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1、四川省成都高新区2014届高三10月统一检测英语试卷(命题:玉林中学英语备课组;审题:李祖诚)本试卷分第卷(选择题)和第卷(非选择题)两部分, 全卷满分150分。考生注意:1. 答题前, 务必在试题卷、答题卷和机读卡规定的地方填写自己的姓名、座位号。请在机读卡姓名的旁边写上座位号。2. 答第卷时(补全对话除外), 每小题选出答案后, 用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后, 再选涂其他答案标号。第卷用0.5的黑色签字笔在答题卷上书写作答。第卷(选择题, 共90分)第一部分 英语知识运用(共两节, 满分40分)第一节 单项填空(共10小题;每小题1分, 满分10分)

2、从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选出最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。1. We went right round to the west coast by _ sea instead of driving across _ continent. A. the; the B. /; the C. the; / D. /; /2. Our city has experienced _ this year as it did last year. A. twice as much rain B. rain twice as much C. as twice much rain D. tw

3、ice rain as much3. The pronunciation of the English words is _ of the French words. A. nothing like that B. nothing like one C. something like those D. anything like it4. - Do you mind if I open the window? - _ I feel a bit cold. A. Of course not. B. Id rather you didnt. C. Go ahead. D. Why not?5. I

4、 suggested that the person _ put into prison. A. refer to B. referred to be C. referring to should be D. referred to was 6. If the weather had been better, we could have had a picnic. But it _ all day. A. rained B. rains C. has rained D. is raining7. It was not until midnight _ they reached the camp

5、 site. A. that B. when C. while D. as 8. A notice was _ in order to remind the students of the changed lecture time. A. sent up B. given up C. set up D. put up9. I repeated the telephone number a second time to my mother _ she couldnt write it down. A. so that B. now that C. in case D. in order10. A

6、lthough he liked acting, he never really _ as an actor. A. succeeded it B. managed it C. made it D. caught it第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,从文各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处 的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 Jamess New Bicycle James shook his money box again. Nothing! He carefully 11 the coins that lay on the

7、bed. $24.52 was all that he had. The bicycle he wanted was at least $90! 12 on earth was he going to get the 13 of the money? He knew that his friends all had bicycles. It was 14 to hang around with people when you were the only one without wheels. He thought about what he could do. There was no 15

8、asking his parents, for he knew they had no money to 16 .There was only one way to get money, and that was to 17 it. He would have to find a job. 18 who would hire him and what could he do? He decided to ask Mr. Clay for advice, who usually had 19 on most things.“Well, you can start right here,” sai

9、d Mr clay. “My windows need cleaning and my car needs washing.”That was the 20 of Jamess odd-job(零工) business. For three months he worked every day after finishing his homework. He took dogs and babies for walks, cleared out cupboards, and mended books. He lost count of the 21 of jobs that people fo

10、und for him to do. He took dogs and babies for walks, cleared out cupboards, and mended books. He lost count of the 22 of cars he washed and windows he cleaned, but the 23 increased and he knew that he would soon have 24 for the bicycle he longed for.The day 25 came when James counted his money and

11、found $94.32. He 26 no time and went down to the shop to pick up the bicycle he wanted. He rode 27 home, looking forward to showing his new bicycle to his friends. It had been hard 28 for the money, but James knew that he valued his bicycle far more 29 he had bought it with his own money. He had 30

12、what he thought was impossible, and that was worth even than the bicycle.11. A. cleaned B. covered C. counted D. checked12. A. How B. Why C. Who D. What13. A. amount B. part C. sum D. rest14. A. brave B. hard C. smart D. unfair15. A. point B. reason C. result D. right16. A. split B. spend C. spare D

13、. save17. A. borrow B. earn C. raise D. collect18. A. Or B. So C. For D. But19. A. decisions B. experience C. opinions D. suggestions20. A. beginning B. introduction C. requirement D. opening21. A. similarity B. quality C. suitability D. variety22. A. brand B. number C. size D. type23. A. effort B. pressure C. money D. trouble24. A. all


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