to book can be of help to wants to do the job. A.who B.whomever C.no matter who D

9、.whoever 解析 此处介词to后缺少宾语从句,而宾语从句 又缺少主语,应用whoever,相当于anyone who,意 为“无论谁”。C项只引导让步状语从句。,D,13.(2009上海,37) It is not immediately clear the financial crisis will soon be over. A.since B.what C.when D.whether 解析 这是it作形式主语的名词性从句。句意为: 金融危机是否会很快结束不会立刻明朗的。若主 语从句中去掉soon,也可以选C项,即“金融危机 什么时候会结束”;what在从句中没法与其他成分 搭配;

10、since自从以来,不合句意。,D,14.(2009江西,33) The fact has worried many scientists the earth is becoming warmer and warmer these years. A.what B.which C.that D.though 解析 分析句式结构可知此处缺少同位语从句的 引导词,从句意义、结构均完整,所以选that。,C,15.(2009上海,34) Mozarts birthplace and the house he composed “The Magic Flute” are both museums now

11、. A.where B.when C.there D.which 解析 由birthplace和house.are.可知,句 中 he composed “The Magic Flute”是 一个定语从句,且定语从句中主谓宾成分齐全, 因此缺少的是状语,即“在地方”作的魔笛 这支曲子,因此用where。,A,复合句 1.主语从句 (1)引导主语从句的关联词有:that(不充当句子成分,仅起引导作用,通常用it作形式主语),whether,who,whom,whose,what,which,whoever,whatever,whichever,where,when,how,why。 (2)主语从

12、句能用it作形式上的主语。常用it作形式主语的句型有: it+be+形容词(obvious,natural,surprising, wonderful,possible,likely,certain,probable,etc.)+that从句。,it+be+名词词组(no wonder,an honor,a good thing,a pity,no surprise,etc.)+that从句。 it+be+过去分词(said,reported,thought,expected,decided,announced,arranged,etc.)+that从句。 It+seem,happen等不及物

13、动词及短语+that从句。 It doesnt matter (makes no difference,etc.)+连接代词或连接副词引导的主语从句。,(3)注意连接代词whoever,whatever,whichever等引导主语从句的含义。 Whoever comes will be welcome. (whoever =the person who)来的人将受到欢迎。 2.宾语从句 (1)引导宾语从句的关联词有四类:that(在宾语从句中常可以省略);从属连词if/whether;连接代who,whom,whose,what,which,whoever,whatever,whicheve

14、r;连接副词where,when,how,why。,(2)在think,believe,suppose,expect等动词形成的否定句中,否定词前移。 I dont suppose he cares,does he? 我想他不在意,是吗? (3)在think,believe,imagine,suppose,guess, hope等动词以及Im afraid等后,可用so代替一个肯定的宾语从句,还可以用not代替一个否定的宾语从句。如:I believe so./I dont believe so.(I believe not.),(4)宾语从句的时态变化规律:当主句是一般现在时态时,从句可根据

15、需要用任何时态。当主句是一般过去时态时,从句只能使用过去范围内的任何时态。但客观真理除外。 The teacher said that the earth goes round the sun. 老师说地球绕着太阳转。 3.表语从句 (1)引导表语从句的关联词有that,whether,as,as if,who,whom,whose,what, which,whoever,whatever,whichever,where,when,how,why。,(2)where,why,because,how等引导的从句 作This is或That is的表语时,表示地点、原因、方 式等。 This is why we put off the sports meet. 这就是我们为什么要延期举行运动会的原因。 (3)连词because可引导表语从句。 I think it is because you are doing too much. 我想这是因为你做的太多。 (4)主语是reason时,表语从句常用that,不用 because。 The reason why he didnt come was that he was ill. 他没来是因为他病了。,4.同位语从句 (1)同位语从句的先行词多为 fact,ne



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