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1、翻,译,欢迎光临,Language Transfer And English Teaching/Learning,语言迁移与英语教学,左 飚 ,A bosom friend afar brings a distant land near.,海内存知己,天涯若比邻。,上海海事大学,Wishing you happiness every day!,翻,译,欢迎光临,Four Parts 1. Language transfer 语言迁移 2. Linguistic contrast 语言对比 3. Contrast and translation 对比与翻译 4. English Teaching

2、/Learning 英语教与学,Part One Language Transfer in FL Learning: Interference or Facilitation? 外语学习中的语言迁移: 干扰还是促进?,What Is Language Transfer?,Transfer is the influence resulting from the similarities and differences between the target language and any other language that has been previously acquired . Odl

3、in (1989: 27) 迁移是由于目标语与已经习得的语言之间的相似和差异而产生的影响。 奥德林,Two Types of Transfer,Negative Transfer (负迁移) Errors arise from analogy. 类推会产生错误。,Positive Transfer (正迁移) Errors decrease by analysis. 分析能减少错误。,Keen awareness of the similarities and differences between the two languages can facilitate FL learning. 对

4、两种语言相似与相异点的敏锐意识能促进外语学习。,Negative Transfer (负迁移): Interference (干扰),Causes: analogical use of ones prior knowledge of the mother tongue 母语先知结构的类推运用 scanty knowledge of differences between the two languages 对两种语言的差异所知甚少 unconscious falling back on the mother tongue speech habit 不自觉地回归母语的言语习惯 Chinglish

5、 = English words + Chinese structure 汉语式英语 = 英语单词 + 汉语结构,Native Language Transfer Does Exist. 母语迁移现象确实存在,The age of the learner: around 20 学习者的年龄:20上下 The learning context:Chinese 学习的语境:汉语,Examples of Negative Transfer,Phonological transfer (语音迁移) The sound /n/ or /f/ does not exist in some Chinese

6、dialects and /l/ or /h/ serves as a substitute. 在有些中国方言(如南京/闽南方言)中没有辅音/n/或/f/,而用辅音/l/或/h/来替代。,1、这位作家喜欢晚上写作。,The writer likes writing at light.,(night),他不怕死。 He does not hear to die.,(fear),Examples of Negative Transfer,Punctuation transfer (标点迁移) Loosely connected sentences are widely made in Chines

7、e by using commas, but in English, whenever a full sentence with subject and predicate is made, a full stop is used. 汉语中有很多流水句用逗号连接,但在英语中,具有主谓结构的完整句都必须用句号。,2、天气晴朗,聚会露天举行。,The weather was fine, the party was held outdoors.,The weather was fine. The party was held outdoors. The weather was fine, so th

8、e party was held outdoors. As the weather was fine, the party was held outdoors.,Please correct the following English sentence:,Sometimes I come by train. Sometimes I come by plane. However, usually I come by car. (正) Sometimes I come by train, and sometimes I come by plane, but usually I come by ca

9、r. (正) I come sometimes by train, and sometimes by plane, but usually by car. (正),我有时坐火车来,有时坐飞机来,但通常坐小车来。 Sometimes I come by train, sometimes I come by plane, usually I come by car. (误),Examples of Negative Transfer,Location transfer (语位迁移) Location transfer from Chinese may cause logical errors in

10、 English. 汉语语位迁移到英语可能会造成逻辑错误。,3、跑道上,我看到一群学生在跑步。,On the track, I saw a group of students running.,I saw a group of students running on the track.,在绝望中,我可以想象一个普通人会干出什么事来。,In desperation I could figure out what an ordinary man would do.,I could figure out what an ordinary man in desperation would do.,E

11、xamples of Negative Transfer,He only eat two meal a day.,4、他一天只吃两顿饭。,Morphological transfer (词形迁移) Neither nouns nor verbs have inflections in Chinese. 在汉语中,名词和动词都没有形态变化。,(eats) (meals),我去年到北京去了三次。 I go to Beijing 3 time last year.,(went) (times),Examples of Negative Transfer,Shanghai is said to hav

12、e thirty-three million population.,5、据说上海有三千三百万人口。,Collocation transfer (搭配迁移) The noun renkou, the Chinese equivalent of population, can have a numerical pre-modifier. Population的汉语对应词“人口”在汉语中可以用前置数词来修饰。,Shanghai is said to have a population of thirty-three million.,Shanghai is said to have thirty-

13、three million people.,More Examples of Collocation transfer,把这一信息告诉某人,give sb the information,tell sb the information,遵守期限,observe / abide by the deadline,meet the deadline,做人,做事,做学问,behave, conduct oneself,do a thing, handle/treat a matter, deal with/conduct an affair,pursue learning, pursue schola

14、rship, do/engage in researches,Examples of Negative Transfer,Measures must be taken to narrow the gap between the poor and the rich.,6、要采取措施缩小贫富差距。,Word order transfer (词序迁移),东南西北 或迟或早 悲欢离合 衣食住行 废寝忘食 水陆交通 饥寒交迫 田径项目 生老病死,the rich and the poor,Examples of Negative Transfer,He suggested me to accept th

15、is offer .,7、他建议我接受这个报价。,Syntactical transfer (句型迁移) The verb jianyi, the Chinese equivalent of suggest, can be used in VOC pattern in Chinese. Suggest的汉语对应词“建议”在汉语中可以用“动词+宾语+补语”的结构。,He suggested that I (should) accept this offer .,He suggested my (me) accepting this offer .,She coached a student to

16、 prepare for the examinations. (误) She coached a student for the examinations. (正) She coached a student in preparing for the examinations. (正),村长带领我们修建了一条宽阔的大道。,The village head led us to build a wide road. (误) The village head led us in building a wide road. (正),她辅导一位学生准备考试。,I was born in the country, but as I grew up, I wanted to go to live in town. (正),Please correct the following English sentences:,我出生在农



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