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1、通知海报的写法,1.口头通知的称呼 Ladies and gentlemen 女士们,先生们 Boys and girls 同学们 Hello, everyone 大家好 Good morning, everyone 大家上午好 Teachers and students 老师们,同学们 2.口头通知的开头 May I have your attention, please? I have an announcement to make.请注意了,我有一个通知。 Attention, please! I have something important to tell you.,正文要点1:

2、介绍活动的名称、时间、地点、举办者等。 There will be a party(speechcontest,etc)(held by)+where+when 某活动将在何时何地由人举办。 A party(speechcontest,etc) will be held +where+when某活动将在何时何地举办。 will hold a party (speechcontest,etc) +where+when将在何时何地举办,正文要点2:介绍活动的其他要点 Everyone should take.每个人都必须带 Please get there before.请在之前到达那儿。 Ple

3、ase wait at .请在等候。 正文要点2:介绍参加人员 Those who are interested in English are welcome.欢迎所有对英语感兴趣的人参加。 Those who want to take part please sign up at the student union.想参加的请到学生会报名。,结尾套语1:重申活动的时间和地点。 Dont forget tomorrow afternoon, at the peoples park.别忘了:明天下午,在人民公园。 结尾套语2:表示感谢 Thats all. Thank you. 我讲完了,谢谢。

4、 Thank you for listening. 谢谢。,书面通知与海报 书面通知标题一般用Notice 海报的标题: 在正上方根据内容写上Basketball Match, Film News, New Years Eve Entertainment, English Evening, A Lecture等 书面通知与海报的开头语,可以先介绍活动目的。 In order to , we will为了, 我们将 will be held to为了, 将要被举办。,6. 书面通知结束时常有的套语: Wish you success.祝你们成功! Good luck! 祝你好运! Have a

5、good time! 祝你们玩得高兴! You are sure to learn a lot from it.你们肯定能从中学到很多东西。 You are sure to have a lot of fun. 你们肯定会玩得开心。 7. 书面通知的结尾格式 书面通知和口头通知在结尾时不一样,不能用Thank you(for listening), 而要在通知后写明发出通知的部门、人、单位如Students Union,A Lecture To develop the knowledge of science, we have invited the famous scientist, Yua

6、n Longping to give us a science lecture on the development of super hybrid rice. Time: 2:30 p.m. September 5th, Sunday Place: The Lecture Hall of the Library Building All are warmly welcome and please be present on time. Take notes while having the lecture. A discussion will be held after it, and yo

7、u can express your thoughts during the discussion. The Students Union,一个国际青年团正在访问我国城市,你负责安排他们的参观活动。请起草一份通知,准备向参观团团员宣读。通知必须用一段话说明以下几点: 1)参观日期:7月22日,星期六。 时间:早餐后8点出发。午餐在参观地点吃。下午回来。at the place of visit 2)参观内容:分四组,每组参观一个地方:工厂、学校、农场或医院。 3)欢迎每人参加一组活动。请选择好参观地点,并在今晚9点前到服务台(the Service Desk)签名。sign your name

8、,Ladies and gentlemen, May I have your attention, please? On Saturday 22 July there will be visits to different places. Everybody is welcome. Each person can choose to go to one of the places-a factory, a farm, a school or a hospital. Please sign your name at the Service Desk before 9:00 pm. and say which place you wish to visit. We will set out after breakfast at eight and come back in the afternoon. Lunch will be served at the place of visit. Thats all. Thank you.,



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