人教版高中英语选修6第一单元 reading:a short history of western pa教学设计.doc

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1、人教版高中英语选修6第一单元 Reading:A Short History of Western Pa教学设计人教版高中英语选修6第一单元 Reading:A Short History of Western Pa教学设计发布者: 陈丽花A SHORT HISTORY OF WESTERN PAINTING一、教材依据人教版选修6 第一单元Reading:A Short History of Western Painting二、设计思想教材分析课文主要介绍了西方绘画简史,帮助学生了解更多有关美术的背景知识,分析中西方各大流派的特点,指出其代表性的画家的作品,并对中西方绘画艺术进行比较。1 W

2、arming up 部分要求学生运用相关目标语言对自己喜欢的艺术形式和流派展开讨论,并说明喜欢的原因。2 Pre-reading 让学生有关画展或书中的艺术作品以及西方不同时期的著名画家。3 Reading 介绍了西方绘画监视,不同的艺术流派,艺术特点及其代表性的画家和作品。4 Comprehending要求学生在理解课文的基础上,写出三件有关西方艺术史的事并西方艺术分割变化大的原因。学生分析:(1)学生在美术课,历史课及政治课上都有学过中西方艺术,并不陌生。(2)班上有一些美术生,对绘画有着较深的理解,比较容易在课堂上讨论。(3)已具有一定的合作、交流、探究能力。三、 教学目标(1)知识与技

3、能:Enable the students learn how to talk about the short history of Western painting.Help the students to talk about the short history of Western painting.(2)过程与方法:Skimming and Scanning; individual, pair or group work; discussion.(3)态度情感与价值观: Improve the sense of beauty. Love Chinese paintings. Love

4、China.四、 教学重点Enable the students to know the different styles of Western art.五、 教学难点Enable the students to talk about their opinions about different styles of Western art.六、 教学准备A computer and a projector, a recorder, and some famous paintings.七、 教学过程Step Warming Up1. Show some paintings to students

5、 to put forward the topic -paintings2. let students discuss some familiar Chinese painters and their paintings and a famous painting of Leonardo da vinci.3. Match some new words in column A with the correct English meanings in Column B.1.accurate2tate or fact of existing3being in thought buthaving a

6、 physical or practical existence4lifelike,true to life5classical,of old beliefs6sincere to believe in a god or godsA Bb. abstractc .existenced. detailede. religiousf .traditionalStep II : readingTask1. scanning :Read the passage as quickly as you can to find out the answers to the questions on the s

7、creen 1What were the artists interested in from 5th to 15th century AD? 2How did Masaccio paint his paintings? 3Why did the impressionists have to paint quickly?Task2. SkimmingLet the students read the passage again and get the main idea of it. Then complete the following chart on their own.And chec

8、k the answers with the whole class. Show the chart with blanks on the screen. A few minutes later, check the answers.Sample answers:Names of Ages Times Artists FeatureThe middle of ages 5th to 15th century AD Giotto di Bondone Religious, realisticThe renaissances 15th to 16th century Masaccio Perspe

9、ctive, realisticImpressionism Late 19th century to early 20th century Detailed, ridiculous Modern art 20th century to today Controversial, sial, abstract, realistic Task3 Explanation(1) Consequently, this text will describe only a few of the main styles.因此,本文仅介绍其中主要的几种风格。The bank refused to help the

10、 company; consequently, it went bankrupt.She overslept and, consequently, she was late.consequently adv. =as a result ,thereforeadj. consequentIt rained that day and_ the baseball game was called off.(however, still, consequently, so)A. As a result of her mothers illness, she left school.B. Her moth

11、er became ill; _ she left school.(2) During the Middle Ages, the main aim of the painters was to represent religious themes.中世纪,画家们的主要目的是表达宗教主题。aimtake aim at 瞄准Ex.1这些措施旨在削减政府的开支。These measures are _ _ government costs.2他没有瞄准就开枪。He fired _.3他的人生没有目标。He has_ _ in life。(3) People became focused more o

12、n humans and less on religion.人们变得多关心人,少关心宗教。Focus your attention on your work.focus on sth. focus sth on sth.focus on 集中精力,注意力 =concentrate onfocus on无宾语时,focus onEx.We must focus on this question.We must _ this question.他的目光集中在她身上。His eyes _ her.focus on聚焦于,使成为兴趣的焦点我要把镜头对准那儿的一群重要人物。所有的目光都集中到他的身上。(

13、4) They paid famous artists to paint pictures of themselves, their houses and other possessions.他们雇请著名艺术家来画他们,及他们的住宅和其他的财产。possession n.1私有财产 c2占有,拥有 usb in possession of 某人拥有某物sth in the possessionof 为某人拥有When her father died, she came into possession of a large fortune.The people had to gather up

14、their few possessions and escape to the hills.1那幢房子为我所有。The house is_2他已经失去全部财产。He has lost_.Step Homework1Underline the time expressions in the reading passage.2Retell the passage with the help of the chart about the text.3Disscussthe questions in Ex 3 on page 3.八、教学反思在轻松活跃的课堂气氛中学习,能提高学习的效率。直观教具的运用大大吸引了学生的注意力,提高了学生的兴趣,对英语望而生畏的C班学生也能对他们了解并且感兴趣的话题积极主动,成为了课堂的主人。由于unit1的教学内容是建立在学生有一定了解的基础上的,因此,在这一课时里,我把比较


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