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1、Lesson 4 English Integrated Skills,Oral English and Vocabulary,Content,1,2,3,4,Vocabulary,Oral English,Appreciation,Feedback,Vocabulary,A,Five Minutes Every Day,Base on Pronunciation,B,C,How to,enlarge our,vocabulary,?,Classify All Vocabulary,D,Start from the Roots and Affix,Recommend A:5 minutes a

2、day,A phase,3000 vocabulary,A whole week,1000 vocabulary,Weekend,Review,Mon. to Fri.,Browse 200 pages in 5 minutes,Oral English-Office English,Everyday,Sentences,A Changing,of the,Guard,Some,Words,to the Wise,Activities,Committee,Crunching,Numbers,Brainstorming,Oral English-Genuine English,Complimen

3、t, Your doggy looks quite lovely ,doesnt he ?, Excuse me ,but your blue coat,is pretty beautiful ,Where did you,buy it ?, Ben ,youre looking energetic,these days ., “Hey, Im crazy about your,new bicycle.”, “Your new dress has brilliant,color!”, “I cant imagine you have such,a splendid house !”,Atten

4、tion,1、赞美一两即可,当别人表示感谢之后就,可打住,或进入别的话题。,2、别人向你展示新买的衣服等,即你对,它感觉如意,也要尽发现你感兴趣的地,方,如颜色、样式等加以赞美。,3、中国人很少当面夸赞别人的妻子长得如何,漂,而在西方文化中, 对别人妻子的赞美,是活跃气氛并且很受欢迎的。过,赞美之,后,你的眼睛久久能从那士的脸上挪,开,可就另当别论。,4、赞美别人的首饰或衣服之后要画蛇添足。,5、无论别人怎样赞美你,你只要一,“Thanks a lot.,6、在英美国家的各种聚会上,士们常夸赞,自己的丈夫有能,夸赞自己的孩子如何聪,明可爱;男士们也常夸赞自己的妻子温柔可,人,夸赞自己的板如何地

5、重用自己,这既,能活跃气氛,又能尽显自己人性美的一部分。,Appreciation,Listening:,The Time,Travelers Wife,1)eternity 永恒,不朽,2)labyrinth 迷宮,3)patch 片,碎片,4)Odysseus 奥德修斯,,希臘神話中的希臘首領,5)buffet 打击, 搏斗,6)wily 老谋深算的,7)resistance 抵抗,阻力,8)suspended animation,暫時性生命暫停,假死,9)Alba 晨曲,Appreciation:Listening Test,when Im dead, stop waiting and

6、be free.,B,Love the world and,yourself in it.,If you are reading this,I am probably dead.,A,Sentence,by,sentence,D,C,E,Time is nothing.,live, fully, present in the,world, which is so beautiful.,Feedback-Team Work,swimming,hug,bug,The first round,The second round,The third round,Movie clip,2009.04.21

7、,Part 1 Everyday Sentences,#E NO00A:The committee has enough money leftover for a barbecue.,#C ?:工會剩下些錢,這些錢足夠辦一次燒烤活動。,#E NO01B:Awesome. Barbecues are always a hit and everybody loves free food.,#C ?:太好。燒烤活動總是很受歡迎,而且大家都喜歡免費的食物。,#E NO02A:We usually hold the Christmas party at a fancy restaurant.,#C ?:

8、我們通常會在高級餐廳辦圣誕聚會。,#E NO03B:I bet thatll cost an arm and a leg. I hope it doesnt drain our budget.,#C ?:我想那一定要花很多錢,希望會花光我們的預算。,#E NO04A:I worked it out with one of our partners to offer TVs to our employees,at discounted prices.,#C ?:我和我們的合作廠商談好以優惠價讓員工購買他們的電視。,#E NO05B:Employees would appreciate getti

9、ng good deals on hot products.,#C ?:能以錯的價格買到熱門商品,員工們應該會很高興。,#E NO06A:Wouldnt it be cool to rent out a movie theater and invite employees to,watch a new release?,#C ?:租一間電影院邀請員工看新上映的電影是很棒嗎?,#E NO07B:But we wouldnt be able to afford refreshments for everyone.,#C ?:過我們可能無法給大家提供點心。,#E NO08A:Should we or

10、der pizza or sandwiches for this months birthday party?,#C ?:這個月的生日會我們應該訂比薩還是三明治呢?,#E NO09B:The pizza went so fast last time. It seems to be everyones favorite.,#C ?:上次比薩很快就吃完,看那是大家的最愛。,#E NO10A:Lets set aside some of the budget to buy a block of seats for a Giants,game.,#C ?:我們撥一些經費買一區巨人隊球賽的座位吧。,#E

11、 NO11B:Good idea. Our local baseball team is doing pretty well these days.,#C ?:好主意,本地的棒球隊最近表現得錯。,#E NO12A:How does a bowling tournament sound to you?,#C ?:你覺得保齡球賽聽起怎麼樣?,#E NO13B:Not bad. I guess we could afford to rent some lanes and shoes.,#C ?:錯啊,我想我們有足夠的錢租球道和球鞋。,#E NO14A:Lets not forget about so

12、me of the musicals that are coming to town.,#C ?:別忘有幾場音劇要上演。,#E NO15B:Good point; although, wed have to limit the number of tickets or,charge employees a portion of the ticket price.,#C ?:這點子錯,過我們得限制購票或是向員工收取部分費用。,Part 2,#E NO00Narrator:Sheila and Justin are meeting with Carol, the outgoing,chairper

13、son, and Wyne, the outgoing secretary.,#C 旁白:希和札斯廷和即將任的主席卡爾及秘書韋恩開會。,#E NO01Carol:So, how did you guys get roped into this?,#C 卡爾:你們是怎麼加入工會的啊?,#E NO02Sheila:Some of us volunteered. Others were talked into it.,#C 希:我們有些人是自願的, _ 其他人則是被遊進的。,#E NO04Wayne:Ill say one thing; you guys are in for a real trea

14、t.,#C 韋恩:我敢,你們進一定會有“好處”。,#E NO05Justin:You make it sound like being a member of the activities committee,is more work than we bargained for.,#C 札斯廷:你那樣聽起像是工會的成員會有比我們想像中還要多的工作。,#E NO06Carol:No, its not really that bad. Its hard work and nobody appreciates,what you do, but it can be fun and rewarding.

15、 So, who will succeed me as the next,chairperson?,#C 卡爾:,其實沒那麼糟。 _ 那是個吃討好的工作,過會很有趣而,且很值得。 _ 那麼,誰會接任我成為下一任主席呢?,#E NO09Justin:Weve been talking amongst ourselves and we believe that Sheila is,the best person for the job.,#C 札斯廷:我們自己已經先內部討過,相信希是該職位的最佳人選。,#E NO10Carol:Sheila, do you accept the nominatio

16、n?,#C 卡爾:希,你接受這項提名嗎?,#E NO11Sheila:I do.,#C 希:我接受。,#E NO12Carol:All in favor? Opposed? _Congratulations, Sheila. Youre the new,chairperson of Home a Wares activities committee.,#C 卡爾:大家都同意嗎? _ 有反對的嗎? _ 恭喜,希。 _ 你是宏厄維爾,工會的新主席。,#E NO16Sheila:Thank you. Just remember, anyone demanding a recount only has,seven days to do so.,#C 希:謝謝。過要記得,任何人要求驗票得在七天內進。,#E NO17Justin:So, shall we get down to brass tac



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