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1、英语解题指导,一、命题特点 、纯语法题逐年减少,语境题逐年增加。 、知识覆盖面广,题目设计灵活多样。 、某些题目选用了往年高考阅读理解题中 的句子,某些出自词典。,二、单项填空的解题指导 要想在短时间内完成20道题且能得到较好的分数,应试者首先必须具备扎实的基础知识,然后掌握一定的解题技巧。倘若这两点都能做到,就水到渠成了。,(一)补全法,有时为了使语言生动、自然、简洁,经常采用省略形式。解题时要尽可能把省略部分补全,这有助于正确地确定答案。,例、The boy wanted to ride his bicycle in the street , but his mother told him

2、 _.( ) A. not to B. not to do C. not do it D. do not to,分析:to 的后面省略了ride his bicycle,A,(二)简化法 命题者有意地在一个句子中间插入一个从句、插入语或附加的次要信息,造成主谓隔离。解题时,如果将题干中的多余部分去掉,题干就会变得很简单,答案就可以迅速找到。,例 1、John plays football _,if not better than David. ( ) A. as well B. as well as C. so well as D. so well,分析: 改题考查副词的同等比较,这一语法现象

3、实际并不难,但题干中加入了省略形式的插入语(if not better than)后,则加大了迷惑性.如果把插入语去掉,简化为John plays football _ David. 此时答案就一目了然.,B,例2. E-mail ,as well as telephones, _ an important part in daily communication. ( ) A. is playing B. have played C. are playing D. play,分析: as well as telephones 是附加信息,A,例 3.The person we spoke to

4、 _ no answer at first. ( ) A.make B. making C. makes D. made,分析: we spoke to 是一个定语从句,将其去掉后会发现这个句子少了一个谓语动词.,D,例. Who do you think _ us a talk this afternoon ? ( ) A. to give B. gave C. will give D. giving,分析:do you think 是一个插入语,C,例 .The days we looked forward to _at last. ( ) A. comes B. to come C. c

5、ame D. coming,分析: 本题很容易被误认为是一个介词to后面要接动名词。实际上 we looked forward to 是一个定语从句,介词to 已有其相应的宾语,是省略了的引导词,将从句去掉就可看出本题缺少一个谓语.,C,(三) 把握语境法 在一定的语境中进行语法知识和语言知识的考查,是近年高考英语试题中常见的题目,这就要求考生一定要以语境为切入点,认真思考,仔细分析,才能确定正确答案。,例1 - Are you coming to Jeffs party ?( ) - Im not sure, I _ go to the concert instead. A. must B.

6、 would C. should D. might,分析:该题考查情态动词在语境中的的运用。如果脱离了具体的语境,四个选项都正确,但根据答语 Im not sure 可得出答案。,D,例、Robert is said _ abroad, but I dont know what country he studied in. ( ) A. to have studied B. to study C. to be studying D. to have been studying,分析:根据studied 可确定过去Robert 在国外学习。,A,(四) 找提示词法 对于有些题来说,若找到关键的提

7、示词(如but, and ,otherwise 等)就会迎刃而解。,例、They are all very tired ,but _ of them would stop to take a rest. ( ) A. any B. some C. none D. neither,分析:but 表示转折,C,例_ it with me and Ill see what I can do . ( ) A. What left B. Leaving C. If you leave D. Leave,D,(五)转化法(还原法),高考中一些单项选择题的测试点本来十分简单,但命题者有意把题干复杂化,将其改

8、写成一个少见或陌生的结构。对于这类题,考生可以反其道而行之,把题干还原成自己熟悉的结构,题目就变得简单了。,1. 将倒装句改成陈述句.,例1.Whom would you rather have _ with you ?( ) A. to go B. go C. gone D. going,分析:本题测试的知识点是 have sb do sth改写题干成陈述句,则应是 You would rather have whom _ with you.,B,例2. Never _ time come back again. ( ) A. will lose B. will lost C. lost D

9、. will to lose,分析: 改写成陈述句后其结构为: Lost time will never come back again.,B,2. 将陈述句改为倒装句。 我们首次接触时是一个倒装句,而命题者恰恰有意地使用陈述句来命题,题目便具有很大的迷惑性。,例1、We had_ left home than it began to rain. ( ) A. no sooner B. hardly C. almost D. nearly,分析:No soonerthan 是一个大家十分熟悉的句型 改写句型: _ had we left home than it began to rain.,

10、A,例2.We had _ arrived at the train station when the train began to move . ( ) A. no sooner B. hardly C. almost D. nearly,hardly when , no sooner than 一 就,B,. 改被动句为主动句。,例1、Time should be made good use _ our lessons well. ( ) A. learning B. learned C. of to learn D. to learn,改写句子:We should make good u

11、se of time _ our lessons well.,C,例2、 The little boy was caught _ in the shop . ( ) A. to steal B. stealing C. steal D. stole,分析:本题考查的知识点是 catch sb doing sth,B,、改省略句为一个完整的句子,例1、 How long has this bookshop been in business ? - _ 1982. ( ) A. After B. In C. Since D. From,分析:将答语部分改为一个完整的句子 This bookshop

12、 has been in business _ 1982. 什么词能同现在完成时态连用 呢?,C,例2 What made her mother so angry ? ( ) - _ the exam. Because she didnt pass B. Her not passing C.She didnt pass D. Because her not passing,分析:将答语部分补全应为: _ the exam made her mother so angry . 可以看出少了一个主语.,B,(六)逆向思维法 逆向思维是一种创造性的思维,它冲破了固有的“思维定势”,运用逆向思维,在目

13、前灵活多变的高考试题中,可收到意想不到的效果。,例:Information has been put forward _ more middle school graduates will be admitted into universities. A. while B. that C. when D. as ( ),Information 后常接同位语从句。检查空白后的句子可以确定它是同位语从句,说明information 的内容。,B,Was it in 1969 _ the American astronauts succeeded _ landing on the moon ? A.

14、 when , on B. that,on C. when ,in D. that ,in 2. _ some of this juice - perhaps youll like it . A. Trying B. Try C. To try D. Have tried 3. -Why do you want the book so much ? -_ , sir. A. Studying B. Studied C. Studies D. To study 4. I find records are _ or better than an actual performance. A. as

15、good as B. as good C. so well as D. good as,D,B,D,A,5.Is this school_you visited last week? A.that B.to which C.the one D.where 6.Was it during the Second World War _he died? A.that B.while C.in which D. then 7.Who will you have _? To repair the machine B. repair the machine C.the machine repaired D.repair


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