七年级英语下册 module 2 unit 3 different places教案3 牛津沈阳版

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1、Module 2 My neibourhood Unit 3 Different places Module 2 My neibourhood Unit 3 Different places P40 应掌握的词汇:应掌握的词汇:gowent ; walkwalked ; taketook ; playplayed ; seesaw ; hearheard 认知词汇: 认知词汇: noise ,countryside , 应掌握的短语: 应掌握的短语: live in ; lots of ; a lot of traffic ; a lot of noise 应掌握应掌握的句型: 的句型: Wh

2、en we lived in- , we ( did sth) - . 教学重点:教学重点: 1. 熟读诗歌来加强英语的语感。 2. 区分并掌握一般现在时和一般过去时的用法。 教学难点: 教学难点: 1. 一般现在时和一般过去时的区别 2. 动词过去式的变化 教学过程: Step 1. Revision 教学过程: Step 1. Revision Free talk . Use the Simple Present Tense to ask and answer in pairs. Step 2. Lead-in Step 2. Lead-in 给学生展示一些城市与乡村的不同风光图片,让学生

3、在开阔眼界的同时,开始 对今天要学的内容感兴趣。然后让学生设想一下,如果过去我们不是住在城市,而 是住在乡村,那么我们通常会做什么事情,那里会有什么? Imagine you lived in the countryside in the past , what did you usually do ? What was there ? Help students answer : eg. I heard the birds singing . ( I did sth - ) There were a lot of flowers . ( There was / were -) Step 3.

4、 Step 3. Read the poem Read the poem 读的时候让学生注意过去与现在的转化,动词的变化。 Step 4. Activities Step 4. Activities 1. 同桌讨论,设想他们就是 Ben 和 Kitty 。发给学生活页的相关内容,让学生 填上经过讨论的内容,然后分 别就相同的内容来表述过去与现在的不同。 eg. A: When we lived in the countryside , we walkde to school B: Now were living in the city , we go to school by bus . 2. 找部分学生到黑板上写出能想到的动词,并且变成过去式。 StepStep 5. Writing practice 5. Writing practice Do Wookbook exercises and Grammar Practice Book exercises. Blackboard Unit 3 P 40 Blackboard Unit 3 P 40 When we lived in -, Simple Present - Simple Past we - . go - went Now are living in - , we - . 专心 爱心 用心 - 1 -


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