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1、The Development of College English Writing Skills,Zhang Wei College of Foreign Languages,Part 1 English Rhetoric and Writing 英语修辞与写作,1. Introduction 1.1 What is Rhetoric 修辞的定义 Rhetoric is the art or science of communication of words. The study of how to express oneself effectively is the main concer

2、n of rhetoric. 修辞学既是研究语言,更是研究语言的使用,着重考察人们再社会交际中的言语规律和特点。它所研究的是为了达到交际目的,怎样说、怎样写,即怎样从客观的环境和对象出发,选择恰当的语言表达方式,力求使对方容易理解和乐于接受所要表达的思想。,1.2 The Relationship Between Rhetoric and Writing修辞与写作,If you know nothing of rhetoric, you cannot appropriately express your ideas, feelings and intentions. In order to m

3、ake your writing readable, interesting and attractive, you should write in a vivid way. Rhetorical devices can help you achieve this purpose. 修辞是在语法正确的基础上如何进一步使用语言技巧,提高交际效果。这里需要说明,学习了修辞与写作的基本技巧和规律,虽然不能等于会写好文章,但对于写好文章肯定会有帮助,若忽视它们,则不可能把文章写好。 写作不仅要词语、语法正确,而且要语言准确、简明、生动、得体。俗话说:“三分姿质,七分打扮。”写作也是如此,巧妙运用各种修

4、辞格式,会使你的作文语言文采焕然,瑰丽多姿。,The Example: If you are invited out to dinner, what will you say when you cant make it because of another engagement? Here are two versions: 1) Im sorry, I cant. I have no time. Im engaged. 2) Thats very kind of you, but Im afraid I cant make it because I have another engageme

5、nt. Thank you all the same. Apparently the second version is more appropriate and desirable because it not only express your polite declination but also conveys your gratitude to the inviter. If you resorted to the first version, the inviter would be offended.,The Example: The following is the words

6、 from a student to his roommate: Ive gotta be in court at 9 on Tuesday morning. For sure I wont be back for Walkers bio test. Hope the old guy lets me take a makeup. But he may say the following words to his teacher: Excuse me, sir. I have to be in court next Tuesday and so I must be absent from the

7、 biology test. Would it be possible for me to take it at some later time.,1.3 Three levels of Rhetoric 修辞的层次 Phonetic Devices 语音修辞 Semantic Devices 语义修辞 Syntactic Devices 话语结构修辞 Stylistic Devices 话语文体修辞,2. Phonetic Devices 语音修辞,2.1 Alliteration (头韵) Alliteration is the repetition of the same letter

8、or syllable at the beginning of two or more words. It is the employment in close connection of two or more words that begin with the same letter. This device is extremely popular with both poets and writers. 头韵是指一组词、一句话或一行诗中重复出现开头音相同的单词,简明生动,起到突出重点,加深印象,平衡节奏,宣泄感情的作用。例如:,例如: No sweat, no sweet.不劳无获 I

9、 promise I will finish the task with might and main(尽力). A good fame is better than a good face. Spare the rod, spoil the child.不打不成器 Penny wise, pound foolish.小事聪明,大事糊涂。贪小便宜吃大亏。 Good books are childrens real companions, and they are both instructive and inspiring. He is usually sensible but sometim

10、es sensitive. He is all fire and fight. Next to health, home, happiness for mobile Americans depends upon the automobile.,2.2 Consonance (尾韵) Consonance is the repetition of consonants in words stressed in the same place (but whose vowel may differ). Also it is a kind of inverted alliteration, in wh

11、ich final consonants rather than initial or medial ones repeat in nearby words. 尾韵是指相同词尾辅音在一组词、一句话或一行诗中重复出现,具有悦耳的节奏感。例如: Freedom is the last and best hope of earth. Abraham Lincoln You can drive a car, but it doesnt follow that you know the nuts and bolts (基本要点) of the engine.,2.3 Assonance (半谐音) As

12、sonance is the repetition of similar vowel sounds, precedes and followed by different consonants, in the stressed syllables of adjacent words. 半谐音也可称 “元韵”或“类韵”。 是指一组词、一句话或一行诗中几个相邻词的元音相似或相同但是前后辅音不同重复出现,它具有音乐的节奏感,可增强语言的表现力。例如: All roads lead to Rome. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hid.城造在山上,是不

13、能隐藏的。 Little strokes fell great oaks. 滴水石穿 Large factories in China wish to be given a freer hand in the right to hire and fire.,2.4 Homoeotoleuton (谐缀) Homeotuleuton, meaning similarity of endings, refers to the use of identical or similar sounding suffixes on the final words of phrases or clauses.

14、 Homoeotoleuton is usually used in a verse but it also has a wonderful effect in a prose. 谐缀是指利用词组或句子尾词中相同或相似后缀音构成的语音修辞格,放在诗歌中的句尾就是通常我们所说的押韵。 例如: A little pot is soon hot. There is no security but opportunity on this earth. I need time to drink but I need more time to think. Thinking is one of the m

15、ost wonderful and powerful tools we have. A little carelessness can prove to be fatal; a little alertness can prove to be vital. Education is not received but achieved.,More often than not, success lies more in attitude than aptitude. Believe and you will receive; Doubt and you will go without. Succ

16、ess is the good fortune that comes from aspiration, desperation, perspiration (出汗) and inspiration. No pain, no gain. Great talkers are little doers.人好说大话,并非实干家。 A good beginning makes a good ending. As we all know, he is creative, active and cooperative. If you want to make progress in your study,you should have diligence and perseverance. An apple a day keeps the doctor away. His grief is brief. Man proposes, God disposes. 谋事在人,成事在天 。,2.5 Onomatopoeia (拟声) Onomatopoeia means the



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