七年级英语下册 module 2 unit 2 choosing a new flat教案5 牛津沈阳版

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1、Module 2 My neibourhood Unit 2 Choosing a Module 2 My neibourhood Unit 2 Choosing a new flat new flat P37 认知词汇 认知词汇 wonderful adj. 精彩的,棒的 应掌握的短语 应掌握的短语 1.like sth. 喜欢某物 I like my school. 我喜欢我的学校。 2.like doing sth. 喜欢做某事 Children like having ice-cream in summer. 在夏天,孩子们喜欢吃冰淇凌。 3.be like 长得像 What is y

2、our sister like? 你的妹妹长得什么样? 4.very much 非常 I like red very much. 我非常喜欢红色。 应掌握的句型 应掌握的句型 1.Do you like your flat? 你喜欢你的房子吗? 2.I like it very much. 我非常喜欢它。 3.What is it like? 它长得什么样? 教学过程教学过程(另附课件) 课程导入: Ask: What will you be like when you are 20? 帮助学生回忆 I will possibly be 20 centimeters taller. / I w

3、ill have long hair. 来回答此问题。 Ask: What will traveling be like? 帮助学生回忆 Perhaps there will be more roads and fewer traffic jams. / Perhaps more people will travel by bicycle. 来回答这个问题,由此 引入新课。 授课内容: Task One: 1教师出示一个苹果 Ask: What is the apple like? 学生回答后继续问: Do you like apples? 引导学生回答 Yes, I like them ve

4、ry much. 2教师出示赵薇照片 Ask: What is she like? 学生回答 She is tall. She has big eyes. She has long hair. 等等,教师接着问:Do you like her? 学生回答 专心 爱心 用心 - 1 - No. 或 Yes, I like her very much. 3Ask and answer Ask: What is our classroom like? 并且板书该句型, 鼓励学生踊跃发 言回答该问题, 对于有困难的同学,教师可以帮助他们用 There be 回答。同时板书:It is big. The

5、re are some flowers. They are near the window. 4. 出示图片(书上 37 页) Ask: What is the bedroom like? Please look at the picture on the book, and then finish the dialogue. 让学生思考并完成书上的内容,几分钟后,总结答案。 Task Two: Read and write (Page 160) 1. Show the words on the small board. Learn and read the words. 2. Using t

6、hese w ords to finish the dialogue. Ask: What is the kitchen like? In this part students can answer it freely. Task Three: Review this unit We can ask students to answer these questions without handing up. If they can, they can stand up quickly to answer them. Ask: What kind of flat would you like?

7、Ask: Where would you like to live? Ask: Do you like your flat? 以上这些问题可以重复问几次。根据教室的物品 Ask: Where is the clock? Ask: Where are the flowers? Ask: Where is the shelf? Ask: What is on the wall? 根据教室的物品提问以上问题 to review the words: on, in, near, next to, opposite, in front of, betweenand 板书设计 板书设计 Unit 2 Choosing a new flat (P37) 1. Do you like it? 3. What kind of flat would you like? Yes, I like it very much. 4.Where would you like to live? 2.What is our classroom like? It is big. near opposite under There are some flowers. in front of next to They are near the window. betweenand 专心 爱心 用心 - 2 -


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