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1、Module 1 People and places,Unit 1 Were having a great time! 我们现在正玩得很开心。,读单词,把单词变成现在分词的形式 buy_ lie_ stand _ read _ talk_ walk_ sing_ dance_ have_ take_ write_ shop_ eat _ drive_ call_ enjoy_ tell_ swim_ wait_ drink_,前提测评,buying lying standing reading talking walking singing dancing having taking writ

2、ing shopping eating driving calling enjoying telling swimming waiting drinking,小结: 现在分词的变化形式有多少种呢?,singing,running,更多资源,swimming,playing,Teaching Aim and Demands,.Remember new words : buy, call, drive, enjoy, lie, shop, take, take photos ,tell , wait , for , wait for , postcard, the Great Wall, real

3、ly , a good time , a lot , anyway, Key structure: sb. is/are doing sth.(重点) .,写出下列动词的现在分词 Eg: do- doing,go- call read- write take- come sing- play open- close- shop-,going,calling,reading,writing,taking,coming,singing,playing,opening,closing,shopping,Vocabulary:,dress, put on, wear, in和with都可以用来表示“穿

4、”,但你知道它们有什么区别吗? 1. dress用作不及物动词时,表示“穿好衣服”;用作及物动词时,后面接“人”,不接“衣服”,表示“给某人穿衣服”。例如: She washes, dresses and goes out. 她洗漱完穿好衣服就走了。 My little brother is five years old and he can dress himself. 我弟弟今年五岁了,他会自己穿衣服。,Could you dress the child for me? 你能不能替我给孩子穿上衣服? dress也可表示穿衣服的状态,常用结构为:be/get dressed,意思是“穿着”。

5、当要表示穿某种颜色的衣服时,其后用介词in。例如: He dresses well. / He is well dressed. 他总是穿得很体面。 The nurses get dressed in white. 护士们都穿着白色的衣服。,2. put on 指穿的动作,其后直接跟穿戴的东西。 例如: Its windy today. Tony puts on his hat. 今天刮大风,托尼戴上了他的帽子。 Mary is putting on her new clothes. 玛丽正在穿她的新衣服。 He puts on a red coat. 他穿上了一件红色的上衣。,3. wear

6、指穿的状态,后面直接跟穿戴的 东西。当wear用于进行时态时,不表 动作,仍表示状态。例如: Girls wear skirts in summer. 女孩子们在夏天穿裙子。 He is wearing a pair of old shoes. 他穿着一双旧鞋。 He wears a red coat. 他穿着一件红色的上衣。,4. 介词in表示穿的状态,后面可跟衣服或颜色。可以作后置定语,也可与be连用作谓语。例如: The girl in red is my sister. 穿红衣服的那个女孩是我姐姐。 Im in black today. 我今天穿了一身黑衣服。 John is in a

7、 blue coat. 约翰穿着一件蓝色的衣服。,5. 介词with表穿戴只能作定语,而且常与眼镜、手套或帽子等名词连用。例如: The girl with glasses is our monitor. 戴眼镜的那个女孩是我们的班长。 注:当with后接衣服时,表示“拿着”, 而不是“穿着”。例如: The boy with a white coat is Tom. 拿着白衣服的那个男孩是汤姆。,表达正在发生的动作,需用现在进行时该怎么用呢?这里有三步骤,具体如下: 第一步骤 时态标志牌 如果句中出现表示现在的时间状语,就用现在进行时,其标志牌有now, at this moment或loo

8、k, listen等提示词。如: Were listening to the teacher now. 我们现在正在听老师讲课。 Listen! She is singing. 听!她在唱歌。,Grammar:现在进行时,第二步骤 时态构成骨架 现在进行时的肯定句的构成为“主语be (am, is, are)+v-ing”。 注意:不要漏掉be或v-ing, 牢记“鼻子(be)上挂着-ing”。另外,还要记住动词的构成方法: 一般直接加-ing,以e结尾去e加1, 双写规则不能丢2,特殊变化更要记。,1. 以不发音的e结尾的动词,变现在分词时,需去e再加-ing。如: liveliving,

9、writewriting。 2. 重读闭音节,以辅音字母结尾并且只有一个元音音标的单词,这时要双写这个辅音字母,然后再加-ing。如: sitsitting, beginbeginning。,第三步骤 进行否定式 表达某人此刻没有在做什么时,需要用到现在进行时的否定式,其构成为“主语+be+ not+ v-ing”,即只需在be后加not即可。如: They are not running now. 他们现在不在跑步。 He isn?t reading a book now. 他现在不在看书。,New words:,buy buying call calling drive driving e

10、njoy enjoying lie lying shop shopping take taking take photos tell telling,买 打电话 开车 享受 躺下 购物 获得, 拿,抓 拍照 讲, 告诉,New words:,wait waiting for wait for postcard the Great Wall really a good time a lot= very much anyway,等 为,为了 等候 明信片 长城 真的吗 美好时光 非常 无论如何,1 Match the words with the pictures.,buy call drink

11、drive eat enjoy have lie shop stand take talk tell wait for walk write,eg: Betty is talking.,eat an ice cream drink juice have lunch take a photo/ some photos write a postcard buy presents enjoy the school trip,3 Listen and read.,Betty: Hi Mum, can you hear me? Bettys mum: Yes, I can. Where are you?

12、 Betty: Im _ on the Great Wall of China and _ to you. Bettys mum: Really? Betty: Were _ a school trip and were _ a good time. Bettys mum: Thats great ,Betty. What are the others _?,standing,talking,on,having,doing,Betty: Well,Tony is _ an ice cream, Wang Hui is _ lots of pictures and LingLing is _ s

13、ome presents and postcards. And Daming is _ lunch and _ in the sun. Bettys mum: Can you send me a _ too? Betty: Yes. Lingling and I are _ postcards. Were _ the school trip a _. _, were _ home now. Bye! Bettys mum: Bye-bye,Betty!,eating,taking,buying,eating,lying,postcard,writing,enjoying,lot,Anyway,

14、going,4 Work in pairs.,1 2 3 4 5 6 7,b d a e f g c,5 Write full sentences for your answers in Activity 4. Use names.,1 Betty is talking to her mother. 2 Lingling is shopping for presents. 3 Daming is lying in the sun . 4 Tony is eating an ice cream. 5 Lingling and Betty are writing postcards. 6 Wang

15、 Hui is taking photos. 7 The children are enjoying the school trip.,6 Say what the people are doing in the pictures in Activity 1.,Eg: Betty is talking to her mother.,Choose the right answer:,1.Li Lei _ doing his homework. A. am B. is C. are 2Are you _ photos ? A. take B. taking C. takeing 3 Is Miss Gao _ on the bed? A. lie B. lies C. lying 4Lin


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