名师测控人教版七年级英语下册导学案unit9 period2

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1、Unit 9 What does he look like? Period2 SectionA 2d-3d【教学目标】知识与技能(1)熟练掌握下列词汇: 名词n. tonight, cinema, glass (glasses), 形容词adj. little 副词 adv. later(2)熟练掌握下列短语: a little,go to the movie,wear glasses,a little late(3)掌握下列句型:What does look like? Is he tall or short?Do they have straight or curly hair?She h

2、as long straight hair.Hes of medium build /height.过程与方法 Role-play,语法总结与练习,描述同学外貌及猜测是谁的游戏情感、态度与价值观学习让学生学会友好、客观地描述人的形象。【教学重难点】重点:1. 能在日常情境中描述人的外表。2. 能用所学内容解决实际问题。3. 区别句型 “He/she has ” and “He/shes (of) ”.及选择疑问句。难点:1. 区别句型 “He/she has ” and “He/shes (of) ”.2. 选择疑问句的回答。【导学过程】一新课预习学生阅读Grammar Focus中的句子,并

3、完成下列句子填空练习。注意提醒、区分单复数,is 与has。 1. 她/他长得什么样子? What does he/she _ _? 2. 他们长得什么样子? What _ they _ _? 3. 她个子是高还是矮? _ she tall _ _? 4. 他长着长发还是短发? _ he have _ hair _ short hair? 5.她长得很瘦/胖/中等身材。 She _ thin/ _/ of _ _. 6.他戴着一幅眼镜。 He _ a pair of _. 二. 情景导入(1) Ask some Ss to show their family photos and descri

4、be their family members using the target language. (2) Talk about some pictures. Have Ss discuss how the people in the photos look like.通过描述自己家人的外貌,达到复习与巩固的作用。同时增进同学之间的相互了解。三合作探究1.Work on 2d (1) Read the conversation and answer the following questions.Q1. What are Mike and Tony going to do tonight?

5、They are going to the movie tonight.Q2. Where will Tony meet David? He will meet David in front of the cinema.Q3. What does David look like? He has brown hair and wears glasses. Hes of medium height.(2)Role-play the conversation in 2d.(3) Follow the example in 2d and make up a conversation.通过回答问题能理解

6、对话的内容,通过角色扮演能在情境中学会运用,通过自编对话能更好的让学生学以致用。2. Grammar Focus,朗读、翻译。3. Work on 3a (1) Write the words in the correct box.(2)Check Ssanswers.(3) Make sure Ss understand when to use “is” and when to use “has”. 在表述外貌时,何时用is,何时用has一直是学生的难点问题,此表格的设置让学生更直观的体会这两个词的区别。4. Work on 3b Circle the correct words to co

7、mplete the conversation.5. Work on 3cHave Ss read the questions and answer them.7. Work on 3d 猜同学能够增进同学之间情感交流,提升学生学习兴趣。四点拨总结(一). wear有哪些意思?.(1)wear表示“穿、戴”表状态。(2)put on表示“穿上”,表动作。此短语属于动介短语,要把介词放中间,名词放在中间或短语后。(3)dress之后一般跟某人。(4)be in之后一般跟的是颜色。用wear , put on, dress, in 填空 (注意形式)1. She likes_ a flower o

8、n her head .2. He is _ black today.3. _your coat quickly,or youll late.4. The child can _himself now.You neednt _him.may是情态动词,“可能” 表示猜测,后接动词原形。a little 表示“一点点”,常用在形容词和不可数名词之前。翻译:有点廋_有点红_有点矮/短_ 有点开心_有点高_ 有点胖_有点桔汁_有点水_ 有点牛奶_二)Is David tall or short? Does Sally have long or short hair? 选择疑问句:提出两种或两种以上的

9、情况,要求对方选择一种。结构:一般疑问句+or+一般疑问句(后面的一般疑问句与前面的一般疑问句中相同部分通常省略;朗读时or 前面部分读升调,后面部分读降调。) or 连接两个并列成分,可以是状语、宾语、表语、谓语或两个分句。 回答时不能用Yes 或NO, 而是选择一项。 1. Is your good friend in Class Two or in Class Three? He is in Class Two.2. Do you like swimming or boating?I like swimming.My father is a teacher.(用doctor将其改为选择疑

10、问句)_ your father a teacher_ a doctor?He has curly hair.(用straight hair 将其改为选择疑问句)_he _curly hair _straight hair?五训练评价 译一译去看电影_ 一点晚_在电影院前面_ 戴眼镜_ 再见_ / _Is David tall or short? _。Does Sally have long or short hair?_。Are you going to the movie tonight?_。我们将在七点见面。_.他看起来像什么? _他有棕色的头发并戴眼镜。_他不高不矮。_他是中等高度。_六学习反思开心 ,我学会了: 1. 2. 3. 加油 ,这些我还不懂: 1. 2. 3.



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