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1、Unit 1 My names Gina.,Vocabulary,Ms. zero one two three four five six seven,eight nine telephone number=phone number in China first last middle school,女士 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7,8 9 电话号码 在中国 第一 最后一个 中学,Useful expressions,1.你叫什么名字?-Alan. 2.他叫什么名字?-Eric. 3.她叫什么名字?-Mary. 4.他是杰克吗?-肯定/否定回答。 5.你是海伦吗?-肯定/否定回答。 6.她

2、是Linda吗?-肯定/否定回答。 7.你的电话号码是多少?281-9176. 8.我的朋友在中国。,Review,1. 介绍自己和他人 Whats your name? My name is Gina./ Im Gina./Gina. Whats his/her name? His/Her name is . He/She is .,2. 问候他人 Hello!/Hi ! Good morning. Good afternoon. Good evening. Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you, too. How do you do? How are you

3、? Fine, thank you. And you?,Whats your phone number? Its /My phone number is ,Whats his/her phone number? Its /His/Her phone number is ,phone number = telephone number Telephone=Tel. Number=No.,Telephone numbers,My name is Alan Green.,His Chinese name is Zhang Mingming.,Last name=,Unit 1,Liu(Lau) De

4、hua,last name = family name(姓),first name =given name(名),What is his first name? What is his last name?,3. first name 名字 last name 姓氏 first name与given name同义, last name与 family name同义。 Her name is Mary Smith; her family name is Smith. 她的姓名是玛丽史密斯, 史密斯是她的姓。,Mr. White Mrs. Green Miss Black Ms. Brown,怀特

5、先生,格林夫人,布莱克小姐,布朗女士,Do you know them? 你认识他们吗?,Notes: Mr./Mrs./Miss/Ms. + last name For example: Her name is Cindy White. We call her Miss White. The old man is John Smith. We can call him Mr. Smith.,Useful expressions,120 114 119 10086 12315 17951,急救,电话号码查询,火警,中国移动,消费者投诉电话,国内长话业务,Writing-introduce yo

6、urself,Hi. I am My first name is My last name is My ID card number is My telephone number is My favorite color is This is me.,书写规则: 1)句子开头的一个字母必须要大写; 2)人名的开头一个字母必须大写; 3)句末要用上正确的标点符号; 4)英语的句号是小圆点而不是小圆圈; 5)单词与单词之间要间隔一个字母的距 离。,Exercises,Im Linda.(改为同义句) _ _ Linda. My name is Tony Brown.(对画线部分提问) _ _ na

7、me? She is Mary Smith.一(改为般疑问句) _ _ Mary Smith? Her telephone number is 565-4395.(对画线部分提问) _ _ her telephone number? Her name is Kate.(改为一般疑问句) _ _ _ Kate?,My,names,Whats,your,Is,she,What,is,Is,her,name,Unit 2 This is my sister.,动画词汇,sist br m f: prnt rn,m rn,f: rn,prnt fmili hu uz ei, i:z wel hv de

8、i,sister 姐,妹 brother 兄,弟 mother妈妈。母亲 father爸爸,父亲 parent父亲或母亲 grandmother祖母,外祖母 grandfather祖父,外祖父 grandparent祖父(母) family 家庭;家族; who 谁 those 那些 they 他们;它们;她们 these这些 well 好吧 have 经受;经历 day 一天,一日,变复数,1. this - 2. that - 3. book - 4. boy - 5. family- 6. am /is- 7. parent - 8. she - 9. brother -,these,t

9、hose,books,boys,families,are,parents,they,brothers,写一写,1. 你的妹妹_ 2. 我的父母亲_ 3. 那个女孩 _ 4. 这些男孩_ 5. 吉姆的祖父母_ 6. 这是我的姐姐。_ 7.那些是我的朋友。_,your sister,my parents,that girl,these boys,Jims grandparents,This is my sister.,Those are my friends.,Useful expressions,1.那些是你的父母吗?-肯定回答。 2.(表示祝愿)过得愉快! 3.这是我的朋友简。 4.那是我的爷

10、爷。 5.这些我的哥哥。 6.那些是我的父母。 7.她是谁?-她是我的妹妹。 8.他是谁?-他是我的哥哥。 9.他们是谁?-他们是我的爷爷奶奶。,Useful expressions,10.一张我的全家福 11.这儿有两张我家人的漂亮照片。 12.我的爷爷奶奶在第一张照片中。 13.在下一张照片中 14.Coco 也在我的家里。 15.Coco是我狗的名字。 16.堂表兄弟;堂表姐妹,1. 当第三者给双方做介绍时,通常用“this is +姓名”这个句型,在这种场合不说she is /he is ,David, this is my mother.大卫, 这是我妈妈。,2. 向别人介绍第三者,

11、并指远处的人时,应用thats., 意思为“那位是.”。 如: - Thats her brother. 那是她哥哥。,3. 当你向别人介绍两个或两个以上的人时,常说: These (Those) are. These (Those) are my sisters and brothers.,1.人称代词: 在英语中, 表示人称代词的有I(我), you(你), he(他), she(她), it(它), we(我们), you(你们), they(他们/她们/它们)。 我们已经学到的人称代词有: I, you, he, she, it; 如: I am Frank. You are Gina

12、. He is Bob. She is Alice. It is a pen.,Grammar,2. 物主代词: 在英语中, 物主代词分为形容词性物主代词和 名词性物主代词, 表示形容词性物主代词的有 my(我的), your(你的), his(他的), her(她), its(它), our(我们的), your(你们的), their(他们/ 她们/它们的)。 我们学到的物主代词有: my, your, his, her; 如: My name is Frank. Your name is Gina. His name is Bob. Her name is Helen.,Grammar,

13、The words that show ownership,I my (我的) mine me you your yours you he his (他的) his him she her (她的) hers her it its (它的) its it they their (他们的) theirs them we our ours us you your yours you,主格,宾格,Is Bob your cousin? Yes, he is.,对比,Is this/that his uncle? Yes, it is.,Are those your aunts? Yes, they

14、are.,Are Bob and Ken his uncles? Yes, they are.,Exercises,1.一只狗也在我的家庭里。 A dog is _ _ _,too. 2.这是戴夫的全家福。 Here is _ _ _ Daves family. 3.我的父母和祖父母在第一张照片上。 My parents and grandparents are _ _ _ photo. 4. She is my aunt.(改为复数句) _ _ _ _.,in my family,a photo of,in the first,They are my aunts,Exercises,This is Ginas sister.(改为复数句) _ _ Ginas _. Are those your f



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