人教版九年级英语全册教案:unit7 teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes 7

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1、年级九科目英语任课教师李波编号: 51授课时间2016.11.30课题 Unit 7Section B (3a-Self Check)授课类型新授课标依据1.通过对本单元语法的复习与巩固,学会归纳与总结。 2. 通过对写作内容和写作方法的分析,完成写作任务。一、教材分析 3a以表格形式提供了写作大纲,要求学生列出不赞成的规定、不同意的理由以及修改建议;3b则提供了写作支架,增加过渡性语言,帮助学生使用合理的语言表达,写出完整的文章;Self Check该部分有2个模块:第一模块以造句对所学词汇进行训练;第二模块就用动词的适当形式填空的训练。 二、学情分析 根据学生情况在写作时:注意引导学生结合

2、课文内容,借鉴教学语篇;引导学生整理信息,做好写作前准备;认真阅读体会写作提示;同学之间相互交流、开展互评、相互提建议、不断修改完善。三、教学目标来源:学优高考网知识与来源:学优高考网来源:gkstk.Com技能1. 语言知识目标:来源:学优高考网gkstk1) 复习被动语态的不同用法。 2) 能够描述允许与不允许做的事情。3) 能就本单元所学习的语法知识及语言材料,就自己熟悉话题写一篇小作文。来源:学优高考网过程与方法通过开展“头脑风暴”:What rules do you have at home?Do you have any rules about eating , sleeping,

3、housework,homewrk or making friends?搜集汇总语料材料,为2b写作做铺垫。按3b的要求进行写作训练。3.通过Self Check中两部分练习,熟练运用情态动词的被动语态。情感态度与价值观1.了解规则;2.遵守规则;3为梦想奋斗,实现梦想。四、教学重点难点教学重点1) 能运用本单元所学的语法及语言材料,完成写作。2)掌握本单元所学情态动词被动语态这一语法知识点,并能运用这一知识进行造句。3)能总结本单元所学规则并用英语表达。教学难点阅读短文,完成写作。 五、教法学法1.通过对本单元语法的复习与巩固,学会归纳与总结。(教授法) 2. 通过对写作内容和写作方法的分析

4、,完成写作任务。(口头作文法)六、教学过程设计师生活动设计意图Step 1 . Revision Review the main phrases and sentences. Step 2 Talking:Ask some Ss to say some rules about home or class. Step 3 Writing 1. Work on 3a.With a partner ,discuss some rules at home that you agree or dis agree with. Make some notes in the charts.2. Work on

5、 3b.Write a paragraph about the agreement. Use your notes in 3a.1. Use the following expressions to help you: I do not agree with. I think I should be allowed to. I would like to. I could.if I. 2. 写作指导: 3. Ss try to write down their answers in the blanks. 4. Walk around the class give any help Ss ma

6、y need. Step 4 Self Check Work on Self Check 1.1. Match the words in the two columns.2. Choose five phrases to make sentences. If necessary, Ss can review the things in Section A and B. Work on Self Check 2. Complete the sentences using the correct forms of the words in brackets.Translate these sent

7、ences into Chinese.1.复习巩固一般过去时态下的被动语态,加深印象。2.答疑解惑,解决学生疑难问题,帮助学生扫除语言障碍Step 5 exercises in class.根据句意和提示完成句子。1.Whatam_!Youmustcleanitupatonce.2.Lastyeartheywenttoanoldp_homeandmadetheoldhappy.3.Atp_,teenagersareverybusywiththeirstudy.4.Icantchoosewhichbook_(buy).5.Everyoneneedstohaveatleasteight_(hour

8、)sleepatnight.单项选择1.Tomakeourcitymorebeautiful,rubbish(垃圾)_intotheriver.A.mustntbethrownB.cantthrowC.maynotthrow2.Iwouldntlike_thisletter.A.answerB.toreplytoC.toanswerto3. I didnt haveagood_lastnight,soIwasso_thatIfell_inclass.A.sleep;asleep;sleepyBsleep;sleepy;asleepC.sleepy;sleep;asleep4.Thisdresslooksgood_you.A.forB.withC.on5.Myfatherisverybusy,hehasnthadaday_fortwomonths.A.onB.offC.inStep 6 homework 根据提示,用80词左右写一篇短文,介绍自己的家规。3.设置当堂习题,加强练习与对课本的熟悉程度。



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