名师测控人教版九年级英语下册 unit12 life is full of the unexpected第二课时导学案

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1、Unit12 Life is full of the unexpected.period 2 SectionA3a-4c【教学目标】知识与技能(1)熟练掌握下列词汇: _ v. 错过,未得到; _ adj. 出乎意料的; _ n. 街区 ._ n. 工作者 _ v. 盯着看,凝视 _ n. 不信,怀疑 _ adv. 在上面 _ v. 着火;燃烧; _ adj. 活着的;有生气的;. _ n. 飞机场. _ conj. Prep. 直到 ._ adv. 向西 _ n. 奶油,乳脂; _ n. 果馅饼;. _ n. 豆荚; _ n. 集市;(2)熟练掌握下列短语:1. _错过两个事件 2. _ u

2、nexpected充满着不可预知性 3. _ sth正要做某事 4. _难以置信地盯着. 5. raise above the burning building 从正在燃烧的楼上升起6. _ bed跳下床 7. _the math homework收数学作业 8. complete the work for my boss 完成老板的工作 9. _制作苹果馅饼 10. _赶到,出现 11. add the green beans添加绿豆荚(3)掌握下列句型:1. I was _go up _ I _ get a coffee first.我正准备上去,我突然决定先喝一杯咖啡。2. As I _

3、 with other office workers, I _ a loud sound. 正当我和其他的员工在排队等候时,我听到了一声巨响。3. Before I could join the others outside to see what were going on, the first plane _ my office building.我还没来得及和其他人到外面看发生什么事,第一架飞机已经撞上了我办公室的楼房。4. But by the time I _, my plane to New Zealand _.但是当我到达飞机场时,我的飞往新西兰的飞机已经起飞了。5. My ba

4、d luck _ a good thing.我的坏运气出乎意料地变成了好事。6. By the time I _to school, the bell _.当我返回学校时,上课铃已响了。7. Before I _ the bus stop, the bus _.在我到达公交站之前,公汽已离开了。8. By the time I _ the party, everyone else _. 当我到达晚会时, 其他的每个人都已经到了。9. When he put the noodles into the bowl, he realized he _ to add the green beans. 当

5、他把面条放进碗里时,他意识到他忘了添加绿豆荚了。10. Before she _ to say goodbye, he _ the building.在她得到一个向他告别的机会之前,他已经进入楼房了。过程与方法阅读理解,复述故事,语法总结,造句,动词时态练习,猜对错游戏情感、态度与价值观祸福相依,否极泰来,遇到不利的变故要从容面对【教学重难点】重点:阅读理解,语法总结难点:动词过去式和过去完成时的练习【导学过程】一新课预习 通过预习,根据新课内容,完成教学目标中的短语和句型相关内容 二. 情景导入播放一段美国9.11恐怖袭击或日本大地震,菲律宾海啸的视频, 让同学回答这分别是什么事件,并询问他

6、们在生活中是否碰到过一些意想不到的事。通过上述图片或影片的介绍,使学生对这两个短文有了一定的了解,从而达到导入新课的目的。引起学习短文的兴趣。三合作探究Step 1完成教材3a 的任务1.学生快速默读短文,熟知大意,并完成课本3a的任务。请几位同学给出自己的答案,全班一起检查讨论。 1. one is The 9.11 terrorist attacks in New York and the other is New Zealand big earthquake.2. His bad luck had unexpectedly turned into good thing.2.请几位同学朗读

7、短文,教师要注意语音,及时纠正。然后播放录音,全班同学一起跟读。3.完成教材3b的任务,找出与3b的方框中所给单词意思相反的单词并用每个单词造一个句子。 4.让学生以小组为单位,用3c所给词的提示复述其中的一个故事。Step 2. Grammar Focus回顾语法重点.学生分角色问答并翻译表格中的句子。出说过去完成时的句型结构及基本用法。并能造出相仿的句子。Step 3完成教材4a-4b的任务1.学生参照例句用by the time或before造句。2.用4b方框中所给单词的正确形式填空,全班集体核对答案。 1. had, showed up 2. had, forgotten3. had

8、, rushed out 4.had, forgotten 5. arrived at 6. had gone into4.根据你昨天的活动,写出两个正确的陈述和一个错误的陈述,然后让你的同伴猜出错误的陈述。四点拨总结【above,on, over】的用法1. above的意思是“在之上”,“高于”,表示相对高度,不一定是在正上方,它的反义词是below. 例:The plane flew above the clouds.飞机在云层上面飞行。 2. over的意思是“在之上”,表示在垂直之上,其反义词是under. 例:There is a bridge over the river. 河上

9、有座桥。 There is a boat under the bridge. 桥下有一只船。 3.on的意思是“在上面”,表示与表面接触。例: He put the book on the desk.他把书放在课桌上。【alive, living 与live】1. alive 主要用作表语(有时可用作后置定语,但不用作前置定语),可用于人或动物。如:He must be still alive. 他一定还活着。注:若 alive 本身有修饰语,则也可用作前置定语。如:He is a really alive student. 他的确是一个十分活跃的学生。2. living 可用作表语或定语,可

10、用于人或物。如:Are your grandparents still living? 你的祖父母还健在吗?alive 和 living 表示“活着的”,两者含义很接近,只要句法适合,有时可互换。如:谁是当代最伟大的诗人?正:Who is the greatest living poet?正:Who is the greatest poet alive?若需严格区分,两者仍有差别:living 通常是客观描述某人“尚在人间”或“健在”,而 alive 则主要指生与死的“界限”。如:He was still alive when I reached the hospital. 当我赶到医院时他还

11、活着。3. live 通常只用作定语(前置),可用于动物或植物,但一般不用于人。如:He bought some live fish. 他买了几条活鱼。Only a few live trees were left after the fire. 火灾之后只剩下几棵树还活着五训练评价 根据提示完成单词。1. I didnt call him up because I wanted to give him an u_ surprise.2. The woman stared in d_ at the large pile of money on the table.3. Every mornin

12、g, when I wake up, I will thanks God that I am still a_。4. Two hours later, the fireman got to the b_house.5. After Bert got up, he drove to the a_ to meet Mr. Black.6. Dad, I am going to be late for school. Can you give me a l_? 7. My alarm clock didnt ring off , so I o_ this morning.8. Why do you

13、all stare me in d_? Dont you believe me?9. This fish isnt dead but it is still a_. Look! It is still moving.10. I would tell you the truth unless the sun raised from the w_. 11.Ice is not often seen here in winter as the temperature normally stays zero.A. upB. downC. aboveD. below12.Dont be too sad, we should feel lucky to be _(live).六学习反思开心 ,我学会了: 1. 2. 3. 加油 ,这些我还不懂: 1. 2. 3.



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