人教版九年级英语全册教案:unit1 how can we become good learners 7

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1、年级九科目英语任课教师李波编号: 07授课时间2016.913课题Unit 1 How can we become good learners?Section B 3a-Self check 授课类型新课标依据能根据写作要求,收集、准备素材;能独立起草短文,并在教师的指导下进行修改;能使用常见的连接词表示顺序和逻辑关系;一、教材分析3a-3b是写作任务的训练,是相互联系的一个整体任务,需要学生就如何学习英语写一篇短文。3a通过填写表格进行写作思路及内容上的准备,为写作提供素材,然后以清晰的问题指引学生完成作文,在头脑中形成此类写作的相关框架。3b则旨在训练学生利用3a表格信息构建连贯语篇,达到

2、训练、提升语言书写能力的目的。self check则以习题的形式对本单元进行复习。二、学情分析本届九年级学生基础较差,尤其害怕写作。本写作要求能够根据阅读课文的逻辑框架写出自己个人经历的作品,随心所欲地写作对部分学生来说不难,但是如果按照一定的逻辑去写作,并且还要注意这个结构中各个环节的衔接和写作内容的完整和一致,确实是非常大的挑战。所好的是,在学本单元的阅读时我注意了学生的语言输出,再加上3a、3b的提示,为这次的写作任务降低了难度。AB档学生完成应该问题不大。三、教学目标来源:学优高考网知识与来源:学优高考网技能1. 复习巩固本单元单词、短语和和重点句式2. 针对英语的听说读写四个方面,灵

3、活运用目标语言写出文章来介绍学习英语的好方法和体会。来源:学优高考网gkstk来源:学优高考网gkstk过程与方法通过完成self check 中的练习复习巩固本单元重点词汇和句型;指导学生独立完成3a,结合3a表格信息和3b句型完成写作。情感态度与价值观好的学习方法可以使我们的学习事半功倍四、教学重点难点教学重点1. 通过练习,复习本单元的单词短语。2. 用本单元目标语言介绍自己的学习方法和体会。教学难点如何介绍学习方法和体会五、教法学法任务型教学法,自主探究与小组合作学习法六、教学过程设计师生活动设计意图Step 1 Free talkTalk about how we can learn

4、 English well with your partner.How can we learn English well?Step 2 3a-3b3a Your friend wants to improve his/her English and asks you for help. What are 3b Write a letter to your friend. Give him /her some advice about the best ways to learn English. Use your notes in 3a.Use the following expressio

5、ns to help you:There are three good ways to I think you shouldIf you do this, you willIt is also a good idea to becauseYou could try to improve your English byThis will help you toSample Dear., There are three good ways to learn English. You can learn by making word cards, reading story books, liste

6、ning to tapes and so on. I think you should learn English by reading some English story books. If you do this, you will improve your reading speed. Your friend, Step 3 Self checkFinish the exercises in self cheeckby students themselves.Step 4 Exercises1. Good learners often ask _ because they know k

7、nowledge comes from_. A. question, question B. questions, questions C. questions, questioning D. questioning, questioning 2. I sometimes learn English by _ English-language videos. A. Watch B. watching C. looking D. looking at3. _ do you study for an English test? By making vocabulary lists. A. What

8、 B. When C. How D. Who4. Jean practices English by _ English-language videos. A. read aloud B. reading aloudly C. read aloudly D. reading aloud5. My pronunciation is not good._ reading aloud to practice pronunciation? A. How B. What C. What about D. Can6. _ the English club at school is the best way

9、 to improve our English. A. Join B. Joined C. Joining D. Joins7. If you dont know a word, you must _ in a dictionary. A. look it up B. look up it C. look over it D. look it out Step 5 Homework1. Make a conversation with your partner about how we can learn English well.(CD档学生必做)2. Finish writing (AB档

10、学生必做)1. free talk 既复习本单元目标句型,又提高学生口语交际能力2.写作练习由易到难,有短语到句子再到篇章。层层递进,既降低了难度,又训练写作的目的3.出示写作范文,给学生做了很好的示范。有助于中下水平学生完成写作。4.指导学生先独立完成self check 练习,再核对答案,有助于培养学生独立思维5.当堂检测,检查学习效果,巩固所学知识。1. Your friend wants to improve his/her English and asks you for help. What are the three best ways to learn and why? Mak

11、e some notes in the chart.Best ways to learnReasons Examples1. Being interested in what you doIf you are interested in something, your brain will be more active and If you like music, you can learn English by listening to English songs.Taking part in relevant activities in English practice oral Engl

12、ishby doing English game Reading some booksimprove your reading speedby reading English story books2.Fill in the blanks with the words in the box.practice develop remember prepare take notes until worry about everythingAre you stressed out each time you have a test? You dont have to be if you _ smar

13、t study skills. Remember to _ in class and review them on your own or with friends after class. Then _ what you learned by doing exercises. Try to study and _ information bit by bit instead of waiting _ the last minute to study _ at once. If you _ well for a test, then theres nothing to _!2. Number

14、these sentences in order to make a conversation._Whats the matter?_ Well, I practice my listening by listening to the tape over and over again until I can understand everything._ So you want to practice your listening?_ Hi, Jake. I need your help._ Uh-huh. Do you have any advice?_OK, Ill try that._ I have a listening test next week.1.单项选择题。1. Good learners often ask _ because they know knowledge comes fr



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