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1、课题:Unit5 Do you want to watch a game show? period 1 课型:New lesson 学习目标1会读背单词:news, educational, plan, hope, discussion, stand, talent show, learn from., plan/hope to do sth.2谈论各类电影和电视节目的名称。 3 句型: - What do you think of game shows? - I like them. / I love them. / I dont like them. / I cant stand them

2、. /I dont mind them. 重难点:学会询问他人对某事物的观点并会正确表达自己的看法。 课堂流程及设计:自主学习-教师讲解并练习-检查巩固课前自学一、自主学习(1) 预习指导 1预习33,34页单词,并理解意思。 2将1a中单词与图画匹配。 (2) 预习检测 1同桌互相提问短语。 2 把1a词组译成汉语。 3两人一组合作练习1c。 教师复备栏课堂互动二、课堂互动探究1b是马克对电视节目的看法,1c是自己的看法。对比人称变化后,谓语动词的变化:_疑难及点拨 What do you think of?=How do you like?你认为怎么样?/你觉得怎么样? 3、 总结 课后检

3、测4、 诊断评价(1) 根据汉语,写出英语。 1. 认为,想到_ 2.游戏节目_ 3.肥皂剧,连续剧:_ 4.体育节目 _ 5.不能忍受 _ 6.不介意 _ (二)连词成句 1. soap operas,you,do,what,think,of 2. mind, she, doesnt, them 3. cant, Mark, stand, boring lesson, the 汉翻英 1. 你认为肥皂剧怎么样?_do you_ _ _ _? 2. 我无法忍受。太令人厌烦了。I_ _ it. Its too boring. 3.他很喜欢数学课,很有趣。He_ math classes. The

4、y are _. 四、延伸拓展,迁移升华 (1) 下列各句均有一处错误,请找出并改正。 1. He dont mind the wallet. _ 2. I dont have a watch, a scarf and sunglasses._3. Each student in our school wear a uniform._ 4. I often watch sitcoms, so I like them. _ 5. How does your mother think of the belt? _ (2) 根据句意及所给的首字母或汉语提示, 完成单词拼写。 1. What do you t_ of your English teacher? We love her very much. 2. I cant s_ soap operas. Theyre boring. 3. He doesnt _ (介意) sitcoms. 4. In f_, Im a little hungry now. 5. There is _ (没有什么) in the box but a ring. 6. I dont like sports shows. How a_ you? Do you like _ (文化) China? Yes, I do.课后反思


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