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1、A must to know for everyone- 5 Qs,I Q,a measure of a persons intelligence as indicated by an intelligence test,Intelligence Quotient,Discovering that you have a high IQ can have a wealth of positive effects on a person. Not only does a high IQ look good on CVs and UCAS applications, it can provide a

2、 significant confidence boost.,Then,How do I find out my IQ? How can I exercise my brain?,Take an IQ test Lets do some tests http:/ http:/ http:/www.free- Your Brain -Brainteasers Is there a riddle stuck in your brain, and you cannot solve it? Be happy! It is a positive proof that you have a brain.,

3、Could you connect the 9 dots with 4 connecting lines ? Dont lift your writing instrument off the paper!,Brain Teaser #1,People often assume that you must stay within the “box” created by the dots. Think outside the boxliterally.,Brain Teaser #1,Finally: Is it possible to do with 1 straight line with

4、out cutting the page?,Brain Teaser #2,Had you made any assumptions about what the definition of a “line” is? Every part of the problem/question can present a possible solution. Nothing is impossible. Consider every solution before deciding on the best solution.,Brain Teaser #2,http:/ http:/ http:/ o

5、f British Mensa, the High IQ Society, is open to anyone who can demonstrate an IQ in the top two per cent of the population, measured by a recognised or approved IQ testing process. http:/www.mensa.org.uk/,British Mensa,IQ意为智力商数,简称智商。 它是测量个体智力发展水平的一种指标。智商是人们认识客观事物并运用知识解决实际问题的能力。包括多个方面,如观察力、记忆力、想象力、分

6、析判断能力、思维能力、应变能力等。智力的高低通常用智力商数来表示,是用以标示智力发展水平。,将一般人的平均智商为100,而正常人的智商,大多在85到115之间。 最新的研究表明,智商不单是与遗传因素有关,还与生活环境有关。即智商的高低与遗传因素和生活环境有关。,福布斯怎样评价他的呢?,凸出的颧骨,扭曲的头发,淘气的露齿而笑,拥 有一副五英尺高,一百磅重的顽童模样, 这个长相怪异的人有拿破仑一样的身材,同 时也有拿破仑一样的伟大志向,他又是怎样评价自己的呢?,一个男人的才华跟他的智商是成反比的,2004CCTV中国经济年度人物”颁奖典礼上,一位“外星人”说:“一个男人的才华跟他的智商是成反比的!

7、”引得全场一片欢呼。正是这个自称丑陋的男 人,为中国中小企业创造了一个芝麻开门的神话,成为影响中国经济的人物。,他的智商究竟如何?,没有上过一流的大学,而且连小学、中学都是三四流的。 从小,马云功课就不好,数学考过1分。 初中考高中考了两次。数学31分。 高考考了三次,第一次高考数学21分。 1984年马云几番辛苦考入杭州师范大学外语系是专科分数,离本科差5分,但本科没招满人,马云幸运地上了本科。,高考失败,弱小的马云做起踩三轮车的工作。直到有一天在金华火车站捡到本书,路遥的人生,这本书改变了这个傻孩子:“我要上大学。” 永不言弃参加了三次高考,以及之后多次艰苦创业却又历经多次失败,而最终成为

8、一个受人尊敬的成功企业家。,他的电脑水平如何?,马云:我对电脑不懂的,到现在为止只会做两件事,收发电子邮件和浏览,在网上看VCD我也不会看的。,一位不懂IT的IT英雄,不懂网站的网络精英,创办出中国最大电子商务网站阿里巴巴,Scoring well on any IQ test is no guarantee of success in life.,E Q,Emotional Quotient, is how one measures Emotional Intelligence. Emotional Intelligence, or EI, describes an ability or c

9、apacity to perceive, assess, and manage the emotions of ones self, and of others.,EQ is Important to Leadership Development and Performance,Research tracking over 160 high performing individuals in a variety of industries and job levels revealed that emotional intelligence was two times more importa

10、nt in contributing to excellence than intellect and expertise alone.,Research suggests that a persons emotional intelligence (EQ) might be a greater predictor of success than his or her intellectual intelligence (IQ), despite an assumption that people with high IQs will naturally accomplish more in

11、life.,http:/ take a test http:/ http:/ http:/ positive mental attitude is one of the most important assets you can posses. Not only do positive thoughts help to dissolve your stress but they also have a positive impact on your physical health as well. The importance of this state of mind can not be

12、overlooked in how it affects our performance both socially and professionally. In fact your attitude is directly related to the degree of success you may experience in just about any endeavor.,A story about PMA,PMA,How to Have a Positive Mental Attitude 5 Ways To Develop A Positive Mental Attitude,T

13、ransposition Thinking 换位思考,情商:是测定和描述人的情绪、情感的一种量化指标,指一个人运用理智控制情感和操纵行为的能力。情商是一种洞察人生价值、揭示人生目标的悟性,是一种克服内心矛盾冲突、协调人际关系的技巧,是一种生活智慧。 也是我们平常所说的心理素质。,Emotional Quotient,A Q,Adversity Quotient (AQ) is a measure of how you respond to adversity (change and challenges).,AQ is the most scientifically robust and wi

14、dely used method in the world for measuring and strengthening human resilience.,Top leaders, industry-leading companies, and governments worldwide use AQ to enhance or transform: Performance Productivity Innovation Agility Change Pace Problem solving Optimism Engagement Morale Retention Energy Hirin

15、g Development Coaching People Leadership Culture,AQ in Organisations AQ is present in companies as the company culture. High AQ companies outperform low AQ ones The CEOs personality as one of the influencing factors on the companys AQ. Hire staff with high AQ.,There are three types of people: Quitter: abandons their aspirations because it is too difficult Camper: Grow weary of the hike and find a comfortable plateau on which to hi


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